Josephine Cashman
Josephine Cashman Podcast
The Empire 2.0: UN-veiling the Global Plot of Recolonisation
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -4:45

The Empire 2.0: UN-veiling the Global Plot of Recolonisation

A podcast of research findings and analysis: June 2023


The Empire 2.0: UN-veiling the Global Plot of Recolonisation

The Empire 2.0 refers to a global plot that revolves around the recolonisation of the planet.

I aim to shed light on the divide-and-conquer tactics, which aim to condition everyday people into accepting the idea of separate First Nations and ultimately dismantling countries for the sake of global governance.


The Empire 2.0: Understanding the Global Plot:

The Empire 2.0 represents a complex plot that goes beyond traditional notions of colonisation.

It involves a treasonist plan to reassert the dominance of apex globalists.

The handlers of our compromised political class of co-offending useful idiots; aid and abetted by the United Nations system; and the big lie media.

They seek to reshape the world order in their favour.

This plot capitalises on divide-and-conquer tactics.

Apex globalists have created new divisions, as they exploit existing ones to weaken nations and pave the way for global governance.

Indigenous Land Acknowledgment/Welcome to Country:

The global practice of Indigenous Land Acknowledgment/Welcome to Country has gained significant attention in recent years.

While it is often presented as a gesture of respect towards Indigenous peoples and their connection to the land, there are sinister implications, at play.

This practice serves as a divide-and-conquer device, subtly conditioning the general public to accept the notion of separate First Nations.

Grooming us into becoming "global citizens" with no loyalty to our fellow countrymen; and no nationality; belonging nowhere.

With no allegiance to anything or anyone.

They are trying to sever the connection to our forefathers, our history.

They want to dismantle our connection to each other and our country.

Dividing Nations for Global Governance:

By promoting the idea of separate First Nations through the practice of Indigenous Land Acknowledgment/Welcome to Country, the UN seeks to weaken the sovereignty of individual countries.

This ploy aims to dismantle nations and consolidate power under the umbrella of global governance.

The recolonisation plot is disguised as a gesture of inclusivity and respect, but its underlying purpose is to further concentrate power in the hands of apex globalists.

Renaming Everything:

As part of the Empire 2.0 agenda, the tactic of renaming everything is gaining traction.

By altering the names of cities, landmarks, and even historical events, the recolonisation plot aims to erase the existing cultural and historical identities of nations.

This process is a deliberate attempt to maliciously distort historical facts by reshaping our social memory; our history; to control the people in order to control our wealth; and our natural resources.

Divide-and-Conquer: Conditioning the Masses:

At the heart of the Empire 2.0 lies the insidious tactic of divide-and-conquer.

These tactics aim to condition everyday people into accepting the idea of separate First Nations, fostering a sense of division and fragmentation within countries.

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