Josephine, can you believe that Western Australia's Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Laws have been entirely exposed and abandoned in a panic! What an unexpected and surreal turn of events!

The Voice is now unsalvageable in the public mind (as squawked by all legacy media parrots), and soon Albanese's ill-fated Prime-ministership will be utterly sunk, rats and all! Guided by the odious winds of the UN and fittingly dashed on the rocks of its own hubris... Glorious!

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Stephen, I see you've covered 'the pandemic'...

You might be interested in my recent email to Health Minister Mark Butler: Reckless disregard for voluntary informed consent for vaccination - the AHPRA Position Statement 9 March 2021: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/08/reckless-disregard-for-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination-email-to-health-minister-mark-butler.pdf

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This is all a bit mind-blowing...

What's the real story behind Andrew and Nicola Forrest's philanthropic foundation Minderoo, and the global Giving Pledge established by Bill and Melinda Gates?


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Tax exemptions/ concessions & a neat way to launder funds.

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And they call it philanthropy!

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Indeed. Stomp on people on the way up to huge wealth then pretend to give some of it back to those they trod on.

'phony art Phil' is an anagram of philanthropy. Seems very suitable.

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Lots of mega rich & not so mega rich "charities/foundations" utilise the great tax dodge as a "smoke & mirrors, trust fund." Who tracks these payments, the ATO, it is to laugh? Dangerous work for the billionaire's transferring funds to their foundations. It appears that when they do, it always brings an end to their marriages.

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I also thought it was interesting that many psycho billionaires were breaking up.

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G'day Josephine, you do great work, much appreciated . I think it's a ploy to avoid/ obfuscate any future investigations.

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Brilliant bit of writing.

Re - These billionaire pirates not only clandestinely control political parties such as the LNP, Labor, One Nation, and the Greens, but they also hold sway over the entire political landscape -

I'm interested to learn more about how ''One Nation'' functions as a controlled opposition.

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I vowed to uncover the truth behind why the government was financially supporting a paedophile who was exploiting children, and why they retaliated against us when we attempted to address the issue. I was determined to do whatever it took, but it soon became clear that they had all been compromised. Originally, my intention was to align myself with the Liberal Democrats, as they had invited me to stand as their candidate. It appeared that their objective was to waste my time by deceiving me with their plan, seemingly deriving pleasure from it. Additionally, I unexpectedly became the last-minute nominee for One Nation, which introduced a new layer of complexity to the situation. Filled with apprehension, I composed a detailed email to Pauline Hanson, outlining all the discoveries I had made. To my dismay, instead of acknowledging my achievements as one of the highest-performing candidates, she relentlessly pursued me, further confirming my suspicions regarding her lack of sincerity. Through my interactions with her, it became increasingly evident that she lacks moral principles. In a forthcoming piece of writing, I will provide supplementary information regarding this issue, shedding light on the extent of this betrayal. Coping with this astonishing turn of events and the subsequent disappointment proved to be an exceedingly arduous ordeal for me. However, documenting this experience has proven to be a therapeutic and efficacious method of coming to terms with it.

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I was keen to learn some more about O.N. and started by reading from their webpage - there was a lot of material that was agreeable such as ending all agreements with ISDS provisions however the web page is pretty vague about the finer details such as defense and finance.

In the end I contacted O.N. and simply asked if they had a Defense policy - in the reply it was stated that they didn't have a defense policy which I find unbelievable.

I've lost all faith in Canberra's politicians and suffer no illusions that Australia isn't a Democracy but a obedient and submissive US vassal state.

I'd appreciate self government as opposed to a dictatorial rule from afar which requires that our taxes are being wasted of never ending lie based wars which serves another agenda.

Thanks for the reply, it's nice to have met you even though it's online.

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Bill Gates made over $10.28B, out of the bio weapons & said he'd give a quarter of it to charity.

He's still deciding about what to do with the remaining $10,279,999,999.75 .

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Are you able to post a link to your interview with Karla Grant that I saw last night? It was such obvious good sense.

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Perhaps like me, others are unaware of what is meant by "Juukan hoax".

I searched via Yandex.com, and this article by Josephine I found sufficiently informative to fill in needed context.


For those involved, it's beneficial, in my experience, to 'make it easy' for the intended audience to follow the article, by including links that provide relevant context.

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The timeline of it all is detailed and compelling, but without links to supporting documents nobody believes it. There must be verifiable documentation. And why are RT going along with this? The parties stand accused of overseeing a lie to the Australian people, hiding the evidence & now we are seeing “invisible heritage” being weaponised in Victoria to shut down the Grampians by the hilariously Orwellian sounding First People’s State Relations Unit that resides in the DPC (thanks Dan you traitor) with all the other 6-figure-salary oppressed. These apparatchiks are levying fines in the $000,000’s to members of the public via spy networks. Mao would be thrilled with the idea. https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/indigenous/grampians-covert-culture-cops-drop-in-for-a-chilling-home-visit-with-threat-of-346000-fine/news-story/5d179c6f946f4638244154805c292d02?amp&nk=53f105c2fd77aa9562b522f9799c2abd-1698180615

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Thanks Josephine. I thought I had seen this before but couldn't find it linked in the above article (good idea to link to it from all mentions I reckon) - it's a thorough analysis that is eye opening. I've shown it to several people and they are gobsmacked that the Senators involved in the inquiry are perpetrating such an obvious distortion of the facts.

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great work exposing the rat pirate cartel

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When searching Holmes A Court and Teal independents, I remember seeing them connected to the Rhodes family (of Rhodesia) somehow? And of course the Rothschild's funded the Rhodes in Rhodesia.

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Simon HaC is running an unauthorised political party & the AEC refuses to enforce the laws to make them register. All of this explains why the Libs are jumping ship to become Teals though. It’s like an MLM, those who get in first get the spoils while they leech their friends dry.

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Teals are funded by holmes a court. His fam are connected to the Rhodes of Rhodesia, who were funded by the Rothschilds

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There seems to be a lot of similarities with what has happened in New Zealand. Dean Mackin on tntradio.live just had this Dude on doing great work at www.stopcogovernance.kiwi

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I normally just provide a link to your articles but this time I provided a copy of it all.

Check https://freedomaustralia.freeforums.net/board/153/josephine-cashman

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The question that is burning uppermost in my consciousness is how do we get rid of this rotten bunch of treasonous traitors in government? The whole lot of them need to be flushed into the sewer of history & we reestablish our nation under Common Law & the 1901 Constitution. I'm well aware that this corporatization of our government began with Whitlam's treachery in 1973, we need real solutions to undo this criminality.

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This pseudo-law needs to be stopped. This cult was bought to Australia by those who admit to holding blackmail material on our compromised political class of useful idiots. Pseudo-law cult leaders work for billionaire psychopaths whose ship of lies is sinking.

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Hi Josephine, thank you for your reply, I agree it must be stopped but what is my predominant thought is exactly how do we prove to the entire nation that they are all fraudulent, committing treason & have forfeited all rights to govern? Awareness needs to be established nationally with great urgency & I think great numbers of people need to front up at every council, state & federal members office & demand to see their oath of office which as we know is invalid, so they should all be forcefully evicted from their offices by the sovereign people of our Constitution. I would like to see a grass roots movement formed with this focus in mind.

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Exactly? It seems a lot of people know what’s going on but refuse to speak publicly & lay their evidence on the table. I don’t disbelieve what I’m reading per se, but without verifiable evidence it has to be discounted somewhat.

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Sasha Stone gives big Russell Brand in the bad ol days vibes. He oozes creep.

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Whitlam's treachery?

Since when is going against Washington considered treasonous?

I recall that Gough Whitlam was removed as the result a CIA orchestrated coup - Australia has functioned as a obedient and submissive US vassal state ever since.

There have been a few more coups in Australia much to the benefit of the same.

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Whitlam was supposed to conduct a referendum in 1973 to give the Australian people a choice whether to remain in the Commonwealth or become a Republic, he chose instead to form an illegal corporation via UNIDROIT based in the US & formed an illegal constitution to The Queen of Australia which is a fictional entity. The Queens proper title is totally different to this, it was word play & they changed the Commonwealth seal of Australia. All of our politicians are committing treason under our original Constitution by being employees of a foreign corporation fraudulently operating as Australian Commonwealth employees instead of Commonwealth of Australia. they switched the words around & restructured our entire sovereignty. Yes we're now a vassal state, that's painfully obvious but we shouldn't be & all Australians want their sovereignty back. The USA is owned by the House of Rothschilds & we're a sub corporation of their cabal.

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Sorry but this is a nonsense.

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No it is not. The Juukkan fact are undeniable.

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I'm not on the same page about your explanation why the CIA orchestrated a coup against the Whitlam government - more CIA orchestrated coups have followed.

If Australia were to become a Republic all treaties will have to be renegotiated - is that your reason?

However for what the Rothschild are concerned.....

''Enemies of the People: privatising power'' - https://paulcudenec.substack.com/p/enemies-of-the-people-privatising

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Hi Finn, no my reason is that our 1901 Constitution & all of the laws enshrined in it for the protection, future, rights & well being of all Australians was stolen from us by Whitlam in 1973 & he sold the country out to a foreign corporation of oligarchs who have raped, pillaged & plundered our nation ever since as our way of life has progressively eroded since then. He sold us out to the jews, freemasons, fabians etc, Whitlam was a fabian, he was a communist cunt who fucked us all over & destroyed what was a wonderful country in much the same way that the USA has been fucked over by the same cabal of oligarch criminals namely the jew central bankers. All of our liberties & freedoms has been taken from us & we are rapidly descending into communist totalitarianism, all of our politicians work for a foreign corporation based in the USA & they're all committing treason & corruption is now endemic. Most Australians didn't want to become a republic, they want to remain a part of the UK Commonwealth & stay under the 1901 Constitution, that's why Whitlam went rogue & fucked us all over. I'm not an expert on the subject but from what I know every single politician in this country since 1973 has been treasonous & treacherous in violation of the 1901 Constitution & it states very clearly in that Constitution that the penalty for treason is hanging. I want to see them all hung, I want to see the 1901 Constitution reestablished in full & all rights under the Magna Carta & the English bill of rights returned in full & that common law is made the law of the land, not this bullshit Admiralty Law shit show.

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I would also like to add that we must get back to issuing our own government based currency & evict the Rothschilds debt based fiat currency system & their fractional reserve lending scam. It is jew finance that has eroded & destroyed the sovereignty of every nation these parasitic leeches have got their hooks into. It has enabled them to corrupt every politician & corporation to betray the interests of the people of the nation. The fake jews ie the Khazarian/Ashkenazi mafia must be destroyed, I personally don't care how that's done, peacefully would be the ideal way but you can't reason with a Talmudic satanist psychopathic cult that wants to destroy all nonjews. They only fear & respect violence because they are the synagogue of satan, there will never be world peace as long as they have the powers to impose their financial control methods on us. It is the sole source of their sustenance, they don't produce a thing, they just parasitize. Mass noncompliance or nonparticipation in their methods of finance would weaken them considerably, that's why they feared Hitler as much as they did & it's why they're still talking about him almost a century later. Had National Socialism won WW2 we would not be in the mess we're in today, that's my opinion anyway, I don't expect everyone to agree with that viewpoint as most people are so programmed by the post WW2 jew controlled propaganda that has been pummeled into everyone since childhood. The world would not be as corrupt & morally bankrupt & we wouldn't have institutions like the UN saying that the rights of pedophiles, LGBTQ etc are superior to the rights of people with Christian values.

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Not all people who claim to follow Judaism support the Zionist, suggest replacing Jew with Zionist [I wonder if you'll notice what a difference it would make.]

I'm not going into each and every issue you've raised however a couple of things that need clarification is that Hitler was definitely not a Socialist - [He pretended to be one see chapter 7 of Mein Kamph]

Wall Street would never have bailed out a bankrupt Nazi party back in 32 - a true Socialist would never have agreed to the merger of government and business also known as fascism.

Without the financing and ongoing logistical and material support the second world war need not even have started or lasted for as long as it did.

So who financed Hitler and what did they expect to receive in return?

You've already mentioned the house of Rothschild - however why would someone who claimed to be ''Jewish by religion'' finance a known anti semite such as Hitler?

The Zionist could easily have denied financing and prevented the rise of H and there would never have been a Holocoast.

There's far more too this - however this isn't the time or the place.

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Thanks for writing as you do, it’s helpful to have a viewpoint that is more closely equated with movement on the ground to hold against what we read in national media (which is impossible to trust).

The only thing that I find hard to reconcile are the Nation First comments. I know far less than you on any of this but NF seems to be quite solid in fighting the remainder of the globalist agenda, and some aspects of the Voice (I had thought), yet you provided information to both Malcolm Roberts and Pauline Hansen that went nowhere.

Did they not accept it right up front? Or did you submit it and simply haven’t heard? Has there been any discussion at all with either of them?

Seems hard to reconcile as they’re clearly not to be put in the same boat as Labour or the Greens etc.... (I dont think there’s anything underhanded here as there is with the major parties). But perhaps I’m wrong?

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