so good to hear your voice again Josephine, might not be the news we want to hear but more importantly it's the truth,,love your effort in exposing these germs, I will do what I can with my limited resources to spread your word
Have you read the 2007 Pandemic Preparedness Plan of the United States government?
It has EVERY SINGLE tyranny of the COVID-terrorism detailed.
But of great interest to this article of yours - it confirms on p.53 under the heading "Banking and Finance Sector Profile' that:
'The Banking and Finance sector represents the forefront of pandemic planning" at the FOREFRONT of pandemic planning'
It goes on to note that the organization representing the bankers is the:
"Sector Coordinating Council (the Financial Services Sector Coordinating Council
(FSSCC)) issued its Statement on Preparations for “Avian Flu,” (Statement) its June 6, 2006 FSSCC meeting."
So, the BANKERS had their plandemic, er..pandemic plan in place a year before the government in January 2006 - making the BANKSTERS the WORLD LEADERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH.
This adds to the PROOF that the BANKERS led the COVID-PLANDEMIC.
I'm working on a project that I think can demonstrate how filters like circulation numbers that are used by big media can be bypassed in favor of ones that allow news sources to be found based on content.
I would like to invite you to be included in a table of responses to 24 yes/no covid and great reset related questions. If you take one minute per question, that would be 24 minutes, but I bet you could do it in 5.
Note that you can respond with '?' to any question that you don't want to answer.
Instructions are in the first pinned comment, and also here:
Your row in the table can be filled out by entering a comment there using the following template with answers of <yes/ yes (see comments) / no / no (see comments) / ?> where any comments can be in the comments section, then I will put your answers in the table.
These questions follow the Open World Assumption:
"The Open World Assumption (OWA) is the assumption that what is not known to be true or false might be true, or absence of information is interpreted as unknown information, not as negative information"
So an assertion of one thing in the list does not negate the assertion of another thing. People will have different interpretations of different things. This is mainly intended to be an explanation of how you want people to find you in this index. It is intended to bypass legacy measures like subscriber numbers.
so good to hear your voice again Josephine, might not be the news we want to hear but more importantly it's the truth,,love your effort in exposing these germs, I will do what I can with my limited resources to spread your word
Twiggies, especially dried up twiggies, they snap under high winds.
Here comes the wind...
Dear Josephine, thank you. You join the dots very well. Mdutton is being manipulated, his time is up.
Hi Jospehine,
Have you read the 2007 Pandemic Preparedness Plan of the United States government?
It has EVERY SINGLE tyranny of the COVID-terrorism detailed.
But of great interest to this article of yours - it confirms on p.53 under the heading "Banking and Finance Sector Profile' that:
'The Banking and Finance sector represents the forefront of pandemic planning" at the FOREFRONT of pandemic planning'
It goes on to note that the organization representing the bankers is the:
"Sector Coordinating Council (the Financial Services Sector Coordinating Council
(FSSCC)) issued its Statement on Preparations for “Avian Flu,” (Statement) its June 6, 2006 FSSCC meeting."
So, the BANKERS had their plandemic, er..pandemic plan in place a year before the government in January 2006 - making the BANKSTERS the WORLD LEADERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH.
This adds to the PROOF that the BANKERS led the COVID-PLANDEMIC.
Hi Josephine,
I'm working on a project that I think can demonstrate how filters like circulation numbers that are used by big media can be bypassed in favor of ones that allow news sources to be found based on content.
The motivation is more fully explained explained here:
I would like to invite you to be included in a table of responses to 24 yes/no covid and great reset related questions. If you take one minute per question, that would be 24 minutes, but I bet you could do it in 5.
Note that you can respond with '?' to any question that you don't want to answer.
Instructions are in the first pinned comment, and also here:
Your row in the table can be filled out by entering a comment there using the following template with answers of <yes/ yes (see comments) / no / no (see comments) / ?> where any comments can be in the comments section, then I will put your answers in the table.
These questions follow the Open World Assumption:
"The Open World Assumption (OWA) is the assumption that what is not known to be true or false might be true, or absence of information is interpreted as unknown information, not as negative information"
So an assertion of one thing in the list does not negate the assertion of another thing. People will have different interpretations of different things. This is mainly intended to be an explanation of how you want people to find you in this index. It is intended to bypass legacy measures like subscriber numbers.
The questions:
1) Supports Trump
2) Trump assassination attempt faked
3) Trump is a Technocrat
4) mRNA is a bioweapon
5)All vaccines are bioweapons
6) Vaccines were always bioweapons
7) Covid was just poisoning
8) Covid was a military operation
9) Covid was dangerous
10) Covid response was dangerous
11) Covid was a pandemic
12) Covid was a bioweapon
13) Viruses exist
14) Viruses cause disease
15) Terrain theory is correct
16) Germ theory is correct
17) G3P is in charge
18) G3P runs Putin too
19) Global warming caused by humans
20) Supports Ukraine war
21) 5G is for depopulation
22) Chemtrails are for depopulation
23) Malthus was correct
24) The Earth is overpopulated
Bill Rice jr. is doing it with legacy measures like subscriber numbers, and as far as I can tell, you're left out.
V for Vendetta. 💣
Dear Mrs Cashman.
Love your Article.
We can take their power.
Here is my proposition... a new technology that runs on water.
Water as energy is my life work.
With this we can take their power and build a better future without them... without wars... better and more advanced than ever before
This and many other technologies I have ready to rumble.
It truly is a peace Train.
Cat Stevens - Peace Train
Partial cross post and linked at