I am writing this article to draw your attention to what I know to be the underlying, concealed threat to humanity. Looming from king Charles III's Terra Carta decree of total war, for depopulation, cloaked in a mask “for the greater good."
I will explain what a global private sector army on a warlike footing means for us.
To reveal our invisible enemy, the hidden hand, orchestrating a hidden war against humanity upon the global chessboard.
Once the mask is ripped off they are finished.
This is not false hope. I speak from the wisdom of experience. I will share with you.
The Invisible Enemy
Death to those not in the club

Our invisible enemy wages war through hidden wealth, hidden blackmail, hidden networks, and hidden mass manipulation, the terra-king and his spiderweb empire are the hidden hand. In the same way as the old Venetian oligarchy, it operates as a financial empire, with family foundations and other institutions dedicated to eliminating everything that stands in their way, especially nation-states.
The UN was always a British idea, and modern globalism came from Victorian England. Victoria's reign, which lasted for 63 years, was followed by a long period of British global dominance, both physically and financially. Charles III, Victoria's great-great-great-grandson, is now poised to re-conquer the world. Through a total war on humanity. To own everything.
The myth of the British Empire vanishing by the end of World War II, has been carefully crafted. A lie which has spread like a virus. All aspects of our lives are infiltrated by their lies.
I will explain how they get away with their crimes today, but this intergenerational criminal hidden hand has used the same methods for hundreds of years. The only difference today is that they have added new scapegoat victims.
#1 New York Times bestselling author Richard Poe exposes the scapegoating crimes of the past. Which continue to today. In his new book How the British Invented Communism (And Blamed It on the Jews).

Aristocratic British landowners were behind both communism and Nazism. In fact, fascism, communism, Nazism, and environmentalism are fuelled by the ideology of supremacy. This drives the depopulation agenda and provides the ideological justification for mass murder, democide campaigns, and genocide.1

The terra-king’s Total War
During a total war, all civilian-associated resources and infrastructure are legitimate military targets, all of society's resources are mobilised for war, and warfare takes precedence over non-combatant needs.
According to experts, total war consists of five elements:
Total purpose: The terra-king began working on a total war (for depopulation) in the 1970s. But this total war campaign against humanity has been ongoing since the end of WW2. For more than 70 years. See Operation Gladio.
Total methods: The same methods are used around the world.
Total mobilisation: The terra-king called for total mobilisation of all industries, led by the global private sector. Our enemy has infiltrated and controls society's public, educational, cultural, political, labour and social institutions which they've used as weapons against us.
Total control: All activities are coordinated centrally by the British spiderweb empire, which includes: education and culture, media/propaganda, economics, and politics.
Total change: They are using pseudoscience, pseudoarchaeology, and pseudohistory as weapons of misinformation. To seek a change in social attitude, cultural norms, and political structures. As well as a total global “economic transition.”
A Total War, Blitzkrieg
An open letter addressed to world leaders demands that the terra-king's agenda must be implemented through total war, writes a "former" British intelligence officer working for the United Nations.

In a total war blitz-extravaganza, the global big lie media industrial complex spreads the terra-king's propaganda.
The Sydney Morning Herald, demands total war against humanity for the terra-king’s climate change con. Sighting that the only solution is:
“transformative change – fundamental, system-wide reorganisation – at every level from local to global.”

They then compare the terra-king's agenda to the battle against the Nazis and fascists during World War II, treating us with contempt:
“At the national level, we need to mobilise our resources on the scale of the total war footing of World War II … Did we ask whether we could afford to fight the Nazis and Japan, or did we get on with it?”

In using the Nazi card, they want to distract us from the fact that the terra-king's agenda is a complete rebirth of Nazi policies, strategy of war, and laws.
The arrogance of this is staggering.
I looked further into both the Australian Financial Review and the Sydney Morning Herald publications to find 14 articles on climate change and total war. Most of them making the sickening comparison between it and WW2 (See AFR search results here and SMH here).
Clearly, they are enemy combatants not journalists.
Speaking of Nazis, NATO and the EU are also waging a total war against us:

NATO, after WW2 was a refuge for Nazi war criminals. 2
A Spooks War
Blackmail is the weapon of choice
In a world controlled by the British spiderweb empire, it is not surprising that MI6 chief identified the terra-king's climate change agenda as the UK's most critical international foreign policy challenge. MI6 has been under Charles III's patronage since 2011.

In this total global war America is accused of leading the world yet 4 out of the 5 eyes intelligence agencies are controlled by the British Commonwealth. British intelligence established the CIA.
The British hate Americans. They loathe them. They want to destroy America most of all. The US Constitution enshrines the inalienable rights of every individual, making America a threat to their depopulation plan.
Richard Poe: "British MI6 is really the best in the world. ... It's the relative power of the intelligence agencies [that determines which country dominates]... What the intelligence services do is they control people. And, if you control people, you control everything."3
By controlling people, you can control everything. They control people by using a Nazi blackmail drug called Devil's Breath/Scopolamine/Duboisia.
In WW2, Nazi war criminal Fritz Fischer conducted inhumane often deadly experiments on prisoners, the young, the sick, and the elderly. He used Scopolamine on his victims. Fisher was convicted of crimes against humanity in Nuremberg.
German pharmaceutical giant Boehringer helped Fischer escape a life sentence of imprisonment. To establish the Australian Devil's Breath crop. Today Australia is the world's largest supplier.
Devil's Breath (Scopolamine), is the world's deadliest drug. Used for human and child trafficking (whoever controls this drug controls human trafficking worldwide).
Victims call Scopolamine a chemical hypnosis.
The Devil's Breath drug is perfect for intelligence crooks since it makes their victims forget everything. It can be blown directly into someone's face, and within minutes they are under its full effects. It is odourless and tasteless.
With this drug available in Australia and distributed around the world, it is easy to see how they can administer it to place our leaders in compromising positions with children. To force them to carry out the depopulation agenda.4
Global Private Sector "military style" Enforcement
A declaration of total war on humanity was made by Charles III in November 2021:
“Here we need a vast military-style campaign to marshal the strength of the global private sector. With trillions at its disposal, far beyond global GDP and with the greatest respect beyond even the governments of the world’s leaders, it offers the only real prospect of achieving fundamental economic transition.”
The lack of analysis surrounding this total war announcement shows the power and influence of the genocide king.
The big lie media never asked Charles to define what he meant by a "fundamental economic transition." Which is clearly a form of centrally planned dictatorial global governance. They must control everything to depopulate the earth.
How much additional money will be drained from the public purse for this war waged against humanity.
Are all our funds to be transferred in tax havens to king Charles's crony corporate climate spider web empire, and to what extent will he profit from our demise.
No one in the big lie media asks him how "military style" force would be deployed by the “global private sector.”
It does not make sense, until you understand in this context he is referring to the global private “army” sector. 1000s of mercenaries, with a, “licence to kill.”
When Charles III described the process of mobilising forces on a warlike footing, he referring to corporate private mercenary armies.
In the Iraq war there were at least one contractor for every American soldier. In Iraq and 70 percent in Afghanistan made up contractors at the height of these wars. By comparison, only 10 percent was contracted during World War II.
It is imperative that they remove all barriers to the depopulation agenda, specifically nation states and their armies. Those who took an oath to defend the people.
Since the Cold War ended, our armed forces have been defunded by our compromised Western governments. Private armies receive enormous public funding. Despite holding no regard for civilians, they have no allegiance to anyone or anything. This is a huge threat.
“Terra Carta for Nature, People, Planet”

Terraism: using Nature against the People to take the Planet.
They create the problems for their pre-planned solutions.
To depopulate they focus on 3 areas:
1. The Environment;
2. Health;
3. Animals and Indigenous Peoples.
1. Environmental: Protection against the Population Bomb
From: Ayran superiority to animals and the environment
Humans are framed as viruses that need to be eradicated to protect the environment. To achieve it have resurrected the worse mass-murderers policies objectives psychopathic genocidal maniacs.5
After WW2, the spiderweb empire moved away from public declarations of Ayran superiority and eugenics. To “Conservation”, using animals and nature as the next means of depopulation.
2. Health: for the Greater Good
A Kill Box over Humanity

The Covid kill box plandemic was a "military-style" slaughter campaign.
Operation COVID Shield was a "military-style" campaign to kill Australians. Coordinated by a military “leader” Lieutenant General John Frewen.
The media reported that their strategy outlines the need to accelerate the nation’s vaccine rollout through harnessing “unprecedented” collaboration across governments and industry.
Lieutenant General Frewen said the plans shows the nation can “mathematically” reach its goal of fully vaccinating 80 per cent of its adult population …. but it will require Australians coming forward with “urgency”.

As China then America was blamed for the Covid plandemic. It appears to have been a British project that the Brits conned the US into funding.

3. Animals and indigenous peoples
A three part modus operandi:
Using animals and indigenous peoples as scapegoats;
While slaughtering or/and sabotaging them;
Using the destruction they have caused as an excuse for everyday people to be conned into giving up their inalienable rights/country.
The WWF 1001 Club was established by Charles III's father, Prince Philip, and Nazi SS leader Prince Bernhard as a front to launch this total war against humanity.
1001 crime families joined the club, including the Nazi SS's most notorious mass murderers (who were never held accountable for their crimes against humanity); the global supremacy royal establishment,; environmental vandals, terrorist funders, crooked bankers, and some of the world's worst drug dealers.6
It was his father Prince Phillip who taught Charles III how to commit mass genocide and get away with it. The king's warfare strategy of using native animals and people as scapegoats was drawn from Phillip's WWF not-for-profit warfare strategy.
Operating in 100 countries it is used to remove indigenous groups from their land.
The WWF serves as a frontline for terrorism. Warfare.
WWF mercenaries, “former” SAS, will use the classic Operation Gladio "strategy of tension" in order to slaughter protected wildlife. They will then blame native populations for this tragedy.
As exposed in Operation Locke, through the WWF, former Nazi Prince Bernhard funded the private army in Africa,. Sir David Stirling founder of British SAS and ran the private army which slaughtered natives for the WWF.
A great deal of effort invested in launching a surprise attack against unsuspecting, innocent natives. They have no chance of defending themselves against vicious lies. They are the most impoverished in the world. With no allies or defences.
They are victims of what can appropriately be described as a Blitzkrieg attack.
An attack utilising the combined arms of all "sectors" of western society, the big lie media, and weaponised NGOs all acting in lockstep. Seeing the deployment of overwhelming, rapid, concentrated bombardments of explosive propaganda.
As the device to change public opinion is to legitimise the removal of "animal-killing" natives from the land. The natives have no chance. The lucky ones are removed. They collect the finest native 'specimens' as show ponies. In human zoos in eco-tourism wildlife hunting prisons performing like circus animals for their new masters, the world's ruling class supremacy cult, the “global private sector” genocide industrial complex, compromised world leaders, and crooked CEOs.
The unlucky ones are killed. Millions of innocent people have been slaughtered. To depopulate the planet, this is an example of the tactics being used in the total war being waged against the human race.
Essentially, these WWF operations are about removing humans from the land. Putting us into a slaughter zone for human hunting.
The approach has been tested in developing countries for global application.
Aboriginal Australia as the scapegoat device
Before becoming a whistleblower, I was an acclaimed prosecutor, helping to secure some of the highest sentences of imprisonment in Australian history. I was a senior defence lawyer in one of the most remote parts of Australia. PM advisor; A victim advocate for 25 years; I uncovered a plot to use indigenous rights as a device to strip the world of assets.
I spoke to the full UN Human Rights Council. I was one of three speakers at this historic session on violence against indigenous women and children.
I provided independent advice to Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull.
A child trafficking and drug supply network was revealed to me by elders. This resulted in child suicides caused by an untouchable government-funded crook. Aboriginal communities were prevented from reporting crimes locally.
I was asked to address their concerns in Canberra. As soon as I asked the government, speak to the Australian Crime Commission and the Australian Federal Police,7 the government and the big lie media set me up. They tried, but failed to discredit me.8
Australia wide, destructive patterns were identified through extensive research, including interviews with elders. I have been on a very long journey seeking answers to the dysfunction I witnessed in an Aboriginal community where I lived. Deteriorated from a happy community to being described in the press, as a war zone. All part of Aboriginal Australia's managed decline. For their pre-planned solutions. I knew then that there was something terribly wrong in this country.9
With this lived experience and research into Aboriginal Native Title I uncovered the plot. Foreign interests and insider traitors had compromised our leaders and institutions into using indigenous rights as a device to asset-strip not only Australia, the world.10

I had a torrent of combatants attacking me. This made me aware there was something they desperately wanted hidden. I was determined to get to the bottom of it.
Rio Tinto Juukan Hoax

The Royal family is the biggest non-institutional shareholder of the [Anglo-Australian mining company] Rio Tinto.
Muriel Demarcus wife of the former Rio Tinto CEO told me how they were threatened with beheading to keep their mouths shut over the Rio Tinto false flag. She is an Australian citizen.
The British spider web includes a tightly run propaganda machine. Newspapers, book publishers, and specialty journals in the legal, economic and scientific fields are all part of this vast conglomerate.
We are in global total war. They have taken over our public square.
Juukan lies were spread via their vast intelligence and media apparatus even in the face of overwhelming evidence of the hoax.
A false flag was performed in the Australian Parliament used to bring in the UN Heritage Act to destroy the agricultural industry and our economy for the terra-king’s depopulation agenda. Deliberately designed to lead to the mass murder of everyday Australians. To shut down Australia and then the world.11
I have opened my eyes to the lies and from this have been able to work with others to stop malicious plots including the Juukan hoax.
To avoid detection, these centrally controlled mass murdering crooks operate in plain sight. They do not provide instructions by phone or email. They communicate using code on public platforms. Thus far they have gotten away with it.
In their hubris, they have become overconfident and said too much.
There are too many clues.

There is too much evidence.
Once you see it, you can't unsee it.
We can each be a weapon of truth, speak and share it.
There is nothing I want more than to fill your hearts with hope. Because when the plot is exposed, it is over.
I am proud to fight for you.
I came to the shocking discovery that this global total war threatens humanity's survival.
To get here today I have risked all.
I still feel blessed to hold enough hope in my heart to continue to fight for humanity.
Rip off the Mask
Crime of the Century
Popes have been shot at, poisoned for threatening to expose Gladio Operations within the infiltrated Vatican Bank. Australia’s highest ranking Catholic Cardinal Pell was targeted with malicious disproven child sexual assault charges after threatening to expose the Gladio money laundering crimes at the Vatican Bank. Acquitted in a unanimous decision all seven High Court judges. As a freeman he insisted on having a bodyguard in his hospital theatre room. Which was denied and Cardinal Pell died in routine surgery. What a sad situation for Australia and the word.
What remains hidden is the laundering of criminal proceeds of crime globally through the British controlled tax havens. The same figurehead behind and hiding his wealth in tax havens is none other than the supreme Governor and head of the Church of England, a position which is vested in the British king.
As they are determined to destroy middle-class civilization today.
See footnote 1, for more information on Operation Gladio.
Charles III has made it clear in his Terra Carta Royal Decree that nature comes before people. This plan is a threat to all living things. A con of immense magnitude where we agree to our own destruction.
Terra Carta's main focus stems from mass murdering regimes including:
The Climate Change Fiction: It sold 1 million copies. There was a plan to use a climate doomsday fiction created by Austrian Nazi Guenther Schwab to create the global warming myth in the 1960s. In the 1980s, Schwab's not-for-profit founded the Green party political movement. The organization turned his climate doomsday fiction into a pseudoscience political ruse to depopulate the planet in the form of pseudoscience.
The Environment: In 1935, the Nazis passed the totalitarian Reich Nature Protection Act which opened the door to ecological regulation over private property.
Public-private partnership tyranny (PPP): They’ve merged state and corporate power through corporatism Public-private partnership (PPP) leveraging major international corporate alliances and non-profit organisations working with the United Nations and our compromised government to undermine nation state. PPP was introduced by the European Royals in the 70s, led by king Charles III, inspired by Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini.
Sustainable development: Used as the basis of the 3rd Reich’s war strategy.
During the Nazi era, sustainable development was created. This led to the development of spatial planning. After the end of the war, Nazi spatial planning had destroyed massive quantities of records. After the war, Nazi spatial planners played a critical role in the development of EU policies related to sustainable development. Also, Nazi planners formed the 'Academy for Area Research and Regional Planning' and the 'Institute for Spatial Planning' in 1951.
In 1951, high ranking eminent green Nazi planner Walter Christaller joined the Communist Party. Christaller's Central Place Theory is sometimes called a model for sustainable development, or the so-called Green Economy. The UN 15-minute cities are based on Christaller's Central Place Theory.
In the immediate post-war period, social engineering based on Aryan biology was replaced with a milder form of socialism, but its ties to environmentalism and sustainable development have continued unabated, grown exponentially in recent years to see sustainable development ingrained across everything to do with the environment and business as well as govern how we live.
Nazis were the first to introduce sustainable forestry practices and developed what is today known as sustainable development.
This same Nazi sustainable forestry practices and UN biodiversity policy have been put into our laws at all levels of government, worldwide from the 1990s. In the absence of any consultation with the people.
Sustainable development/biodiversity laws have locked down our land, so we cannot stop domestic Tourism. In this total global war fire torrents are intentionally set off by insider enemy combatants. This is how they generate fire torrents in lockstep. They are synchronising global destruction. To justify their pre-planned solutions. These laws make it almost impossible to protect the land and animals. It has made it near impossible to clear land to save the wildlife by creating animal corridors. An escape route from raging fires. UN biodiversity laws have made slow burns and hazard reduction near impossible. Slow burn allows animals escape the fire and prevents UN fire torrents.
While claiming Biodiversity is there to stop extinction. Instead, it creates it. They have from the synchronisation of global Sustainable development/biodiversity laws to create fire torrents burning everything in sight. Seeing native animals and plant species becoming extinct at record levels. They created the problem, poorly managed land, a UN fire torrent waiting to happen. As part of this global war against humanity.
Although the WWF 1001 members remains hidden, a handful names have been leaked. Criminal cons WWF 1001 members, include:
Dictator Mobutu Seko Seko;
Arms genocide dealer Adnan Khashoggi;
Agha Hasan Abedi, the founder of the Terraism Bank of Credit and Commerce International. a bank used by drug traffickers working with intelligence agencies to launder funds. Then funnel money to mujahideen Terra fighters in Afghanistan and the rise of intelligence created Osama bin Laden.
Sheikh Salim Bin Laden the older brother of terraist Osama bin Laden;
Far right dictator Franco’s Minister of Information, Manuel Fraga-Iribarne;
Rainforest destroying crook billionaire Daniel K. Ludwig;
the thieving, drug trafficking, genocide arms dealer Robert Vesco;
The Swiss thief Tibor Rosenbaum.
Sitting along side these cons, are members of the British spiderweb supremacy cult empire, the crooked “global private sector” and the compromised useless idiot representatives:
Henry Ford;
Anheuser-Busch’s August A. Busch;
IBM’s Tom Watson;
Stephen Bechtel of the Bechtel Corporation;
Harry Oppenheimer of South African-British mining giant Anglo American Corporation;
Billionaire Karim Aga Khan;
Chase Manhattan Bank’s David Rockefeller;
Charles III’s father Prince Philip, and WWF president
Duke of Edinburgh and WWF president;
British Petroleum General Director Sir Eric Drake;
Shell CEO and WWF president John H. Loudon;
Phillip Morris CEO Joseph Cullman III;
Former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara.
See correspondence seeking a meeting with both the Australian Crime Commission and the Australian Federal Police here
Read more here:
There is a reason why you are in a league of your own Josephine (in my opinion at least).
This is a good demonstration of that.
As usual whenever you release a new article, I need to go mull it over for a few days...or weeks!
Thanks for your enlightening article.
I am a child of the 60's from a working class background. I left school at 16 to work in the bank.
My parents fiercely defended the union movement and instilled in us, love of fellow man and what they believed the Labor government represented.
Leading up to CoVid I started questioning the over emphasis on looking after minority groups and the handout mentally, including allowing so many refugees to flood our shores.
I was torn, yet my gut told me something was just not right.
Off course now, I'm aware of the Left v right game that thrives on division to create unrest rather than a cohesive community.
Climate change, Native rights , false flags, fake pandemics are used to control the populace or prodive feel good medicine to the unenlightened; whilst those who pull the strings sit back and enjoy the circus, rubbing their hands together at every easy win.
I'm not sure, how when or even if the large majority of everyday citizens will ever accept that they are pawns in a far bigger plan.
I trust God knows and will expose their wicked plans. In the meantime I try to learn and share these insights from yourself and others, like Peter Duke. God Bless you and keep you safe.