Rothschild = British Ruling class. They are such weak cowards they always use frontmen/scapegoats. It's the Jews and then its Aboriginal Australia for the Uluru Voice Con. To scapegoat all indigenous for their new Atlantis supremacy
fairytale. We have had enough as their sandcastle of lies crumbles. As the New Age lies are exposed.
The British royals have been sired by Rothschilds it seems at times when breeding rights exchanged for millions of pounds needed to prevent bankruptcy caused by wars ( started by royaks/Rothschilds ie latter finances both sides makes trillions in profit on loans) Would taking down the monarchy / Rothschilds ie Zionist, supremacist, Eugenicist, psychopaths
assist the demise of globalists intent on destroying most of the human race and planet?
IтАЩll see your British Royals & raise you a тАЬFuerherтАЭ Adolfs mother was a chambermaid at Rothschild family home, she was cute & the young baron was horny. Family planning is easy when money fixes everything
Using a Rothschild barrister I was told
Rothschild = British Ruling class. They are such weak cowards they always use frontmen/scapegoats. It's the Jews and then its Aboriginal Australia for the Uluru Voice Con. To scapegoat all indigenous for their new Atlantis supremacy
fairytale. We have had enough as their sandcastle of lies crumbles. As the New Age lies are exposed.
Yep, agreed.
We wake them up or potentially lose though.
The British royals have been sired by Rothschilds it seems at times when breeding rights exchanged for millions of pounds needed to prevent bankruptcy caused by wars ( started by royaks/Rothschilds ie latter finances both sides makes trillions in profit on loans) Would taking down the monarchy / Rothschilds ie Zionist, supremacist, Eugenicist, psychopaths
assist the demise of globalists intent on destroying most of the human race and planet?
IтАЩll see your British Royals & raise you a тАЬFuerherтАЭ Adolfs mother was a chambermaid at Rothschild family home, she was cute & the young baron was horny. Family planning is easy when money fixes everything
And did nearly a dozen talks sponsored by Rothschild in the UK I have been told..