There is a reason why you are in a league of your own Josephine (in my opinion at least).

This is a good demonstration of that.

As usual whenever you release a new article, I need to go mull it over for a few days...or weeks!

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I will second your opinion. She is a Warrior.

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Thanks for your enlightening article.

I am a child of the 60's from a working class background. I left school at 16 to work in the bank.

My parents fiercely defended the union movement and instilled in us, love of fellow man and what they believed the Labor government represented.

Leading up to CoVid I started questioning the over emphasis on looking after minority groups and the handout mentally, including allowing so many refugees to flood our shores.

I was torn, yet my gut told me something was just not right.

Off course now, I'm aware of the Left v right game that thrives on division to create unrest rather than a cohesive community.

Climate change, Native rights , false flags, fake pandemics are used to control the populace or prodive feel good medicine to the unenlightened; whilst those who pull the strings sit back and enjoy the circus, rubbing their hands together at every easy win.

I'm not sure, how when or even if the large majority of everyday citizens will ever accept that they are pawns in a far bigger plan.

I trust God knows and will expose their wicked plans. In the meantime I try to learn and share these insights from yourself and others, like Peter Duke. God Bless you and keep you safe.

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Very thorough analysis.

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Stunning. The subversion and duplicity is a cancer on humanity. Will share this as it it is SO important. God Bless You.

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Outstandingly outstanding, the whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help me God.

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The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. (J. Edgar Hoover)

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Says it all doesn’t from the man who controlled the alphabet agencies for 48 years.

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Partially posted/cross linked at Terra Carta: Licence to Kill - https://freedomaustralia.freeforums.net/thread/5990/terra-carta-licence

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Sep 1Edited

This will be an interesting watch on the climate scam: The Climate According to AI Al Gore at climatealgore.com as always an interesting read with so many connections

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a 🤡

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Great work! 😊 The now King, then Prince, Charles co-founded the World Economic Forum and it's manifesto with Klaus Schwab. The WEF was officially inducted into the UN in 1973. These are the minds behind Agenda 21.

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Chuck Chuck! Read "Prince Charles, the Sustainable Prince," by Joan Veon. What a miserable WEF puke!

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