This week's exposure of the Canberra UNi-party is a stunning and sobering revelation. The LNP, now UN-ashamedly in tandem with the ALP, are collaborating to surrender Australia into a dystopian ghetto archipelago of UN 15-minute Smart cities in preparation for the world's 0.001% wealthy families to strip our assets.
UNi-party's ugly face is revealed as both parties vow to override the right of Australians to reject the voice referendum. UNi-party attempts to hoodwink the public by claiming Dutton and Co, always supported constitutional change, as failure becomes apparent.
The Government wants the Australian taxpayer to pay an additional $300 million to repeat the Uluru Corporate Voice Con. Thanks to a troupe of useful circus idiots. Dutton has pledged to batter Australians into submission as he announces that taxpayers will be forced to pay for the rerun of this grand deception.
The LNP, Dutton and Price dig themselves deeper into lies as they rush into Plan B. Where Price descends into incoherent confusion, as a result of Dutton's bumbling.
Jacinta Price is the chosen circus performer to deliver to the Australians a big lie, that this is the no campaign. The Australian people can smell a rat. Dutton is still supporting the Uluru Voice. It is a Yes campaign disguised as a No campaign. They are putting Price forward to sell the unsellable lie.
There is no doubt that the Voice referendum will fail.
Despite the fact that Australians will vote No overwhelmingly against it, both sides have decided to incorporate the Uluru Voice into legislation. Going against the Australian people’s Voice.
Now we find out Peter Dutton is committed to holding another referendum. What's the point of a $300 million referendum when they've already agreed to it? We know now it is not for the Australian people. It is a charade, a billionaire-choreographed show.
A fifth-column insurgency set up Aboriginal people as scapegoats for the country's collapse. They were never properly consulted on this Corporate Uluru Voice Con. A compromised government instead conspired with fake Aboriginal leader Judas Goats, fake claimers, and saboteurs of Aboriginal Australia.1
Due to an endless cycle of government sabotage, Aboriginal people distrust the government, which is why the scheming traitors neglected to consult them. As a result of decades of government-appointed crooks bullying elders, and stealing billions of taxpayers' funds intended to improve the lives of Aboriginal people, they knew Aboriginal people would not be fooled by the Uluru Voice Corporate Con.2
In preparation for the 'Great Reset', the government has sabotaged Aboriginal Australia for generations.3
As a result of our compromised government acting for the UN and its beautiful LIES, we are shamed into accepting solutions to the problems they created in order to eliminate our inalienable rights, including private property.
Consequently, the world's wealthiest families will be able to control over 80% of Australia4 and all its natural resources under the UN COMMUNAL Native Title. In UN Smart Cities "we will own nothing and be happy."5
The ugly truth of the UN is becoming increasingly known to Australia. Far from being a benevolent ‘Human Rights’ organisation, it is really set up and managed by the ruling class wealthy families. The depth of this evil cannot be comprehended by the good people of Australia. For years, through bought big lie media using propaganda to veil the truth to entice us into compliance. NO more!
It is time to end this evil and cruelty. Australians demand a referendum to eliminate crooks who are selling our country out. The political class is clearly compromised not working in the interests of the Australian people. It is time for increased transparency. There is a growing movement in Australia to hold a referendum so NO politician ever again can sell out Australian citizens. The loophole in Section 51(xxix) of the Australian Constitution must be closed by a referendum to prevent them from selling us out for their UN global governance utopian fantasy.

Both sides of the political spectrum have proven that the Australian people do not have any choice when it comes to UN tyranny, despite being offered the option of voting for either side. Regardless of whether it is the LNP or the ALP, the UNi-party bi-partition approach has resulted in more than 1000 treaties being ratified into law since the 1990s. Without even the Australian people being consulted once. As a result of their betrayal, the Australian people now know that Agenda 2030, the dystopic vision of the future, is being rolled out without our approval. In an attempt to create a dystopian future under the control of the United Nations.
In 2015 our compromised LNP government signed Australia into green genocide with the Paris Agreement. Alongside Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Agenda 2030 tyranny. Coupled with Bill Clinton's UN Disaster Risk Reduction, Build Back Better (Sendai Framework) to exploit fear and take our freedoms, this was a UN disaster waiting to happen. Then came Covid.
When the LNP Government signed up for this UN Disaster Risk Reduction framework, they exposed Australians to an experimental, untested medical treatment that resulted in the death and maiming of many Australians. It was the result of exploitation of fear and abuse of the position of trust to promote the tyranny of COVID-19.
Australians are faced with a fifth-column 300,000 fake claimer insurgency army that is using UNDRIP to replace Australia's representative government. Thereby robbing it of its vast natural resources and its land. The UN, like the Australian government, refuses to define what an Aboriginal person is, which allows fake claimers to invade not just Aboriginal Australia, but the entire country.6
Elders pleaded for help regarding fake claimers, government-funded paedophile leaders associated with Bill Shorten, and six children who died due to abuse, but Peter Dutton ignored them. Dutton attempted to discredit me by silencing the facts I presented to both sides of the government/the UNi-party.
They used the big lie media to silence the Elders voice. I was asked to present in detailed correspondence and in arranging meetings, where Elders were shunned rather than deal with these fake claimers and government-funded crooks.7
We see how 0.001% have placed and funded fake claimers in Australia (300,000 or 37% are fake claimers). UN Native title facilitates the stripping of Australian assets. Since Australians cannot own communal land, this is the way to take our private property as well as our vast natural resources. Fake claimer crooks plan to sell our resources and wealth to corporations owned by the wealthiest families. The UK Royals have invested heavily in Rio Tinto, with the planned UN Native Title covering 80% of Australia by 2030. All pre-planned for a huge profit windfall for the “Green King’s” Rio Tinto investments.8
Peter Dutton, a former Queensland drug squad copper and career politician has $300 million in his bank account after making it big in politics. How does this happen? Clearly, Dutton is motivated by self-interest. Australians deserve to know if he is compromised. Has he sold us out?
What is obvious is that there is a compromised UNi-party in Canberra. I have lived in worked in Aboriginal communities all my life. I have tried to work with both sides. I sensed a malign agenda more than 20 years ago when both sides of politics had no intention of improving the lives of Aboriginal people.
Both sides have shown a lack of interest in finding a solution, ignoring proven models and solutions designed by committed Elders with a comprehensive results-based plan.9
The government continues to fund fake claimers, killers, and paedophiles to lead Aboriginal communities with impunity. I vowed to fight for justice for children and elders. I have been searching to find out why government intervention continues to make it worse.
Australian people now see that both the Yes and the phoney No campaigns have a malign undercurrent towards Aboriginal people. I trust the Australian people come together as one to UN-Chain Australia as a whole.
The UNi-party has decided to push changes to our Constitution for our eventual enslavement.
In 2016, the Turnbull LNP joined the Agenda 2030 dystopian corporate ghetto Archipelago of UN cities.10
0.001% of the world's wealthiest families need UN Native Title to take away our property rights.
It is a crime of immense proportions that governments worldwide are rolling out Agenda 2030/The Great Reset and scapegoating Indigenous people for their atrocities.
There is no left or right here, only right and wrong.
The government creates atrocities and then shames us into changing the Constitution
UN "Big Brother" re-colonising the world
A failed plot UN-ravels
I uncovered a child trafficking & drug supply network
0.001% Wealthiest Families want to ... Own the other 99.99%
See the plan here:
See, Liz Burke, This is what a 30-minute city really looks like,,, 1 May 2016; Australian Government, Smart Cities Plan, 2016, describes this concept as “30-minute cities” see page 15, “The idea is to plan for cities where residents can access employment, schools, shopping, services and recreational facilities within 30 minutes of home.” In Victoria “20 minute Neighbourhoods”; United Nations Climate Change, The 15 Minute City, 26 Feb 2021; Global Future Council on Cities and Urbanization, Agile Cities Preparing for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, The World Economic Forum,, see also; United Nations, A Guide To Assist National and Local Governments to Monitor and Report On SDG Goal 11+ Indicators,
What gets me, even here in the states, is we supposedly live under the rule of law and our constitution and founding documents. Just because some idiots with god complexes get in and trash these documents doesn’t mean we, the people have to go along with something violating said founding documents. Why not throw these bums out by any means possible, tell them to go to hell, and make sure those backfilling the vacated offices know they are there to serve the people, not themselves or some foreign entity. We do NOT have to submit. They do NOT own us. We are NOT their chattel. The choice is up to each and every one of us, not somebody else. You want freedom? Demand it, fight for it, or die under the heel on your neck.
Recently I saw the NSW gov have given developers the rights to exceed a local areas height limit by 30%. Sydney is already an alienating ghetto of glass and concrete monstrosities. It is soulless, cold and dystopian. How do people think a baby being born into this or a child growing up in this is normal? This living is anti-human, anti-culture, anti-happiness and the furthest thing from what Australia should be.