Noel Pearson, left, with former prime minister Paul Keating at the Judith Neilson Institute. Picture: Katje Ford, The Australian
Noel Pearson is 1 of 5 hand-selected aboriginal people Prime Minister Paul Keating trusted to consult with before passing the Native Title legislation through the Australian parliament.
Native Title is expected to cover 80% of the Australian landmass by 2030, part of an international agenda to end homeownership in Australia for international actors & big international corporate cartels drooling over our natural resources, many of these actors are represented on Noel Pearson’s Jawun board.

Noel's Jawun Elite Unit
Where international Bankers make decisions for Australians with aboriginal heritage
In 2013 Pearson announced his indigenous reforms Elite unit to drive run through Jawun. The eight regions involved were Cape York, NSW Central Coast, inner Sydney, Goulburn Murray, East Kimberley, West Kimberley, APY/NPY Lands, and northeast Arnhem Land. Marcia Langton is a special adviser to the Co-Chair.
Jawun is an organisation which promotes itself as ‘a place where corporate, government and philanthropic organisation come together with Indigenous people to affect real change.’
Noel Pearson is a Patron; Tony Berg is a Director; Ann Sherry AO is on the Board and she is Chair of UNICEF Australia and ENERO. and currently holds non-executive roles at NAB, Sydney Airport, Palladium Group, Infrastructure Victoria, Cape York Partnerships and the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia. Jawun is a not-for-profit organisation with enormous influence across the public and private sectors. For example, two Australian government Department Heads have held Board positions, and public servants are funded to attend 6-to-12-week secondments (or in the case of listed companies, shareholders pay for these trips), which Jawun manages in order to push its Indigenous Voice agenda.
Education Minister Alan Tudge was a management consultant with the Boston Consulting Group from 1996 to 2001. He was initially based in Melbourne and later in New York, and during this time completed a Master of Business Administration at Harvard University. He was also seconded to Noel Pearson's Cape York Institute through Jawun for a year and was the organisation's first corporate secondee.

Behaving Badly
Pearson also has a documented history of bullying. In 1999 he poured a cup of water on ABC journalist, Sharon Malloy over a question he did not like. Cape York traditional owner, Murrandoo Yanner said: ‘Pearson has always been a bully, because he’s got sycophants around to any of them for 10 minutes and they worship him; none of them thinks for themselves. That’s why he can’t stand in the same room as me. He can’t do all the bully and bluster because he knows I’ll throw him out the window.[1]
In 2007 the new Chairwoman of the NSW Aboriginal Land Council, Bev Manton said
“Noel Pearson is drunk with power.” [2]
In 2010 York leader, David Claudie visited Canberra with a simple message for Tony Abbott, ‘Noel Pearson doesn't speak for us," he declared. ‘He's not our leader.’ [3]
In 2012, Andrew Forrest promised Aboriginal leader Noel Pearson up to $3 million to keep the doors open at Djarragun College, the indigenous school under police investigation for the alleged fraud of taxpayer funds. [4]
In 2014 Pearson was heckled while delivering a lecture at the Queensland Conservatorium with audience members calling out, “He was chosen by white people... to speak on behalf of black people.” [5]
Paid to Fail
On 23 June 2016, The Queensland Director-General of Education Dr Watterston wrote:
‘Dear Noel ... when we met on 25 May 2016, I felt there were several times you behaved in an intimidating manner and made inappropriate comments [I clearly recall pejoratives such as 'arse coverer', 'maggot', and 'bucket of shit', to name a few] Where I draw the line, however, is when similarly intimidating and abusive behaviour is directed towards my staff.’ [6]

The ABC understands Pearson's comments were an expression of his displeasure with Education Queensland and its handling of the Cape York Academy, Aurukun school. [7]
In 2016 Pearson questioned the timing of an ABC report, alleging he called the Queensland Education Minister, Kate Jones: “ A ‘f..king white c...” seven years ago which came a week after he labeled the public broadcaster racist and miserable.

Pearson's spokeswoman denied he made the abusive remarks. Arse coverer, maggot, and bucket of shit were reported to be some of the words used by Pearson when he abused senior staff at Education Queensland, according to a letter obtained by the ABC.[8]
The revelations came after an ABC investigation reported poor business practices at Good to Great had left government funds vulnerable to fraud and official misconduct. [9]

In 2016, the Review revealed the Education Department had suspended funding to Pearson’s Good to Great Schools Australia network after two internal audits found unsatisfactory accounting of student outcomes from State funding. This funding was almost $18 million for five financial years. [10]
While on my way to appear on ABC the Drum, Marcia Langton phoned me in a panicked state to warn, ‘Noel is on the warpath. You do not want to cross him. She begged me not to go into the studio’.
It was the day after the Press Club address in 2016 and a university friend who worked at Four Corners told me the ABC had been tipped about Noel Pearson and his brother having offshore bank accounts.
Noel called the ABC Four Corners racist and the investigation was dumped.
Pearson said, that the ABC was a miserable racist national broadcaster needing blacks to lead short lives of grief and tribulation, in order to produce bleeding heart news reports. In remarks that stunned an audience of senior Labor figures, gathered to launch a new biography of former Prime Minister, Paul Keating, Pearson denounced the ABC for soft bigotry in its coverage of indigenous Australians.

Pearson described the ABC as a spittoons worth of perverse people willing the wretched to fail. They need blacks to remain alien from mothers bosoms, carceral in legions, leading short lives of grief and tribulation because if it were not so, against whom could they direct their soft bigotry of low expectations, about whom could they report misery and bleeding tragedy. [11]
Where's the Money Noel?
No Aboriginal leader has been given more funding than Pearson who has received more than $150 million over eight years to help 3000 people at Cape York, that is $50,000 for each man, woman and child, on top of the usual funding for welfare and services.
Jesuit Social Services Australia and Catholic Social Services Australia concluded last year, ‘Aurukun’s deterioration is evident in a range of indicators, including criminal convictions (ranked 11th in 2007 and 1st in 2014); young adults not engaged in work or study (ranked 107th in 2007 and 5th in 2014) and unemployment (ranked 262nd in 2007 and 10th in 2014).’ [12]
The only thing to explain while Noel has continued to get away with this is because of his connections with green elites, most have strong connections to the UN, and the banking sector or and there have been Secretaries of Government departments on his Jauwn board.
Their support of him and his bad behaviour defies belief.

Nobody else would ever be able to get away with so much.
Every Noel no disagrees or if someone tries to hold him to account he cries racism and bigotry of low expectations.
I think it's clear that both aboriginal and non aboriginal Australia have had a bat full of Noel Pearson's excuses.
“Aurukun has been a failed social experiment”
Queensland federal MP, Warren Entsch said after the Cape York town school closed for the second time in two weeks and its teachers were removed due to safety concerns.[13]
Pearson has insisted strong local governance structures led by key indigenous leaders would be important for delivering more efficient services, “We know local empowerment and locally driven solutions will improve outcomes for indigenous people. We need to give indigenous people a greater say and greater responsibility about how best to respond to local issues, and especially to combat welfare dependence.” [14]
But what about Noel's dependence on the public's purse?
[1] Marcus Waters, ‘Pearson's grip on Indigenous policy is not backed by evidence’ The Conversation, 20 August 2014,, p. 4
[2] Ilya Gridneff, Noel Pearson "drunk with power", says NSW Land Council leader’, Australian Associated Press, 9 July 2007,
[3]Michael Gordon, ‘Noel Pearson not our leader, say wild river men’, The Age, 30 September 2010
[4] Sarah Elks, ‘Forrest pledged $3m to help Pearson take over Djarragun College’, The Australian, 30 May 2012
[5] Video, Noel Pearson heckled, told he does not speak for Aboriginal people, The ABC, 7 November 2014,
[6] Queensland Parliament ‘Release of audit angers Pearson’ 28 Nov 2016,, p. 31
[7] James Thomas, ‘Bucket of s***': Noel Pearson abuse claims 'straining' relationship with Queensland Government’, The ABC, 28 November 2016,
[8] Joshua Robertson, ‘Noel Pearson used abusive language, says Queensland's education head’, The Guardian Australia, 28 November 2016,
[9] James Thomas, ‘Bucket of s***': Noel Pearson abuse claims 'training relationship with Queensland Government’, The ABC, 28 November 2016,
[10] Joshua Robertson, ‘Noel Pearson under fire from all sides over Aurukun school experiment, An evacuation of teachers amid safety concerns has led to a partial government takeover of his ‘lighthouse school’, The Guardian Australia 7 July 2016,,
[11] Sharri Markson, ‘Pearson: ABC is a spittoon of racism, The Daily Telegraph, 22 November 2016,
[12] Andrew Bolt, ‘Pearson's Own 'Business Model'Is The Problem’, The Herald Sun, 11 March 2018,
[13] ‘Aurukun a 'failed social experiment', Queensland federal MP Warren Entsch says’ The ABC, 26 May 2016,
[14] See further,