Julian Assange became a deep state asset on his birthday in 1971, not in 2006 when he founded WikiLeaks. Assange is a MK Ultra baby.
Julian Assange the supposedly most significant threat to the intelligence services in terms of whistleblowers. Was actually the creation of an MK Ultra mind control LSD cult.
Hackers refer to Assange as The White Wizard, but few know he was born into an Australian cult, the Great White Brotherhood, led by theosophist Anne Hamilton-Bryne. Some know, in 2017, CIA head Mike Pompeo condemned Assange as a false wizard.
More connections to intelligence surround this cult. It is claimed that the Great White Brotherhood cult unlocks infinite growth and spiritual awakening possibilities.
What a coincidence that Michael Flynn, a former intelligence PSYOP chief, honoured leading Great White Brotherhood figure Elizabeth Clare Prophet. In his speech on his awakening tour. By repeating her luciferian ideology.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet: I am the instrument of those sevenfold rays and archangels! And I will not back down. I will take my stand. I will not be afraid to speak. I will serve as God's instrument, regardless of his will. Here I am, with God's help! In the name of Archangel Michael and his legions, I am born free and will remain free. I will not be enslaved by any enemy, both within and outside.
General Mike Flynn: We are your instruments of those sevenfold rays and all your archangels, every single one of them. We will not back down, we will stand our ground. We will not be afraid to speak. We will serve as your instruments, no matter your will. In your name and the name of your legions, we are born free and will remain free. We will not be enslaved by any enemy, both within and outside, with God's help.
I actually find this disgusting.
This global production spectacle has been lauded by the Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange. Playing the role of the white hat hacker, a pre-determined checkmate performance on a chessboard has played an integral role.
In the end, he would never be hurt by MI6. That is why Ecuador's act of harbouring Assange didn't constitute an act of war against the Anglo-Establishment because he is their star asset. The establishment works against genuine whistleblowers.
Revealingly this does not happen in Julian’s case. It would be perfectly normal for the English army to enter the Ecuadorian embassy, drag Julian by his wizardly white hair, and nobody would be able to identify him. Yet they did not.
We all know his name because he serves them very well as a fake hero in a phoney performance.
Why does dirty Hollywood love Assange so much? How many movies are made about him?
Julian's show is not just a phoney performance of a child who came to be in that role as a result of abuse. Assange's show is a drama intended to distract us from what we need to focus on. While we all see crimes against humanity ignored.
But the show must go on.
Julian Assange ascended from a tormented, dishevelled, sick inmate in isolation. Desperately in need of funding. To tanned, slick, Hollywood star. Quite a performance. What's installed for the next episode?
The facade is crumbling. The show has to escalate to hide the true face of this grifter/Gladio asset. Roll up. Roll up.The White Brotherhood star had ascended to super hero status.
As disappointing as it is. No damaged intelligence operators should lead us.
We are the solution to this mess.
It's time: to take control.
Expose the traitors.
Yes, something similar, I read a few years back. We need to stop spectating and getting all worked up by the shit shows running around us, designed to keep us entertained, fighting, divided, distracted, whatever. It all works. Until we get smarter, and stop taking in their attractions. All we need to do is disregard the circus, not comply with any government or corporate mandates trying to tell us how to live, and make our own way working together in small, self-sufficient communities (at least for food, water, shelter, and sanitation). They can self-destruct on their own. If no one gives them credence, they will sooner rather than later, and with far less damage to us. We can rebuild our world ourselves. We don't need half of what is out there.
I’ve been calling out Assange as an asset for yonks, but no one wants to hear it. How can someone who was taken to the US as a child and prostituted around the rich and famous, NOT be an asset? If only he actually did tell the truth, that would be something worth hearing. But then, of course, he’d be dead.