UN Heritage laws exposed and ditched in panic!
There are thousands of people watching in Australia and around the world as a traitorous cult of billionaires known as "Sacred Shite" performs a spectacular backflip. This poorly thought-out, pitiful display will not conceal the premeditated Juukan "Sacred Shite" hoax. However, it demonstrates their willingness to stoop to any level to maintain control. The level of deception employed to mislead the Australian people is truly extraordinary. Their intricately planned covert operation is now unravelling, revealing significant weaknesses in the intricate web of deception.
The carefully orchestrated Juukan hoax was specifically designed to introduce UN cultural heritage tyranny. They are tearing apart the very law they worked diligently to establish. The amount of effort invested in crafting the Juukan "Sacred Shite" hoax is beyond imagination, considering the meticulous coordination required to align the compromised clowns in Canberra with the bought-off media. By dismantling the laws, they are removing the mast from their ship of lies. Exposing their true intentions for the Great Reset rollout. As they abandon ship like the deceitful rats they truly are. The public is beginning to grasp the enormity of the betrayal and recognise the insatiable greed driving their actions. This further underscores their limitless depravity.
Loaded with riches of diamonds, gold, and valuable resources, including the highly coveted lithium needed for the grandest transfer of wealth, they eagerly prepared their ship in expectation. They intended to plunder the untapped wealth of "treasure island" from the pockets of everyday people.
As the ship slowly descends into the depths, the rats are desperately scurrying away, leaving behind a trail of evidence that will inevitably lead to their ruin. Their downfall is certain. It is only a matter of time before the world uncovers the complete extent of their deception and holds them responsible for their deeds. The consequences of their diseased mind's need for power and control will not be masked by their influence or wealth.
Goal to dismantle the economy and collect the spoils of our demise
Methodology 3 pronged attacks: Sacred Shite Hoax; the Sustainable Green Hoax; and the Human “Rights” Hoax.
Merging state power with corporate power
They’ve merged state and corporate power through corporatism Public-private partnership (PPP) leveraging major international corporate alliances and non-profit organisations working with the United Nations and our compromised government to undermine our nation.
PPP was introduced by the European Royals in the 70s, led by King Charles III, inspired by Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini1. In 1971, the European Royals founded the World Economic Forum as a medium for facilitating public-private partnerships in order to advance their neo-feudal goals in global governance2.
Through PPP, the developed world will change from a representative system to one based on global governance transcending national borders. Leading to global neofeudalism, which Ambassador Charles III appealed for at Davos in 19923.
MI6 has been under Charles III's patronage since 2011. Given that de-industrialisation is the most important aspect of King Charles Agenda 2030 global neo-feudal rollout. It is no surprise that MI6 chief Richard Moore identifies climate change as the UK's most critical international foreign policy challenge4.
Foreign interference
John Podesta chairman of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and a former advisor to Barack Obama is the point man for the British de-industrialisation agenda. This recognition further emphasises the significance of John Podesta's role as Senior White House Advisor for clean energy in the Biden administration. Podesta's appointment in 2021 aligns with the British agenda for neo-feudal global control5.
In Australia in 2016, a series of leaked emails from John Podesta shed light on a worldwide plot that involves foreign leaders who are eagerly pursuing the immense wealth of Treasure Island. This shocking revelation not only exposes John Podesta's involvement in working for a secretive billionaire club, but also highlights their insatiable obsession with accumulating massive amounts of wealth. The contents of Podesta's emails, which were made public thanks to WikiLeaks, provide undeniable evidence of a coordinated plan aimed at obstructing our national development and sabotaging the $16 billion Adani mine project. Notably, the executive director of The Sunrise Project, along with a group of Australian activists who receive funding from foreign sources, has verified the authenticity of these emails. These revelations further demonstrate the extent of the crimes committed by these coordinated actors, including GetUp!, Greenpeace, and the Sunrise Project, as they work together to dismantle the Australian economy, ultimately paving the way for this billionaires club to reap the rewards of our nation's collapse6. It is worth noting that these are the same groups involved in the Juukan "Sacred Shite" hoax, further underscoring their relentless commitment to destroy our country.
These billionaire pirates not only clandestinely control political parties such as the LNP, Labor, One Nation, and the Greens, but they also hold sway over the entire political landscape. They are the commanders behind deceit and manipulation, navigating every move to their advantage. Their ultimate goal? To implement Neofeudal Empire 2.0 Agenda 2030/The Great Reset. These billionaire pirates use Australian voice to loot Treasure Island7.
Psychopathic billionaires
Their carefully crafted conspiracy is masterminded by a collection of exceedingly influential and psychopathic billionaires, such as the notorious corporate raider family Holmes à Court. Persistent online assaults from this "connected family” opened suspicions of possible extortion and blackmail that have jeopardised the integrity of our government.
Moreover, it is crucial to recognise that these billionaire pirates have used our compromised political class of useful idiots to pull off the biggest robbery in the largest wealth transfer in economic history both in the Covid pandemic period and in the failed sustainable green energy experiment with their production causing more harm than good. They have seized hundreds of billions paid in subsidies for unreliable wind and solar. Thereby enriching themselves at the expense of unwitting power consumers and taxpayers. This audacious green hoax highlights the extent to which they have exploited the system for their own gain8.
Furthermore, it is important to note that the impact of what has been done to energy policy goes beyond mere financial gains for these billionaire pirates. If what has been done to energy policy was committed by outside forces it would be called an act of war. We are dealing with treason. Australia, a country that is already known for its excessive governance, now finds itself in a dire situation. The compromised Canberra clowns in charge have ignored every shred of empirical evidence and, instead, plump for ludicrous models based on risible assumptions. The result is the destruction of Australia’s once reliable and affordable power supplies.
In addition to the involvement of Mike Cannon-Brookes, it is worth mentioning that one of the recent victims of the Billionaire Pirate was Liddell – a perfectly operable 2,000 MW coal-fired power plant in NSW that was shut down by him in May this year. As a result, the wholesale power prices jumped 80% almost overnight, causing power bills to increase by 25 to 30%. This colossal hike follows a pattern of annual, double-digit increases that have been occurring for the best part of a decade. Therefore, it is evident that Australians are about to experience a significant shock in power prices as electricity prices continue to surge due to the increasing pressures of the cost of living in Australia9.
It is also important to mention that the actions carried out by the psychopathic pirates, who have taken control of our unions are misusing the superannuation industry funds to control private sectors.
This dire situation has had a profound impact on many Australians, who are now facing immense challenges in their everyday lives. Families are suffering, and businesses are being forced to shut down. They plan for the consequences of this economic turmoil to be extensive, and Australia is on the brink of becoming an economic wasteland, desperately requiring intervention and financial aid from the United Nations. The severity of the situation cannot be emphasized enough, as the people of Australia not only have to deal with skyrocketing power prices but also the devastating aftermath of a collapsing economy, leaving us vulnerable to asset stripping. These billionaire pirate thugs are intentionally deindustrialisation Australia sending us spoiling towards becoming a third-world country. So they can take advantage of the spoils that come with it. Like they are doing in Africa.
The global dominance aspirations of psychopathic billionaires
The massive debt of developing countries is mostly caused by the exploitation of resources and the imposition of debt through the United Nations by a billionaires club. This group orchestrates regime change operations using intelligence agents and non-governmental armed groups, with George Soros being involved in diverting attention away from the real instigators. Gaddafi correctly perceived that these interventions aimed to gain control over Libya's oil reserves. The public downfall and brutal death of Gaddafi served as a deterrent to any nation that dares to challenge the global dominance aspirations of these billionaires.
Soros, along with Tony Blair, the former Prime Minister, and Sam Walsh, the former CEO of Rio, focused their efforts on destroying a lucrative agreement with a wealthy individual in Israel, which had the potential to double the profits of African countries. This illicit enterprise involved Richard Cottee and even Barack Obama. However, the individual who exposed this corruption was silenced through the sacred Juukan shite hoax.
The impact of the "Sacred Shite" cult extends far beyond the boundaries of the Juukan hoax. It was a meticulously planned manoeuvre to execute the neo-feudal Great Reset scheme of Charles III, a scheme that aims to reshape society to enslave us. In conjunction with the Agenda 2030 rollout, the members of this billionaire cult strategically orchestrated the “shite” hoax, leaving no stone unturned in their relentless pursuit of power and control.
What is even more concerning is the participation of both sides of the Australian political class, who all played a role in ensuring conformity with the implementation of the UN heritage law tyranny. It is important to note that all federal politicians have been made aware of this deception, yet they choose to remain silent. It is the epitome of hypocrisy that One Nation joined the spectacle, even taking credit for halting the Aboriginal cultural heritage laws, when they never once spoke out against the Juukan deception, despite being presented with evidence of this massive fraud against the Australian people. In support of the farmers, why didn't Pauline Hanson expose this hoax and demand that these Juukan hoax traitors be removed from office? Could it be that they too are being paid by billionaires to betray the Australian people?
Like our Western Australian farmers, we must be outspoken and courageous to protect our nation. By spreading the truth and consistently questioning the information presented to us, we are safeguarding our treasured legacy and upholding the deeply ingrained principles we hold dear.
Having been chained by imperial rulers, the Australian people are natural BS detectors. We will ensure the triumph of truth and the attainment of justice, remaining steadfast and discerning. Determined to undo the deception to UN-chain Australia.
who said, Fascism should be called corporatism because it is a merger of state power with corporate power.
See World Economic Forum, https://www.weforum.org/about/leadership-and-governance; Strengthening Public-Private Cooperation with Civil Society, 2023, https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Strengthening_Public_Private_Cooperation_with_Civil_Society_2022.pdf,
The concept of public-private partnerships was first introduced during Habitat II, the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements in Istanbul in June 1996. In an interview with Dr Wally N’Dow, the Secretary-General of Habitat II, he stated: “I believe we are at a point where we cannot work with the private sector, the government, civil society, non-governmental organizations, as well as those involved in international development; World Economic Forum, A Partner in Shaping History 1971–2020, page128 https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_A_Partner_in_Shaping_History.pdf; Włodzimierz Julian Korab-Karpowicz, The United Citizens Organization: Public-private partnerships in global, Research in Globalization, Volume 2, December 2020, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2590051X20300010; Liliana B. Andonova, Globalization, Agency, and Institutional Innovation: The Rise of Public-Private Partnerships in Global Governance Public-Private Partnerships in Global Governance, Working Papers in Economics, Colby College, 2006, https://digitalcommons.colby.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=&httpsredir=1&article=1005&context=goldfarb_wpec; Margaret Chon, Pedro Roffe, Ahmed Abdel-Latif, Charting the Triple Interface of Public-Private Partnerships, Global Knowledge Governance, and Sustainable Development Goals, The Cambridge Handbook of Public-Private Partnerships, Intellectual Property Governance, and Sustainable Development, Cambridge University Press, September 2018, https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3345976
Cited at Richard Poe, Twitter, https://twitter.com/RealRichardPoe/status/1565812871027740674?s=20; Lizzy Buchan, MI6 'green spying' on world's biggest polluters to ensure climate pledges met Secret service agents are monitoring big industrial countries to make sure they uphold green commitments, the MI6 chief says, 25 April 2021, https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/mi6-green-spying-worlds-biggest-23978448
Cited at Richard Poe, Twitter, https://twitter.com/RealRichardPoe/status/1565815055240896513?s=20
See, Miranda Devine, Foreign-funded green groups could take whole swathes of Australia out of the productive economy, The Daily Telegraph, 30 October 2016; Dennis Shanahan, Trail leads to John Podesta Green campaign against Australian coal, The Australian, 28 October 2016, https://onevoiceaustralia.com.au/wikileaks
A Message to Our Rulers: dispatched on 4th June 2023 to all federal representatives
See, Grand Theft: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Squanders $Trillions in Taxpayers’ Cash, Stop these Things, https://stopthesethings.com/2023/08/02/grand-theft-wind-solar-transition-squanders-trillions-in-taxpayers-cash/
Perfect Insanity: Australia’s Renewable Energy ‘Policy’ Guarantees Blackouts & Rocketing Prices, Stop These Things, 7 May 2023, https://stopthesethings.com/tag/nsw-power-prices/
Josephine, can you believe that Western Australia's Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Laws have been entirely exposed and abandoned in a panic! What an unexpected and surreal turn of events!
The Voice is now unsalvageable in the public mind (as squawked by all legacy media parrots), and soon Albanese's ill-fated Prime-ministership will be utterly sunk, rats and all! Guided by the odious winds of the UN and fittingly dashed on the rocks of its own hubris... Glorious!
This is all a bit mind-blowing...
What's the real story behind Andrew and Nicola Forrest's philanthropic foundation Minderoo, and the global Giving Pledge established by Bill and Melinda Gates?