Remember the viral accusations claiming that in an act of genocide the Australian Defence Force was jabbing Aboriginal people in the NT against their will?

After which, do you recall the Old Parliament House fire?
This is all part of a failed coup d'etat with Ricardo Bosi, Sasha Stone, & fake Aborigines Mark McMurtrie, Bruce Pascoe, Latoya Rule, Larissa Behrendt & many more. We have researched these actors & they're all related to Lords, Ladies & Nazi SS leaders.

Prince Heinrich XIII Reuss of Greiz was arrested on Wednesday along with at least 24 others suspected of planning a coup d'état in Germany.
The action is ongoing and 3000 police officers have arrested people in Germany & other countries associated with this global fascist corporate plot.
Not only is Prince Heinrich XIII Reuss of Greiz a 2nd cousin of the former Queen of the Netherlands Princess Beatrix. Beatrix is the daughter of Prince Bernhard the Nazi SS leader.
This is relevant by the fact that Bernhard established the WWF 1001 club with Prince Philip.
The same WWF responsible for the deaths of millions in Africa. I note that the WWF also uses indigenous people as a decoy, as a means for the mass murder of innocent people (read more about it here:
The relevance to Australia is that Prince Philip & Bernhard established the Australian Conservation Foundation for the purpose of bringing in the concept of indigenous native title to Australia.
Now many, many decades later Prince Philip & Bernhard's Native Title is embedded into law across Australia, under Paul Keatings Native Title Act 1993, in which PM Keating consulted with only 5 hand-selected failed indigenous leaders that he trusted.
Many of the 5, the A-team as they called themselves, reward was a Rio Tinto all expenses paid trip to London to see the Queen in 1999 to discuss Aboriginal recognition in the Australian Constitution before the Australian people had a say.
Do you recall Senator Pat Dodson crying about this trip? Claiming the Queen treated him "like a human-being," any reasonable person can see by saying this, Senator Dodson is inferring that the Australian people are so racist he's never been made to feel like a human!
These actors are traitors to all Australians!

Native Title is expected to cover up to 80% of our country by 2030, achieving this despite it being something that Australians living in aboriginal communities were not consulted on.
Remember I explained that Native title is non-transferable & without any private property rights attached to it. It denied Australians living in aboriginal communities the opportunity to own a home, & so this is in effect a traitorous conspiracy to take away Australian home ownership using native title: "You'll Own Nothing & You'll be Happy."
Basically, these privileged criminals are using Indigenous affairs, or race, as a decoy in Australia to break it up into first nations.
You'll find that they've been open about their intentions. The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is a secession policy, the means to break up nations.
Why are the lies regarding the Juukan Rock shelter blast important,
Because the Juukan Hoax was the means to bring in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples into Australian law as recommended in the federal governments Juukan Senate inquiry.
My heartfelt thanks goes out to all the incredible humans working to stop this, you have saved our lives & literally the human race.
In closing here's Mark McMurtrie (Dunham) at the United Nations asking the UN to invade our country, He represents no aboriginal community, Dunham's a fake aborigine. His genealogy includes lords & ladies. I've no doubt this trip was paid for by the government. Ask yourself why?

They are planning to take your home using Native Title. In this clip, Mark McMurtrie is referred to as "Dunham." This is his group.
Now, do you get the seriousness of this?

The Dodson tears were too much. What a lickspittle. The Queen and now Chuck represent a system that has enslaved millions and wants to add billions to that. They are nothing to dote over. Pat, I am not a member of Parliament. You have more say than me but with your sycophantic outlook you are unlikely to use it well.
Is this all true? There will be outright fighting in the streets if this happens… there’s no way this could be enforced. Was this only engineered by Bosi, et al who have been thwarted or is it going ahead thanks to Albo?