Unveiling the Global Governance Con
Offshore scams, blackmail, and bribes caused dangerous crooks to infiltrate our country
What else explains this
I am attuned as a former Crown Prosecutor to see the links, make the connections, note anomalies, to look for the criminal elements of the who, what, how and why.
In my 20’s I witnessed great injustice; fire bombs were thrown and shots were fired in an Aboriginal community I had grown to love. I was unaware that this was deliberate sabotage. Aboriginal Australia's managed decline is part of a global agenda to collapse the nation, and every country is at risk.
This pre-planned demolition of our representative government was designed to lead to a global biometric surveillance and human control system. Where our public service and institutions are replaced by unaccountable transnational corporate cartels controlled by BlackRock/Vanguard.
BlackRock/Vanguard is used by the British hidden hand as a cover, a corporate veil to hide behind. So we don't know who our enemy is.
Overthrowing our representative government with a biometric human-control system under global governance is a coup. The integration of the internet-of-things (IoT) systems with smart grids, smart metres, and smart cards: Monitoring, controlling, and owning everything and everyone.

As a consequence, the checks and balances that have become ingrained in our everyday lives, and which we take for granted will cease to exist. Meaning the threat of draconian Covid-like measures would be unrelenting.
I know many of the crooks in this article.
I sat in hope in the Cabinet Room at Parliament House as an independent advisor to two Australian Liberal Party Prime Ministers, hoping solutions would emerge once they had the facts. Sadly, my hopes were dashed. They deliberately set out to make things worse, not to fix anything. This is why I became a whistleblower.
Even after decades of searching and researching I struggled to come to terms with the betrayal. The evil intention I discovered was determined to sabotage innocent human beings. A despotic evil had taken control of our representatives, compromising them.
Without the blackmail drug, the situation would not have reached this point. The reason we don't see this openly discussed is because they do not want us to know that blackmail drug is the root cause.
I was unaware of the agenda until they tried to silence my voice for trying to protect children from a government-funded drug/child trafficker. This crook, who works for Uni-party handlers, is directly responsible for the deaths of six children.
Our representatives are compromised in order to act against our interests. The goal is to scapegoat our public service to where we would want to destroy our own institutions and each other. Around the world this Build Back Better formula is the same.
This exposure, along with others like them, will bring down the blackmail, drug and child trafficking operation.
They want us to lose faith in our institutions, our people and our country. Rest assured that this is not going to happen.
A message from Australia to Peter Dutton: “We will not be led by crooks”
If the public knew that Peter Dutton has on all counts deliberately failed to protect our borders, putting us all at risk, he would not remain in parliament, let alone become Prime Minister.
The Covid plan-demic response pre-planning in Australia was caused by Dutton on orders from his BlackRock/Vanguard corporate cartel masters.
Why is this information kept from the public?
There is silence and deflection of this in the big lie media.
Dutton oversaw the most serious procurement fraud in our history.
Without due diligence, Dutton deceitfully allowed a contract worth almost half a billion dollars. While defunding policing of drug imports and criminals into the country.
Is this a deliberate failure connected to human trafficking, drugs, weapons and money laundering. Why is this covered up? Are the watchers and our representatives blackmailed and has our media been bought?
The facts scream corruption and criminality.
Even with a cursory investigation into the web of dubious connections and the methodology of this scam, it is clear we have a Gladio-style blackmail operation on our shores.
What else could explain why Peter Dutton, at the centre of perhaps the biggest corruption scandal in Australian history, is running in a contest to become the next leader of our country, despite a string of verified damning evidence against him?
I outline some of the shocking facts of a despotic scheme to loot Australia using PNG, a corruption-captured country.
I fear there is more outright evil hidden below the surface undermining our country.
The irony is that even PNG expelled Thrupp a key player in the swindle. All the while at the same time, Thrupp a failed private mercenary operator was given almost half a billion dollars to run offshore detention security services under crooked Peter Dutton's watch.
Thrupp renamed a company and domiciled it in a Kangaroo Island shack to manage more than $400 million of Australian taxpayer’s funds for security services on Manus Island.
In doing so, they established yet another gravy train of Australian riches that flows through Swiss accounts and UK tax havens. To benefit the wealthy. The evil empire 2.0/uni-party handlers have used these funds to sabotage our neighbours in PNG by siphoning them to corrupt players to control this country. As they have done all over the world in developing countries.
They want the same for us. They plot for Australians to live like those sabotaged in PNG, in a third-world quarry pit of misery. They will only be happy when they own everything
Our representatives' complicity and compromise remain unreported, as do their crimes and abuse of power. We do not have representatives in this country or a media industry that holds public officials to account.
The uni-party phenomenon is not limited to this country. It is happening throughout the world.
We need a watchdog for the watchdog
In Australia, a lack of oversight can be seen in the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) established by the Labour Party. Despite mountains of evidence concerning Dutton's offshore processing fraud, the NACC decided to rely on a limited investigation conducted by another agency, rather than a thorough public inquiry.1
Offshore detention centres in Australia were associated with bribery and criminal activity under Dutton.
Craig Coleman, former Australian Army major who served in Iraq as a bomb disposal expert became CEO of Paladin in 2017, Just as the company received its first massive contract for security on Manus Island from Dutton. After raising concerns about Paladin's operations, Coleman was terminated within a few months.
He held legitimate concerns. Paladin breached its contract more than 4000 times.
The criminal conduct does not end here, it extends to a Local PNG Paladin director, a former colonel of the PNG Defence Force, charged with 106 counts of misappropriation and one count of money laundering in 2019.
A constant plague of criminal activity swirled around Dutton during his tenure as home affairs minister. The systemic swindle under crooked Dutton's web of deceit is illustrated by the award of contracts worth millions of dollars to a company owned by Mozammil Bhojani, under investigation by the Federal Police (an agency Dutton oversaw) for bribing PNG officials.
It is pertinent to note, Bhojan received funding from Dutton's home affairs department for about three years after pleading guilty.2
AFP's acting commissioner briefed Dutton about the investigation into Bhojani on or around 12 July 2018. Yet just weeks later, Bhojani was given a lucrative $9.3 million contract to run offshore accommodation facilities for Dutton's Home Affairs Department.
The new Dutton-appointed AFP commissioner Reece Kershaw denies there was ever a Bhojani briefing for Dutton.
What is the truth?
Is this the same AFP commissioner Kershaw:
who has refused to protect our country from traitors involved in Rio Tinto's Juukan Hoax. A plot to destroy Australia from within; or
hold fake claimer, 5th column, enemy combatant, Bruce Pascoe accountable for the undeniable crimes of obtaining taxpayers money by deception.
Did Dutton knowingly direct the award of an inflated contract to Paladin knowing they laundered the money and solicited bribes from senior PNG politicians who then approved this deeply flawed offshore asylum processing system run by crooks. We will not find out as the uni-party have colluded to ensure there is nothing to see here.
Australia's uni-party governments are refusing to disclose details of Paladin contracts, claiming that PNG relations will be adversely affected. But why would a contract for a legitimate service adversely affect our relationship with our neighbours?
We deserve the release of all the documents in an open hearing on this affair. But Labour's promised corruption commission conducts closed investigations. They are colluding, acting in concert to hide this fraud from the public who are the victims of this abuse of power/corruption.
An Australian Financial Review investigation found that Paladin received over $20 million monthly from Dutton's department. Even though experts estimate that the true cost of providing the services is closer to $3 million a month. They made $17 million per month profit.
Paladin almost received half a billion dollars in contracts to run security services at offshore processing on Manus Island from 2015 to 2019.
To many red flags
In 2020 Auditor General determined that the multimillion-dollar Manus Island contracts had not been "value for money".
The 77-page report found Australia had spent $7.1 billion on offshore processing centres in PNG since 2012.
The estimated cost per detainee was about $450,000 per person.
The main contract was worth $333.5 million. The government paid Paladin $1600 a night per detainee.
According to a retired logistics manager contacted by the Australian Financial Review, the cost should have been about $108 per person per night.
Paladin was exempted from the Commonwealth procurement rules. Home Affairs Department ran a closed tender which means they just decided to award the contract to Paladin.
There is no plausible reason not to have run an open tender. The use of private security services, even for remote locations, has become quite common in recent years. Furthermore, Australian public servants are well versed in managing public and open tenders efficiently and effectively. On the surface, there seems to be no compelling reason why the Australian government would use a secretive method to conduct a tender of such high value. Considering that the very sensitive policy area. They had 18 months to run an open tender process, but they failed to do so.
Despite Dutton's attempts to blame voiceless public servants (who cannot defend themselves as risk jail for doing so), for awarding contracts to crooks, senior procurement officials were concerned about the Paladin contract. The "high-risk" Paladin contract was also mentioned in the 2020 audit report as a concern of Dutton's chief financial officer.
There is other evidence of departmental officials' concerns including the fact Paladin was fined more than 5,484 times by the department in a 12-month period for failing to meet minimum service standards, to deliver basic services, submit reports and provide adequate training.
Dutton overruled these concerns as the only official with the authority and audacity to circumvent all the rules regarding procurement in his department.
Without ministerial authority, public servants would be terminated and charged with criminal offences if they unilaterally awarded contracts:
Which did not represent value for money for the taxpayer;
Without an open tender process;
In violation of all Commonwealth Procurement Rules;
Of almost half a billion dollars in value without due diligence;
Where the company cannot meet its contractual obligations due to insufficient funds.
If public servants were to blame for the Paladin affair, why has Dutton not called for criminal prosecutions?
Dutton’s silence convicts him
Dutton would have demanded a full and comprehensive investigation if he was innocent. A ministerial directive is the only explanation for awarding Paladin an exclusive contract despite all the red flags.
When Dutton was presented with a written briefing on Paladin concerns in 2019, it is baffling why he didn't intervene. Instead of acting on the serious concerns raised by the department, he merely circled “noted” on a departmental briefing prepared especially for him.
Why did ex-drug cop Dutton want nothing recorded regarding this grubby misuse of taxpayer funds. Is it because he was complicit?
Did he remain silent because he knew he was responsible for what happened? Was it that he knew whatever he says would be used against him in the future. He is not stupid; he knows what he is doing.
The Paladin Affair is one of many examples of how Dutton oversaw and fostered a cesspit of corruption. There are huge question marks around this, and he denies any knowledge of it. He blames others, he’s a crook. He cannot lead this country.
Considering that the public sector is the largest procurer of goods and services, it is critical that protections are in place. In the event of a government procurement sabotage like this, the economic costs can be in the trillions and last for decades, while the immeasurable costs from this failure include lives lost.
It seems that Dutton, the ex-cop who speaks about Australians taking responsibility for their actions, is unwilling to do it himself. Australians should be wary of Peter Dutton because he is an absolute monstrosity and a danger to their safety.
Dutton oversaw one of the most crooked, shocking, and nefarious white-collar criminal enterprise. Siphoning money from the taxpayer's purse. While deliberately failing to protect our borders. The most dangerous drug cartel and bloodthirsty mafia in the world were allowed onto our shores, thanks to Dutton.
The egregious public money laundering scheme, offshore processing scam, is planned sabotage of our country committed by Dutton. A failure of this magnitude cannot be accidental.
Dutton’s interference
While Dutton claims he could not intervene, 169 pages of Dutton’s interference was released by the Department of Home Affairs proves otherwise:
Dutton summoned senior home affairs officials late at night to ensure the Italian au pair employed by Dutton's former colleague from the Queensland police department did not spend the night in immigration detention.
The Department did not consider it appropriate for the Minister to intervene. Dutton, however, intervened again to prevent a French au pair and yoga teacher from being deported. After Gillon McLachlan, the AFL boss, lobbied Dutton.
Dutton was part of a secret deal to resettle two Rwandans in Australia on the run after being charged with murder.
Dutton asked the Border Force Commissioner to assist two Queensland policemen in finding jobs with the agency. After this became public, he launched an attack on the commissioner in question Time – under Parliamentary Privilege – defaming the Border Force Commissioner, accused him of "grooming" a young woman.
The lack of integrity of Dutton does not end here; he allowed 102 convicted sex offenders to be released from immigration detention centres into the community.
Despite being convicted of being an accessory to murder in a gangland killing, Dutton department restored visas to two British crooks.
Rollout the spooks
Clare O'Neil MP, the current Minister for Home Affairs/uni-party collaborator, announced a limited hangout review in 2023 (a limited hangout in political commentary are exposures include partial admissions/truths mixed with misdirection to discourage further investigation/s) on two narrow issues regarding offshore processing fraud:
The current procurement and contract management processes of the Department of Home Affairs,
Review of media claims related to previous regional processing contracts.
There is nothing in Labour’s terms of reference that seeks any investigation of Dutton's involvement in this scam. They work together. They create the problems for their pre-planned solutions.
The former chief spook Dennis Richardson conducted this limited hangout investigation. He performs intelligence theatrics of manipulation, obfuscation on behalf of the Labour/uni-party government to blame anonymous public servants. The purpose of the performance is to distract attention from Peter Dutton, the only one with authority to circumvent the Commonwealth Procurement Rules.
It was a uni-party creation, not a public service, that caused offshore processing to fail intentionally. This is part of the build, back, better process.
Disable, demoralise, dismantle for their strongman Dutton solution. Replace our public service with corporate cartel contractor. They want to replace our representative government system with a corporatocracy.
Powerful actors
Having awarded contracts to his corporate military buddies, the company's co-founder, a former SAS officer, was Gina Rinehart's favourite daughter's bodyguard. Rinehart the miner billionaire is a leading supporter of Peter Dutton. Is this how a company domiciled at a beach shack on Kangaroo Island generates 17 million profit a month, thanks to Dutton?
Paladin received $423 million which is more than the PNG government spends each year on policing and law enforcement.
Corporate mercenary armies in the third world have outspent governments since the end of WW2. This is how they overthrow and control governments.
Our armed forces have been defunded by compromised Western governments. Private armies receive enormous public funding, despite having no regard for civilians.
Corporate mercenary armies have waged resource wars against developing countries since World War II to control the vast natural resources of the third world.
The reason we are desperate to escape third world hellholes is because they create the problems for their pre-planned solutions. Human suffering must be ended by identifying the real enemy.
The UK is the hub for corporate mercenary armies. Today, hundreds of corporate mercenaries operate in conflict areas worldwide, causing millions of deaths.
Corporate mercenary armies are larger than many countries' military forces. As mentioned above, this is just like Dutton's Paladin who was given more money than the entire PNG law enforcement budget.
Paladin is being investigated by the AFP for abusing taxpayer funds using it to pay bribes of more than $3 million to the then-Papua New Guinea police minister. What a disgusting situation crooked Dutton has put the Australian people in.
The hidden hand
We face a hidden hand at war with everyday people. Operation Gladio exposes corporate mercenary armies funded by drug trafficking.
The British hidden hand is responsible for PNG's poverty and pillage.
In the late 1990s, the PNG Prime Minister refused to give away its vast natural resources to Rio Tinto owned by the British Royals. He tried to stop them from breaking up his country and demanded that they compensate his people for damaging the land by dumping toxic waste from the Rio Tinto mine. He kicked out the World Bank which forced him to privatize everything. The British launched the Bougainville Revolutionary Army as a response. To end the insurgency in Bougainville, the Prime Minister developed a plan to upgrade PNG's army.
The island of 200,000 people was almost destroyed after the bloodiest South Pacific fighting since World War II. However, he was set up. A coloured revolution/coup resulted, and PNG has since been under control by an anti-human cartel/British hidden hand.
We have the same problem in Australia. This was what the Rio Tinto Juukan Hoax was all about. In the Australian parliament, they colluded with their British Rio Tinto handlers to destroy Australia.
Did the Paladin payments serve as bribes to keep control of PNG's ruling class British puppets? There is so much evidence of this that I can’t cover it in one article.
Why are criminals allowed to stay in the country?
Dutton was the Minister responsible for the protection of our borders for seven years between 2014 and 2021. Offshore processing centres on Nauru and Manus Islands were reopened in 2012 after Operation Sovereign Borders commenced in 2013.
Dutton failed to protect our borders. In the 2009–10 financial year, it was estimated that approximately 15,800 people were living illegally in Australia. During 2021, more than 100,000 people lived illegally in Australia, a six-fold increase.3
After billions were fraudulently misappropriated by Dutton's Home Affairs Department under his direction/hidden hand.
Australia faces a drug crisis due to Dutton's failure to protect our borders and fund our police. Dutton's Home Affairs department caused the drug crisis. The bulk of drugs arrive in Australia through the sea. Each year around 2.5 million shipping containers arrive in Australia from all over the world.
Dutton allocates enough funds to inspect less than 10% of containers arriving on our shores. However, on Dutton's watch, billions of dollars were spent on a few hundred boat people.
For what end would the drug flood into Australia achieve? A weakening of our people, exhausting our social support systems and country. Leaving us vulnerable to an outside takeover. For decline, destruction and unrest. Ripe for a coloured revolution style coup.
Dutton has no shame. He is seeking to lead a country he has deliberately failed to protect. Dutton's offshore immigration focus facilitated the most dangerous criminal gangs to fly into Australia.
Under Dutton’s watch the Albanian Mafia were identified as proficient experts at obtaining visas for its members even to the extent that they managed to secure federal government licensed migration agents in Australia to assist them in obtaining visas for their members.
The Albanian Mafia is now the leading drug distributor under Operation Gladio, according to investigative reporter Paul Williams:
“Albanian thugs became the chief perpetuators of drug smuggling, counterfeiting, passport theft, forgery, trafficking in human body parts, sex slavery, abduction, and murder. The influence of the criminal group grew to such an extent that, in 1985, Italy's top prosecutor, said that the Albanian Mafia posed a threat not only to the people of Italy but to all of Western civilization.”4
As a result of Dutton's deliberate mismanagement of our national borders, the Albanian Mafia has taken over. We are experiencing a steady increase in organised crime throughout the country, so why has Dutton not been held accountable for this?
A global plot
As Minister for Home Affairs, Dutton was promoted in 2017. His responsibilities included: national security, protective services, emergency management (responsible for COVID lockstep), border control, immigration, refugees, citizenship, transport security, and multicultural affairs.
At the time, the Department of Home Affairs was seen as the Australian equivalent of the UK's Home Office or the US Department of Homeland Security.
Like Home Affairs in Australia the United States Department of Homeland Security is constantly criticised for excessive bureaucracy, waste, ineffectiveness and lack of transparency. In 2008 Congress found the Department had wasted $15 billion on failed contracts.
It is puzzling why Australia emulates the UK and the US when both departments appear to intentionally fail to secure their own borders. Why did the powers that be want to bring in its Australian equivalent?
Is the illegal immigration crisis a pre-planned device to implement a biometric systems control agenda. Could there be any other explanation for this?
They create the problems for their pre-planned solutions.
It is as if all western countries are affected by the same illegal immigration issue almost simultaneously. Like everything moves in lockstep. The question needs to be asked whether this failure is intentional. They seek to divide, dominate the public square with divisive never-ending debates on immigration issues.
In our public square, the big lie media and the Uni-party parliament serve us up inflamed propaganda, a strategy of tension, to divide and deceive people on a pre-planned offshore decoy drama to facilitate something nefarious?
The UK's Home Office is implementing a national biometric system to cover immigration, policing, and criminal justice.
Is the trouble at our borders in Western countries a pre-planned problem to bring in a World Economic Forum style all-encompassing global surveillance system across national borders.
Is the WEF determined to implement a global biometric system for all travel?
In partnership with the Canadian government. The WEF conducted biometric border control trials.
Australians deserve to know about our wannabe prime minister Peter Dutton's corruption, lies, sabotage, and malice towards those he is meant to serve. They deserve to know how he has hurt the people of Australia and compromised our country.
The reason we do not know the truth is because our parliament is compromised by blackmail. In other words, our representatives are puppets in the hands of anti-human handlers. They are told what to say. How to vote. Instead of focusing on the issues and concerns of everyday people they play out a pre-planned drama.
They create the problems for their pre-planned solutions. They are actors. Who do not act for the Australian people. As they insert global governance policies into our laws without even consulting us. Our needs, aspirations and concerns have become irrelevant. The aim of their game is to con us into our own demise. They do this through staged theatrics. A strategy of tension.
Why had Dutton’s home affairs put in place the Sendai framework that the Australian people did not sign up for?

Dutton's UN emergency "framework" sought to control everything as illustrated in the graphic below from a 2018 report. The framework was designed for the Covid Plan-Demic.
An "emergency" was the device to take away representative government, specifically checks and balances that hold power to account. In other words, they want to abuse us in whatever way they see fit. Without being constrained by any limitations.

A “whole-of-society” approach is taken in Dutton's 2018 Sendai UN “framework” implementation plan, this includes: every department, every corporate cartel, every major NGO, every union, and every level of government:
“The National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework (‘the framework’) guides national, whole-of-society efforts to proactively reduce disaster risk in order to minimise the loss and suffering caused by disasters.” 5
Sendai (Build Back Better) is the UN disaster recovery framework incorporated into Australian law thanks to Peter Dutton. Leading to its implementation into our laws without our consent. This device suspended representative government, bringing tyranny. The device used to force Australians to take a bioweapon designed to kill and injure.
Why isn’t the big lie media reporting on this?

The framework that put in place a lockstep world system to remove our checks and balances to inflict a bioweapon as another device to weaken our people and our nation for foreign interference. For raping and pillaging. As has been done in Africa and PNG.
The main aim of the COVID plan-demic was to con us into replacing the public service and representative government system with a cartel of BlackRock contractors with no allegiance to us. To act in the best interests of the people or the nation.
Dutton was the puppet on a string of the BlackRock/Vanguard corporate cartel to con all levels of government; all agencies, including the police, the ADF, unions, and other organisations to implement the Sendai UN emergency response framework. As a result, Dutton ensured that the plan-demic was rolled out in a lock-step manner.
Dutton is responsible for the suspension of our checks and balances in the Covid plan-demic, including:
no testing of the Covid shots using Australian standards (which normally takes years); and
the use of coordinated misinformation, brutal bullying tactics, to force Australians to take the Covid bioweapon, in violation of all informed consent safeguards, and basic human decency.
As a puppet on a string, Dutton simply followed the orders of his corporate masters. He is not intelligent enough to devise a plan of this kind.
Since BlackRock/Vanguard is Westpac Bank's largest shareholder, they were the driving force behind the Covid lockstep response.
In 2012, the Vanguard/BlackRock cartel lobbying the government was led by Westpac Bank, which admitted to facilitating child exploitation and money laundering. All puppets in the uni-party parliament followed the orders of their transnational corporate child exploiting, money laundering masters.
This directly led to the implementation of the Sendai UN emergency response framework into Australian law and across all government departments, led by their trusted traitor Peter Dutton.

I remember sitting in meetings with Westpac's CEO, she was very enthusiastic about Andrew Forrest's Smart Card, which uses World Economic Forum technology. To track and trace human beings.
At the time, I had no idea that this was part of a biometric corporatocracy coup to overthrow our representative government system. To end all the checks and balances we have in place to keep us safe.
They are laughing at us. How do they get away with this?
Could it be that we have a Blackmail operation set up so crooks can fleece us using immigrants as a decoy while our shores are flooded with drugs, and who knows what else when evil has no bounds.
Both sides of the Uni-party are complicit in the scam of the decade.
All this expense, planning, and risk is to con us. We are the biggest barrier to their success.
Now my readers are the jury of everyday people. A jury presented with the full facts always gets it right.
This is why I still hold hope in my heart we will be liberated from the Empire 2.0 once the mask is ripped off.
A letter was sent to every federal representative, and I also wrote to Peter Dutton at many times in an attempt to get his urgent attention. Dirty cop Dutton, however, actively worked with the big lie media, in an attempt to silence my voice.
Herein I put those in power on notice.
Upon reviewing the findings of the Operation Bannister investigation, conducted jointly by the Australian Commission into Law Enforcement Integrity (ACLEI) and the Department of Home Affairs, NACC concluded there was no corrupt conduct, see here: https://www.aph.gov.au/-/media/Estimates/legcon/bud2324/Attorney-Generals/32_Morrison_government_paid_corrupt_businessman_millions_for_offshore_processing_on_Nauru.pdf?la=en&hash=2A2410804E7822E75320B1594C7FA9A46C96955
Bhojani had been under AFP investigation since 2015. Home Affairs continued to pay money to Bhojani’s company (Radiance International Inc) until June 2023. Dutton's department still gave him taxpayers' money three years after he was sentenced to a suspended prison term for corruption of PNG officials in 2020.
Noting: Fact Sheet 86 – Overstayers and Other Unlawful Non-citizens, Department of Immigration and Border Protection, 2012. was removed from the Australian government website, using the Wayback Machine, the source was found here, also see https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-03-05/covid-19-vaccine-calls-for-amnesty-for-undocumented-workers/13218382
Paul L. Williams, Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia, Prometheus Books, 2015 at page 395, citing “Anthony M. DeStefano, “The Balkan Connection,” Wall Street Journal, September 9, 1985.”
Reference: you'll find the quote, on page 5: https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/emergency/files/national-disaster-risk-reduction-framework.pdf
so good to hear your voice again Josephine, might not be the news we want to hear but more importantly it's the truth,,love your effort in exposing these germs, I will do what I can with my limited resources to spread your word