As you know, we are all under attack and it’s calculated.
They use scapegoats, lie, use distractions so we fight each other and not the cause of our discontentment.
People's true character is revealed in troubled times.
The world is a better place with brave Richard Poe in it. Not only is he UN-pretentious. He's staunch and methodical. He UN-veils the lies. This is the best lecture: it's UN-deniable the British ruling class invented Communism and blamed the Jews:
Poe’s latest book UN-ravels 250 years of coloured revolutions. As being part of the New Order/New Atlantis/British roundtable movement.
This is where they scapegoated the Jews.
Not many have come to terms with the fact Australia has just been through a global operation to use indigenous as the scapegoat device to end homeownership. To put us in UN ghetto Archipelago smart cities using UN designed Native title which will cover 80% of Australia by 2030. A title which no Australian can own. Happening in Australia and then the rest of the world.
They planned to stop all development in our country using the Juukan Hoax. I have written about this extensively. The UNi-party useful idiots all know. I sent them a letter and they are all criminally liable.
With brave Richard Poe’s help we foiled the plot.
Those who scapegoated Jews sought to do the same to indigenous worldwide
The fact that the first head of Aboriginal affairs brought central banking to Australia says it all, really.
There is a ruling class supremacist cult troupe behind this agenda,
A leading member was Montagu Norman. He funded the Nazis. But for his support to the far right the genocide of WW2 would not have happened.
Norman was the governor of the Bank of England for 21 years. He created an international freemason group of central bankers to implement the supremacist cult’s agenda worldwide.
Montagu Norman’s supremacist cult recruited Nugget Coombs at the London School of Economics. Where Coombs earned his doctorate in central banking in 1933.
In Coombs' autobiography, he writes: "Those who practice [central banking] often feel themselves to be members of an international freemasonry, a kind of 'mystery' in the medieval sense of a group who possess some exclusive knowledge or skill, and indeed there has always been an element of mystery in the contemporary sense of the word about what central bankers do."
When central banking came into Australia in 1960 Coombs became the head of it. Until 1968, he left his position to become the head of Aboriginal affairs. What a strange career move, until we come to terms with their hidden scapegoat agenda.
As Coombs' entire career in Australia has focused on serving his London-based supremacist cult. This is why he was put in charge of Aboriginal affairs to ensure they could use us as the scapegoat for their New Order utopia.
As the first head of Aboriginal affairs, Nugget Coombs immediately started a Royal Commission into Native title. They used Kenya Africa as a test ground to introduce their communal native title.
By 2030, 80% of Australia's land will be occupied by phoney communal native title. This is land the no everyday Australian can own. Native title land used to homeownership. They plan to retained control of the native title land for asset stripping. As seen in Africa today.
This is my story of UN-covering the plot:
At a very young age, I knew there was something very evil about Aboriginal affairs in this country.
Aboriginal Australia is a small and interrelated group. Our culture is all about interconnection. This is how we make sense of the world. Our place.
This is the hidden truth about our culture. They’ve lied about it.
I grew up hearing about who was related to who. As if it was being read out of the Genealogies of Genesis. It was reinforced.
How you treat others spreads like wildfire across Aboriginal Australia. It defines whether you have trust and respect. This is true leadership.
This is were their plot failed. They underestimated us. Cause we are considered subhuman on their phoney scale of human worth.
Their hand selected phoney judas goat leaders and fake claimers have no credibility in Aboriginal Australia. We have UN-veiled it to our people, the Australian people.
I had been servant-like in helping out from my early teens. Later on as a lawyer I would take calls night and day to help people with their problems. I worked on weekends. Because I believed in them. I knew something was sabotaging Aboriginal Australians, it did not make sense. They trusted me.
Even Though it has been tough I have not let them down. I stuck to my word. This is what counts. These are the values which bind humanity.
We must hold on to this. They can only destroy us if we let them.
I left a small Aboriginal community on the coast. On the boarder of NSW/Victoria, Australia. A once majestic place. On the shores of a reflective lake, sometime sparkling like a mirror.
I use to sit out on it in a small wooden boat. Built by the hands of hopeful people.
Under the bridge to the shallowest corner. A hand lines sprung out with a whoosh. Followed by a plonk of a small sinker. Landing on the soft white salty sand.
The air spun around us. It whistled past our ears. You could almost taste the salt. It smelt thick as if it was mixed with sweetened seaweed.
It all went quiet. We were brought up knowing when hunting/fishing you need to keep your mouth shut.
As our contemplation was abruptly interrupted. With a short struggle. Rocking side to side in knee deep cold lake waters. Before we snagged our lunch sized shimmering silver brim.
A lake full of fish, laughter and love. Before we were sabotaged.
They create the problems for their pre-planned solutions.
Our lake home became a war zone in the 1990s as guns were fired and homes were firebombed. In preparation for this agenda. Which was to destroy us.
To steal our voice to rob Australia.

Dividing and demoralising us. To stop us from being able to fight back against the supremacist cult. Using us as scapegoats.
I left this Aboriginal community with my infant son. To study law and journalism. My sole motivation for working for 5 years straight. Studying and having no holidays or breaks was to get to the bottom of why Aboriginal Australia was being sabotaged.
I became a lawyer. Before becoming an insider whistleblower.
I advised the highest levels of the Australian public and private sectors. Asked to speak at the UN on violence in Aboriginal communities in a historic session of the full human rights council. I won the alumni award for law. I helped get some of the highest sentences in our history. I was invited to the most prestigious board positions.
I had contracts as an advisor worth millions of dollars coming through. I worked hard for it. I took some of Australia's top executives and richest people on a field trip to Aboriginal Australia.
At one gathering, the top Northern Territory police cornered me and begged me to lobby to get more resources. They said underfunding put everyone at risk. I knew they told the truth.
In the community I lived. the police refused to attend. As a direct consequence it spiralled out of control. It still hurts the community today. At the time I had a relation working at the Commonwealth Ombudsman who could not influence the powers that be. I knew these cops cared.
It reminded me of my promise.
This is why I spent half of my time working on models to lift Aboriginal Australia out of poverty. I secured the top 3 law firms in Australia to build a model.
In retrospect it was pointless. It was not going to work. They would have not allowed it.
They needed the Aboriginal scapegoats as a device to take the land.
Again, 80% of Australia will be under UN communal Native Title. Land which no Australian can own. Which is the device to end homeownership for all Australians.
Elders, some of whom knew me as a child pleaded with me to investigate why things did not make sense. Why were they being sabotaged. I gave my word before I left Wallaga Lake to do this. I was determined.
So all the threats they would destroy me. All the attempts to bribe me. Didn’t work. I don’t care. People are worth more than money. They will only be happy when they own everything.
Apart from the black fellas here, Richard Poe was the first to believe me about the plot to end private property using indigenous people as a scapegoat device worldwide.
The British agent Soros actors attacked me for UN-veiling it. It turns out they had been trying to manage me for a long time.
In the midst of an awful attack for telling the truth. I searched and searched. I looked for authors with credibility, who referenced facts to explain what was going on. That's when I found Richard Poe’s book called The Shadow Party about George Soros.1
I messaged Richard Poe and he responded. He believed me.
At the time, it felt as if people were going to die. When they went to such great lengths to destroy my credibility for telling the truth. I knew they were planning something malign.
To shut me up, they targeted my family and my concerns/perceived weaknesses. They intended to destroy me.
To fight them I have had to let go of almost everything.
I have gone through so much in my life already. I was not going to let anything destroy me.
I was very sad. I felt resentful. I wondered why me.
There was a time in my life when I went through unimaginable pain. I never told anyone about it, it stays in the past. You can't carry hurt and live a full life at the same time.
As I watched them, I knew if I allowed them to stop me. We would all be doomed.
This type of thing could spiral into a civil war, which is exactly what they wanted.
Nobody else with Aboriginal heritage would speak up. If I gave in.
In fact, it would send them a message. Don't talk. No one cares.
Having defeated the Uluru Con Voice/Juukan Hoax we were disappointed that the plot hadn't been UN-veiled.
The only way to overcome this was to let go of expectations and promises of support from others. Their goal was to demoralise us and waste our time.
I had to let go. If I carried the unfairness, I would have become their slave. I refuse to be controlled by them.
I had to learn to live each day as it comes. And be grateful I am still alive.
There is no doubt in my mind that they would hurt me if they could.
The crooks have no chance. I'm smarter. I know how they operate.
My car has been deliberately sabotaged and destroyed twice. Lawns and trees have been poisoned. And much worse.
Due to my love for humanity, I will not succumb.
Regardless of what happens, I did what I could. I sleep well at night.
Fear is malign, I realised. Like jealousy, it's negative. When we are grateful for the things they cannot take away from us, they cannot control us.
The world cannot stop us. I have learned so much. I would like to write my own book. To help future generations if not ours.
But first we must fight together not each other. To come together with One Voice to expose the traitors.
I appreciate you taking the time to read this.
It helps me write it out. It makes me feel less alone.
As we sit on the edge of liberation, whatever happens always hold hope in your hearts, compassion and love for your countrymen.
Co-written by David Horowitz.
Thank you Josephine, especially for sharing more of your personal story. Your courage is inspiring xxx
Josephine, I have so much respect for you and am so grateful to you for opening my eyes to what is happening to our world. It is hard to comprehend the depth of the evil that has been at work in the world. The lies, the fake history, the suffering and horror that has been inflicted on humanity. You have been a voice crying in the wilderness but your voice has been heard! People are waking up and rising up against this evil. We are in the fight of our lives. And I'm so thankful we have a fearless warrior like you to show us how its done.