I’ve been calling out Assange as an asset for yonks, but no one wants to hear it. How can someone who was taken to the US as a child and prostituted around the rich and famous, NOT be an asset? If only he actually did tell the truth, that would be something worth hearing. But then, of course, he’d be dead.

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Exactly right.

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I’m not without sympathy for the MK-Ultred child. Years ago I spoke with a friend of his real mother, in the Dandenong hills behind Melbourne. It’s how I learnt about the Family cult connection. I’m not sure of the point, it just makes me deeply sad.

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Assange never came to the US as a child. The whole story is fake. If you believe Mike Pompeo then you never saw the viral clip of him bragging about being “taught to lie, cheat, and steal during my first week at the CIA”. I hate seeing this level of propaganda .

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I get the same response. I've recently left a small discord group because they are so blinded by lies but believe they are 'awake'. Its hopeless.

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Yeah but it’s weird how Julian ended up where he is & the Hamilton -Byrne guy I knew ended up a dust monkey in a furniture factory with me?

Guess he should have spent some more time hacking into Pentagon computers maybe?

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Don't know a thing about his past. But always thought he felt like theater, and more so after he was taken out of the embassy holding up a book on the security state by Gore Vidal. How does a high profile arrestee that's supposed to be viewed as dangerous manage that one? The book could have had a tracker, a weapon, escape tools, a transmitter.. Is that standard in the UK for security to be that lax? Wouldn't happen in the US.

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Yes, something similar, I read a few years back. We need to stop spectating and getting all worked up by the shit shows running around us, designed to keep us entertained, fighting, divided, distracted, whatever. It all works. Until we get smarter, and stop taking in their attractions. All we need to do is disregard the circus, not comply with any government or corporate mandates trying to tell us how to live, and make our own way working together in small, self-sufficient communities (at least for food, water, shelter, and sanitation). They can self-destruct on their own. If no one gives them credence, they will sooner rather than later, and with far less damage to us. We can rebuild our world ourselves. We don't need half of what is out there.

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Well said! They feed off our our energy. We don't need them at all.

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95% of the population are sheep and aren’t ready to accept what needs to be done

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I don't call humans/victims sheep. This is disgusting talk. Blaming everyday people for this criminal deception. So they can manage us. This is the sort of tactic crooks use to distract from their offending.

Also, I prefer to call it opening our eyes to the lies. If everyone was 'awake' it may be worse. This is why the phoney liberationist movement is obsessed with their cultist awakening.

If they got their way we would be facing an internal war.

Don't worry about anything you can't control. It's pointless demoralisation.

Besides One Voice proved it takes courage to make a difference not the numbers. They need to demoralise and divide us to win. They are failing. They face a wave of contempt and disgust. Once the mask is ripped off they are finished.

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I am.glad you do not insult people not yet aware of the vax genocide etc - they are not thick just lied to since birth.

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Surely though people owe a civil duty to others to open their minds to the horrors unfolding. Especially when the narrative is now so blatant. Most just don’t want to know or don’t care. If you patiently try and explain they turn on you. I have come to the conclusion that these events are a result of the collective unconscious or zeitgeist of the age which nothing can alter until the narrative plays out. To that extent I agree that we can only stand and observe.

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I knew about him 15 years ago. Let’s face it what did he really reveal? Not much anyone else could not have discovered on their own. This is how you know controlled opposition!

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You do realize stating the obvious makes you a potential threat to your countries security...Do not state the obvious follow the herd and everything will be rosy 😏

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Wow. Just wow!

I have no words. I am literally speechless!

Will need some time to fully absorb what you said here 🤯

One thing I can say straight off the bat is that there are some 'peculiar' names (to put it mildly) associated with one of the primary sponsors of Assange's Australian campaign and the launch of the "Night Falls in the Evening Lands" doco.


Then, there is also this at the footer of the official website of the "Assange Freedom Network"(https://assangefreedom.network/):

"This global site to unite all grassroots groups supporting Julian Assange operates out of Australia on indigenous land whose sovereignty has never been ceded."

It could be just a matter of the webmaster who created the site as they have this at the footer of their site:

"We meet and work on stolen lands of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people and respect that sovereignty of those lands was never ceded. We pay respect to Elders, past and present, and acknowledge the pivotal role that Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people continue to play within the Australian community"


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I've recently discovered your work Michael, through Mathew Crawford. Proud of my fellow Aussie sleuths. Thank you. We are certainly in a pickle

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I am no match to Josephine. She operates on a totally different level.

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That’s one helluva list of sponsors 😳

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Yeah SHAPE, shape of a pyramid logo? What da? Big Malaysian contingent, the plot thickens, fragments then reconvenes at an unlikely place. Like a missing airliner or something

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The reason that they operate on indigenous land is it creates the perfect cover for secrecy.

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I woukd have thought that indigenous land is as or more monitored than non - ie to make sure thee indigenous peoples do not rise up or cause 'problems'..

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"The Shape Project" is a leftist globalist operation!


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The Convenors list is also interesting…

Richard Falk

“He directed the project on Global Climate Change, Human Security, and Democracy at UCSB and formerly was the director of the North American group in the World Order Models Project. Between 2008 and 2014, Falk served as UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Occupied Palestine. His book, (Re)Imagining Humane Global Governance (2014), proposes a value-oriented assessment of world order and future trends….”


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Thank you for your contribution.

For an opportunity to provide more context: Taking into account the historical facts of the matter, it makes sense:

Assange was born in the military township of Townsville Australia. Baby Assange was born into a five-eyes cult. Train for life, like a circus animal, to perform for his staring role the"hero" in the five eyes/Gladio production/phoney performance. Produced by the treasonists cowards. A phoney performance to con and manipulate us to fight each other instead of the cause of our discontentment,

They have more money than sense. As you will see in the below explanation.

How did this happen:

As was done in America under Operation Paperclip, Australia welcomed Nazi war criminals as part of a covert operation called Matchbox. One of the most horrendous betrayals in modern history. The insiders traitors, the 5th columnist enemy combatants, welcomed in our men after they fought the axis powers.

A specific example of the strategy of tension is how they invented communism and blamed the Jews. They create problems for preplanned solutions.

. In the ashes of the chaos they created, our "heroes" are born. Again, Assange was born into this phoney show as a MKULTRA baby.

The Assange show makes sense now when we open our eyes to the lies.

The lies are intergenerational as are the phoney performances.

Gladio/MatchBox/Paperclip were post-WWII covert operations, as mentioned above, they brought the enemy to our shores. Around the world, evil AXIS war criminals were placed in public institutions. As a result, mind control programs are used worldwide (via five-eye cults via Operation Gladio).

We were attacked from behind by these deranged cowards.

Assange's White Brotherhood cult is a direct result of it. With direct ties to insider 5th column traitors. I mind control program cowards that use their own innocent children as weapons. It is evident that they are disgustingly deranged. Repulsive psychopaths five eye ruling class cultists. Driven by the disproven pseudo-science of their own supremacy. An existential threat to all living things.

It is important to note that I myself witness their disgusting idiotic behaviour.

As an insider whistleblower their attacks (including vandalism of my car x 2, property damage, death threats, etc) for exposing their hidden agenda were unhinged and unsuccessful.

They fail to stop me from warning everyday people about their malign/supremacist agenda.

The truth is out there and their plot is crumbling.

They believe themselves to be superior, they are actually extremely stupid.

A challenge, exposure, or defeat from one who they perceive as inferior sends them spinning out of control into an epic failure lake of self-pity. When this happens it is over. They expose themselves.

Forming out the mouth, they are like snakes lashing out. Having no self-discipline is like biting oneself with a venomous tongue. Angrily stuporous.

In the end, this is what happens when you build your plans on sand, based on disproven pseudoscience fairytales of your own supremacy.

They become enraged and do all sorts of irrational things. Not for their best interests. To expose themselves. The person who triggered them was me. As a mixed race person of Aboriginal heritage they believe we are the closest human species to an animal.

It explain how they became incensed when I took them on.

They were violently mad. All reason melted away in their attacks on me. They succumbed to a groupthink psychobabble cult stupor. They expose themselves publicly as pathetic psychopaths. Perhaps in-breeding causes it. It makes sense why it is illegal.

Here's an example of how idiotic they are: to gain my trust (as a former award-winning prosecutor) they voluntarily disclosed information not accessible to the public. They thought they could con me as I am inferior to them. In the most stupid move, they revealed a blackmail drug the device used to control those in power in this country and around the world.

Used Nazis and MI6 in WW2. Some call it the truth serum, but it is actually a drug that eliminates free will.

Australia established a blackmail drug crop after WW2. Big Pharma and a convicted Nazi war criminal were instrumental in the establishment of the crop. Australia is now the world's largest drug producer.

In terms of evidence, I have recorded every conversation with deranged five eyes cult members.

My free factual articles contain some relevant recordings.

Although we would all prefer that this not be true, it is an undeniable fact.

Moreover, we have to point out that this MKUltra program continued even after it was exposed in the US. The program operates in 5 eye cults, as seen and documented in the Jonestown mass-murder.

You know this makes sense when one comes to terms with betrayal. Their phoney performances intended to hide betrayal and draw attention to the Assange Show, in which Pompeo played a villain role.

In any case, this fabricated performance has been exposed and the curtains have been drawn on it.

It is always true that the truth makes sense. Thus, every jury consists of everyday people who have been properly instructed, always makes the right decision, every time.

Upon judgement, they will trade places with an unaware public. Shackled by their own incompetence.

.My readers are the jury. It will be Guilty on all counts

As once the mask is ripped off they are finished. They face a tsunami of contempt and disgust.

Yours faithfully


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Thank you for sharing your own experiences and knowledge.

This has really allowed me to see things in a far more clearer light.

However, certain individuals that identify as Jews do play a central role in leading us toward the road to Hell

But, what motivates these people?

Where did they come from?

What is the purpose.

Most of us, left to our own devices are decent human beings who do not instinctively wish to mislead or harm others.

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Wow! Josephine. Knocked it out of the park yet again. Mathew Crawford of Rounding the Earth has Assange as a possible CIA asset due to his childhood in the cult. Your work intersects beautifully. Keep going and please take care!

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Thanks Kate

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Josephine, you have done it again. I have to confess I bought into the Julian Assange movie and a few nights later I had an epiphany that I had been misled. - Now you have written this article and in your usual style, so succinct and hard hitting. I agree with Michael, a lot to absorb but it all makes sense. I am so grateful for your articles that really get me thinking and often challenge me to reach some different conclusions. I will certainly spread this around, thank you.

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Thank you so much Lyn. If we all share the truth they go down.

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Thankyou - Yet another hero, 'good guy' is a fraud - but I should not be surprised by now. Why would a parent allow their young child to be owned by psychopaths? Was Assange and so many other trafficked, abused etc children handed over for money by his (?) greedy parents? Surely so much LSD so young would kill or so harm the child they would never leave a mental health facility? What does he get out of years of acting these bizarre roles? Lots of money? Maybe he has no choice...Wonder what will happen to his children...

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I don’t know what is more galling… that the ruling class useless eliter cultists are clandestinely but demonstrably into all sorts of whackadoodle secret society new age magick horseshit like drunk teenagers with a ouija board, from bloodline purity to gematria to numerology symbolism to assorted batshit ritualistic and initiation esoterica up to and including malevolent theologies and delusional narcissistic complexes and eugenicist supremacy pseudoscience…

or that the vast majority of the normie world doesn’t give a shit, and wouldn’t believe you even if you showed them Elon Musk parading around in a Baphomet costume, the arch of Ba’al being paraded around the world, the entertainment industry being awash with satanic imagery, or all manner of skulduggery, weaponised conventionality, criminality, corruption, nihilism, brainwashing and mass murder masquerading as polite society.

Here’s Harry Potter with the weather.

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Both -

the ever audacious degeneracy spilling from top of the pyramid can be exponentially magnified and always matched by stupid ignorance of the bottom that Supports it

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You certainly write like an Irishman Murphy, I recognise and applaud it.🇨🇮 I actually worked alongside one of the Hamilton -Byrne “children” (verified) he said the whole cult thing was crap, & the Yanks just wanted to divest them of their “significant” property in the Catskills & Australia.

It’s still hard to accept that I got so close to this whole “mystery” (the family, how unique a title) and yet cannot unravel what has really gone on, but Assange one way or another, was “pressed” into a limited hangout operation with Wikileaks, it seems. My contact claimed an extensive “smear campaign “ was waged by Australian media, which I dug into a lot, (puerile but convincing enough for the public consumption) they claimed that staff at a children’s mental health facility (Kew Cottages, now defunct) were raping “disturbed” (rebellious & drugged?) teenagers & the children born from this were adopted by “the family”. Sounds outrageous but they didn’t stop there. It’s like the “mother of all rabbit holes, this Assange business but overall I wish him well. May God protect his children

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His wife seems genuine. Do you think she is protecting him from this? I have helped to protect similar types of people ..

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The claims made in this ''article'' that Julian Assange has been a deep state asset since the day he was born [1971] makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

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> Some know, in 2017, CIA head Mike Pompeo condemned Assange as a false wizard.

Oh well, if Mike Pompeo says it you can take it to the bank, right? I mean, the guy never lied, cheated or stole anything, so his word is worth ....

In an all seriousness, even IF all this is true, how does it diminish the value of his whistleblows?

And how does it explain the insane obsession his MK Ultra masters in the U.S. had to jail him for 175 years?

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If war is about deception.

Why does the supremacy cult want control the opposition: to hide their lies. To divert everyday people from the plot.

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles."

Read this: https://open.substack.com/pub/francisoneill/p/julian-assange?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=bxavl

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Limited Hangout Operation, breadcrumbs of truth lead to a Big Fat Lie trap. (In a nutshell explanation) see “Weapons of Mass Distraction “ q Silent weapons for quiet wars.

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I am a newbie to this line of thought, only having seen the media showing his distressed and harangued state from behind bars... are you implying he was not really in Belmarsh solitary confinement for 5 years? Only acting?

That his Father then must be part of the cover up, and his wife and children?

Could you provide more links to his past involvement with MK Ultra please?

Thank you for your research

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As a newbie, the best advice I can possibly give you to save you time, frustration, energy and emotion is they are ALL controlled. They are ALL playing their role. If they are on the world stage. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. This includes sports ‘heroes’, bands, musicians, politicians, “journalists” - you name it. They fight a fake war to divide and distract the people. We should not be fooled by ANY of them. Hence why I listen to what Josephine Cashman has to say. She may not be right about everything but she has done amazing research and she does NOT get a platform. That makes her a truth seeker of we the people.

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ps, do you follow Sabrina Wallace?

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Now that you mention it, I suppose it would make a lot of sense for the power structure to setup a honeypot for whistleblowers. Maybe Assange was passing all intel he received on to his controllers who, in turn, decided which information to withhold and which to turn loose to the public.

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"Revealingly this does not happen in Julian’s case. It would be perfectly normal for the English army to enter the Ecuadorian embassy, drag Julian by his wizardly white hair, and nobody would be able to identify him. Yet they did not."

This is clearly not supportable as any sort of truth claim.

Caitlan Johnson, Cites the Fallacies of Logical argument and then proceeds to indulge. Irony, do Aussies get it too? #Assange #Snowdon #FreeSpeech #Censorship #Coercion #Bellmarsh #Guantanamo #CIAGatekeeping #NGOSockpuppetComplex #OligarchyCi… https://longhairedmusings.wordpress.com/2019/04/23/caitlan-johnson-cites-the-fallacies-of-logical-argument-and-then-proceeds-to-indulge-irony-do-aussies-get-it-too-assange-snowdon-freespeech-censorship-coercion-bellmarsh-guantanamo-ciagate/ via @PMotels



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Using a Rothschild barrister I was told

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Rothschild = British Ruling class. They are such weak cowards they always use frontmen/scapegoats. It's the Jews and then its Aboriginal Australia for the Uluru Voice Con. To scapegoat all indigenous for their new Atlantis supremacy

fairytale. We have had enough as their sandcastle of lies crumbles. As the New Age lies are exposed.

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Yep, agreed.

We wake them up or potentially lose though.

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The British royals have been sired by Rothschilds it seems at times when breeding rights exchanged for millions of pounds needed to prevent bankruptcy caused by wars ( started by royaks/Rothschilds ie latter finances both sides makes trillions in profit on loans) Would taking down the monarchy / Rothschilds ie Zionist, supremacist, Eugenicist, psychopaths

assist the demise of globalists intent on destroying most of the human race and planet?

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I’ll see your British Royals & raise you a “Fuerher” Adolfs mother was a chambermaid at Rothschild family home, she was cute & the young baron was horny. Family planning is easy when money fixes everything

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And did nearly a dozen talks sponsored by Rothschild in the UK I have been told..

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I do not doubt this. And what better than someone who was on the inside to reveal what happens on the inside. So let us take another view. Not a fraud, as many many people have consistently verified that the information in wikileaks, revealing many secrets, is 99% or more accurate. So how would a fraud as you say have that kind of accuracy if he was, say, controlled opposition? Many MK Ultra victims have come forward of recent years. He's a valuable asset for the good guys.

I've seen videos from people who were very successful, who were in the belly of the beast, but couldn't go those last steps required to lose all humanity. Having come forward, they have vital information on just how the cabal operates.

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It never ceases to amaze me how easily manipulated many or most people (in Westen cultures but maybe all) are by anyone with the gall to stand up and say

tgey are 'of God' or that 'God' speaks to them so they must be super special ( and if course they lways need money..) The woman shouting in the clip with hands cupped to her head and eyes closed looks deranged and her aggressive manner etc also the man sayingvthe same but a littke less creepily..) That audience is huge listening with eyes closed and holding hands in such devout fevent worship. These types operate all over America and worldwide it seems. Why are humans so easily mind controlled?! Not all but so so many. If those 2 told the followers they had to die immediately, most would probably obey & take their own lives...Horrifying.

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Zionist Jews Khazerizn Jews ect are behind it all. And the US GOVERMENT.. CIA FBI ECT

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