The wealthiest families 0.001% created the UN as an instrument to groom us into accepting their solutions that will lead to our demise. For their UN Global Governance agenda, they manipulate worldwide, subverting from within, infiltrating institutions, and compromising “leaders.” They plan to create demoralised and divided nations, resulting in collapsed economies in order to control their wealth, assets, and resources.
UN "Human Rights" is the con to claim ownership of the entire planet
On the surface, the UN appears sympathetic toward human rights. However, once captured, we discover that we have surrendered all of our rights to protect “public health”, “the environment”, and “Aboriginal rights”. UN “Human Rights” is a con by the wealthy 0.001% who claim that we are too stupid and racist to manage our own affairs. Thus, they use the UN as a big brother to determine how we live.
In spite of their sanctimonious attitude toward everyday people, their support for the most inhuman of criminal industries, including the trafficking of children, shows they have a predatory agenda. These families hide their wealth and power within Vanguard ownership hidden in tax havens.
By hiding the proceeds of these crimes within these secrecy jurisdictions they are aiding and abetting extreme suffering. As a result of their tax havens, the worst criminals who perpetrate the most horrendous crimes on this planet are protected from prosecution: for financing terrorist groups, environmental vandalism, genocide, arms, drugs, human and child trafficking.
As we are manipulated to fight each other, they do not want us to know who the true enemy is. To reveal how the 0.001% own the world's most powerful corporations and how they plan to manage us into debt slavery for asset stripping. As they have in Africa.1
To expose the traitors we must remove the curtain of corporate secrecy
In collaboration with Rio Tinto, British Royals use aboriginal land claims as a front for UN land grabs. In order to establish Indigenous Native Title in Brazil and Australia, the late Queens Consort Prince Philip and ex-Nazi Prince Bernhard founded the World Wide Fund for Nature and Australian Conservation Foundation.2

The late Queen invested heavily in Rio Tinto and by 2030 UN Communal Nativetitle will cover 80% of Australia making a huge windfall for their Rio Tinto investment. Media reports described the Queen as a "non-institutional" shareholder.
In the Juukan Shite Hoax false flag event, George Soros and Tony Blair are still under investigation by the London Serious Fraud Office and the Australian Federal Police for their Rio Tinto African Bribery corruption. The former CEO of Rio Tinto dobbed them in, the Australian Government colluded with the big lie media, and Soros, Obama and Blair framed the whistle-blower. 3
When we understand the top 0.001% own the corporations that mine and manufacture the worlds metals and raw materials we see they need Australia's vast mineral resources to continue dominating the planet. Then we understand why they plan to strip Australia of its assets like in other countries; and why they use Indigenous peoples as a scapegoat to abolish private property rights worldwide.
People are realising that they are controlling our compromised political class, which has led to the managed decline of Aboriginal Australia. Governments have demoralised Aboriginal communities for decades by funding and appointing crooks, killers, fake claimers, bullies, and paedophiles as leaders, leading to the managed decline of Aboriginal Australia.
From the 70s, Aboriginal communities were defunded from policing, and Aboriginal Affairs has misappropriated hundreds of millions of dollars and committed fraud on taxpayers over the years. Aboriginal people were deliberately made to appear incapable of participating in a free society in order for the implementation of their UN solution to be justified.
UN-created Native Title is controlled by Aboriginal corporations with the lowest governance standards leading to organised crime controlling Aboriginal affairs. This is all in an effort to demoralise Aboriginal people and fool them into believing that a treaty or a voice will finally give them autonomy and private property rights.4
Unavailable to them under communal native title. By 2030, the UN Native title will cover 80% of Australia's landmass to abolish all Australian homeownership to asset strip our country.
The Corporate Uluru Voice utopian fairytale is written in mythological language. However, in reality, it will be a dystopian corporate Ghetto Archipelago of 15-minute UN cities.5
Elders have their own Voice they ask that we listen to the wisdom of all Australian elders. Founded by Aboriginal people, One Voice Australia seeks to bring security and unity by protecting all Australians’ inalienable rights as this is the only way we can secure our freedom.6
One Voice Australia calls on everyday Australians to engage with their friends, family, colleagues and neighbours. Together we expose their Divide to Conquer plan by using our fellow Australians.
The truth will still come back and fail them - Tammy King
The Old Empire wants us back in Chains
At war with the people
From the Heart of Australia
Australians face a challenge in defending themselves from their government
A Message to Our Rulers: dispatched on 4th June 2023 to all federal representatives
Facts: The Juukan cave manipulation and disinformation operation
UN actors on the left and right of us
I uncovered a child trafficking & drug supply network
UN "Big Brother" re-colonising the world
You can check out One Voice Australia's alternative to the voice here :
Excellent article kudos for Josephine for taking the time and effort and dedication.
Australia was one of the founding members of the UN which in a way is just as controversial as the creation of the EU which as if by design resulted in European nations losing control over their sovereignty while becoming US vassal states but suspicious none the less when one looks at the financiers of the second WW which will also lead one to the city of London corporation.
Read - The City of London by Larry Romanov -
One only has to look at the devastation of human life that occurs when they enter a country in the name of "Peacekeeping" and "Human rights". The Belgian Congo is a perfect example from the sixties, where the UN troops screwed up. Then we have another great example in Sth Africa, "Rwanda", I have friends who served their who witnessed people being hacked to pieces with machete's and were not permitted to prevent that happening, "only fire if fired upon". Then we have the Balkans where the big tough UN peacekeepers stood by while the Serbs removed Bosnians from safe havens, put em on trucks and took them to the killing fields, "rules of engagement" again. Just to top it off, look at how many countries where there are "peacekeepers" and they end up being charged with human trafficking. The UN is just a nest of Communist vipers led by a former terrorist.