All Fascist Regimes have Centralised Government
Stage 1: Take away the power of the States- 1967 Referendum Constitutional change Stage 2: Take our land UN Native Title- 2023 Referendum Voice Constitutional change
Today, the Australian Labor Party claimed: "The 1967 Referendum signaled a shift in the way Australian governments approached Indigenous issues."
This is doublethink/newspeak, the 1967 Referendum, was Stage 1, to centralise power, towards global governance.
"… [T]he hypocrite is really rotten to the core.” - Hannah Arendt
Stages to Centralised Global Governance:
Take away the States power: 1967 Referendum Constitutional change.
Take our land: 2023 The Voice, Referendum Constitutional change and UN Native Title.
Take our Country: UN Treaty/Truth and WEF Smart card.
At the time, I was working as an independent, senior expert advisor to Prime Minister Tony Abbott, in Aboriginal Affairs. I uncovered the real reason behind the 1967 referendum; the centralisation of power; taking away States power; removing safeguards in the Australian Constitution; to introduce, communal "indigenous/globalist" native title; across the whole of Australia; for the WEF/UN agenda of "you'll own nothing and be happy."
Nazi-Soviet pact support behind the 67 Referendum
We have been betrayed. The 1967 Referendum was not about the betterment of Aboriginal Australians. In fact, things have gotten far worse since 1967. This is a European Oligarchy agenda for control over all Australians.
Red Jessie Street behind the 1967 Referendum:
Visited the Soviet Union on 10 occasions between 1938-65.
In 1938 she visited Ukraine; praising Stalin’s rule; the forced famine; leading to the deaths of millions.
She barracked for the Nazi-Soviet pact. This means that between August 1939 and June 1941, Street wanted Nazi Germany to win the war.
In 1953, Street attended Stalin's funeral in Moscow as a special guest.
Imperial Actors
Imperial actor Red Jessie Street1 with her communist colleagues organised the 1967 referendum for the United Nations agenda.2

I was not shocked to find Street's intercepted correspondence prior to her Nazi German tour, ending in “Heil Hitler.”3
"Same horse different Jockey"
Now we are up to Voice/Treaty/Truth the final stage, for the implementation of total global governance.
It is not a surprise that Opposition leader, Peter Dutton supports the Voice agenda. What shocked me the most, was that although I was working in the Conservative government, their agenda is exactly the same; but they are playing the other side. The end result is that we lose our country.
Communal Land for Global Governance
I was mistaken. After the 1967 Referendum, the Liberal/National Fraser Government's Northern Territory Land Rights Act 1976,4 brought in communal land rights; denying Australians living in Aboriginal communities, in the Northern Territory: private property rights; locking down land. Stopping development; job creation; independence; and prosperity.
To apply this communal land title across all of Australia; to centralise their power; towards global governance; for their fascist New Order; the Liberal/National opposition, in 1993 passed Prime Minister Keating's United Nations Native Title bill into law through the Commonwealth Parliament.5
The UN views indigenous rights as collective, laying the basis for an end to Australian homeownership. The UNs Agenda is for 80% of Australia, to be given over for centralised global governance, by 2030 through UN Native Title.
Native Title carves up Australia into "First Nations” controlled by UN actors; to make agreements with corporate cartels, to steal our resources. To bring in centralised UN global governance.
History Repeats
This is happening in the United States, New Zealand and Canada. As it is a plan to centralise the power of Nation States, with corporations to create one global government; with one global gatekeeper.
The New Order (German: Neuordnung) was the political term used in World War II by the Axis Powers: Nazi Germany, the Kingdom of Italy, and the Empire of Japan; by fascist leaders Hitler, Mussolini, Pétain, and Hirohito.
The New Order was a plan to impose fascist political and economic organisation, on the geographic areas they conquered; centralising it; under a global New Order.
Does that not remind you of what we are facing today, when “political leaders” discuss the need for a new order or a liberal world order?
Whatever the case, today, those who fight the fascist centralisation of power are accused of being Nazi Nationalists. This is not by accident.
They are using a psychological defence device:
To accuse others of what they are doing.
To avoid detection.
To conceal their plans.
This is otherwise known as projection.
Be emotionally disciplined. See the name-calling for what it is. Ignore their psychological verbal abuse.
Expose the Traitors.
All humans suffer - shackled
Every Australian should be free by nature and equal in their inherent and inalienable rights. I realise 1967, is actually all a front, to take the country. Giving traitors the device to sabotage, Aboriginal people for their pre-planned solution, to undermine all Australians.
With Central Banker, London School of Economics, globalist Nugget Coombs;6 establishing hybrid warfare against the natives. By creating the Aboriginal Affairs industrial complex, in Canberra, after 1967. Seeing criminal phoney leaders funded by the government;7 abusing and silencing the voice of innocent Aboriginal people; who are blamed, for being sabotaged.
That's why I am ostracised and canceled because they're all in the same game.8
Distorting history
Tony Abbott wrote recently: … This is totally different from 1967 or ending White Australia.
For Tony Abbott to claim that 67 was the end of White Australia is an abomination.
I am the descendant of mixed race Australians. A Scott, a pioneer gentleman, one of the first Europeans born in the Newcastle area; the only literate man on the mid north coast. The biggest landowner in that area married an Aboriginal woman.
The first mixed race marriage on the mid north coast of NSW was a convict who sought permission to marry an aboriginal hut keeper.
John Howard's 2001 “indigenous” fascist corporate rights movement; bringing in the UN welcome to Country/Acknowledgement; conveniently ignores the brutal history, of Europeans shipped here in chains.9
This is proof that this is a European oligarch agenda; using the Empire's tried and tested divide and conquer tactics, to get us back into chains. This is the Empire 2.0.10
Centralised Tyranny
History repeats itself, using Indigenous issues as the device not just in Australia, this is a worldwide Indigenous land grab globalist fascist plot.
In the Australian Constitution, Section 51(xxvi), is also known as the race power; pre-1967 it prohibited the Federal Government from making laws for Aboriginal Australians. This is what the 1967 Referendum changed.
This is why they needed to change in 1967, to Section 51(xxvi); to allow the federal government to centralise power, using indigenous affairs as the device.
The framers of our Constitution understood the dangers of centralisation of power to the federal government. They did not want Aboriginal issues used as a device.
This is what has happened since 1967, and Aboriginal Australians standard of life has got worse since then. As they are using the disadvantage; they’ve created to bring in the next stage of full global governance; for everyone to own nothing and be happy.
Through UN communal Native title covering 80% of Australia by 2030; with the Federal government using the Voice/Treaty/Truth process to take over all levels of government.11
Just like in the (Deutschsozialistische Partei) German Socialist Party; Hitler derived tyrannical power from centralisation. He removed the power of the states to run their money, education, police forces; this meant that it was all run centrally. Giving Hitler and the Nazis more power over everything.
The Nazi party introduced their own structure and way of ruling at both national and state level. At state level they had leaders called Gauleiters ensuring policy was stuck to, but the relationship between national and state-run things was never clearly defined. Think about what 1967, Voice/Treaty/Truth is really about.
The managed decline of Aboriginal Australia
There has been a regression, a backward step for Australians with Aboriginal heritage, as they created the problems, like removing the police from Aboriginal communities since the 70s.12
Tony Abbott's government was part of this globalist sabotage; the defunding of policing in Aboriginal communities movement.
I discovered as the Chair of Prime Minister Abbott’s Safe Communities Subcommittee; that the Commonwealth was withholding 5% of the Northern Territory Police budget.13
Seeing the NT police not able to service Aboriginal communities; creating the right trigger event environment for a UK Soros coloured revolution.14
There was such an event, and on cue: the fake aborigines; the government/globalist selected aboriginal leaders; and phoney UK Soros/Shorten activists; started a campaign to remove guns from police. To start an armed insurgency from the north of Australia.15
Sadly, a mentally ill man was shot and died. Sad for the family of both the deceased who had been calling for police for days; and sad for the young officer. Whose life was ruined. Caught in the cross hairs of a government controlled by their billionaire fascist handlers, creating the problems, for their pre-planned solution.
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Red Jessie Street behind the 1967 Referendum: Jessie Street visited the Soviet Union on 10 occasions between 1938-65. In 1938, she visited Ukraine & praised Stalin’s rule, the forced famine, leading to the deaths of millions. Street barracked for the Nazi-Soviet pact. This means that between August 1939 and June 1941, Street wanted Nazi Germany to win the war. In 1953, Street attended Stalin's funeral in Moscow as a special guest.
In 1956 the Anti-Slavery Society initiated the present drive for Aboriginal land rights through its agent, Lady Jessie Street, with the UN’s support.
In 1957, to establish the Federal Council of Aboriginal Advancement (FCAATSI), Lady Jessie organised a group of communists including Dame Mary Gilmore, Faith Bandler and Joe McGuinness to run it.
After Gough Whitlam’s dismissal in 1975 and the recommendations of Justice Woodward in the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Land Rights in 1976, Malcolm Fraser reintroduced the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Bill in law – unchanged.
The Native Title Act was designed at the United Nations, after which Paul Keating pushed the Native Title Act through the Australian parliament in consultation with five Aboriginal people:
Lowitja O'Donoghue,
Marcia Langton and
David Ross.
In 1967, PM Harold Holt appointed central banker H.C. Nugget Coombs as Chairman of a new Council of Aboriginal Affairs, run by 3 Anglo men Coombs, Australian career diplomat Barrie Dexter and W.E.H. Stanner. Statement by the Prime Minister, Mr Harold Holt:
In 1970, to justify claiming more land for Native Title, Nugget Coombs created the "Homeland" or “Outstation” Movement.
See National Indigenous Intelligence Task Force The Australian Crime Commission, 2014, download here:; see also Josephine Cashman, Aboriginal Affairs: State-Sanctioned Corruption, 2021:
In 2019, I was sacked as a senior advisor on Ken Wyatt’s senior advisory Uluru Voice committee for seeking a briefing with the Australian Crime Commission and the Australian Federal Police. I wanted to talk to them about a pedophile leader of the Uluru voice and seek their view on whether the Uluru Voice proposal would further embed organised crime in Aboriginal communities, his resulted in Ken Wyatt's office using Bruce Pascoe as a decoy: see the correspondence here:; See my open letter to the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs in the Liberal/National government: See more:; For a summary of my professional experience see, Josephine Cashman, UN actors on the left and right of us, 2022:; The big lie media tried to undermine my creditability by setting a friend (I was supporting) to entrap and lie about me and I had hundreds of fake profiles attacking me online
Experts estimate that within ten years by 2030, up to 80% of the Australian land mass will be under Native Title, a collective property title system designed by the United Nations, not the Australian people. The Honourable Gary Johns, Native Title 20 Years On: Beyond the Hyperbole,, p.85, see also
The 1970s saw the removal of police from Aboriginal communities - its defunding was against the wishes of the elders. They petitioned the Nurse’s Federation, and others, to reverse the policy decision by the Whitlam Government. The fight for the removal of police was led by Charles Perkins; See whistleblower Geoffrey McDonald's statement on Queensland Hansard, 1982, cited:;
See, Josephine Cashman, Aboriginal Affairs: State-Sanctioned Corruption, 2021:
The United Nations Human Rights Commissioner called for the removal of guns from Aboriginal communities, see
We have centralised government, we got it when Morrison sold us out with his National Cabinet. We have a poor mans EU, instead of countries, we have a bunch of states who's representatives sit in central parliament supposedly looking after us and the premiers are in the back room doing deals with the PM behind closed doors.. Australian people fell for it hook, line and sinker.
Whilst the post is solid, Fascism and Hitler are not a great analogy for what is happening. Given it is a Fabian Socialist assault which will result in a Communist dystopian nightmare under a corporate dictatorship run by the "Ecomarxists" of the WEF, supported by the financial clout of Blackrock, Vanguard, IMF and World Bank. The tactics are the same, divide and conquer, by race, gender and class, the destruction of the family unit and religion. Everything today mirrors what happened in the Soviet Union as Lenin took power, same in China during the cultural revolution, Cambodia under Pol Pot, Rhodesia under Mugabe. Mirror images of each other.