Pommy Pascoe: the subversive MI6/UN asset
Those who support him against Aboriginal people are mentally unstable psychopaths
Coming from a family of Aboriginal and early Australian pioneers it is quite ironic that my voice is being suppressed.
Supremacist white aggressive bullies in the media, government, and in our infiltrated establishment intimidate elders who question Bruce Pascoe's non-existent indigenous heritage.
Over 10 years ago, my Aboriginal historian mother lost her career in Australia. Bullied out of the country after exposing Pascoe's proven lies and non-existent Aboriginal background. She was forced to relocate to the United States.
Pascoe's fictional indigenous background was supported by my son's great-uncle Max Harrison. Pascoe's malicious facade has now come to an end with Uncle Max’s passing.
My son's great-aunts, Uncle Max's siblings, approached me to represent them against Pascoe. After the compromised actions of the government and the media's false attacks on me, they organised a visit to Parliament House.
They pleaded with the government to stop funding fraudulent claimants and address their encroachment on Aboriginal Australia.
Distorting our history and assuming our identity in a malicious manner leads to cultural eradication.
Rather than addressing the issue, they attempted to control us. The government, a gang compromised by useful idiots from both the LNP and Labor, continues to provide Pascoe with taxpayer funds to maliciously distort Australian history.
These funds should have been used to address the toxic drinking water crisis in Wilcannia, which is causing the early death of Aboriginal people. As a result, the life expectancy for adult males is a shameful 34 years old worse than in the third world.1

Pascoe's role in Australia and within Aboriginal families was to divide and conquer
Individuals who exhibit mental instability and psychopathic tendencies are those who show support for Pascoe against Aboriginal people. It is imperative that we put an end to their malign UN agenda.
Due to foreign interference, as evidenced by the warnings I have received on my social media, the flagging of my posts, and the restrictions placed on my account when I question Bruce Pascoe's claims of Aboriginal heritage, I foresaw the current situation.
Pasoce's comprehensive genealogical study can be found here: https://australianhistorytruthmatters.wordpress.com/blog-feed/
This situation has led to the Juukan sacred site hoax leading to the implementation of oppressive and tyrannical heritage laws by the UN in Western Australia. Laws soon to be rolled out nationwide threatening the entire country. They are using these laws to end all industries.2
Once the United Nations sends us broke, it aims to take over Australia through the use of loans from the IMF and World Bank. This is to strip assets. Just as in Africa, resulting in famine and economic destruction.3
Dealing with this situation is undeniably challenging. It is important that we educate those who attack their fellow Australians, as it only serves to further the agenda of those who wish to harm our people, the Australian people.
The objective of their campaign is to demoralise us in the hopes that we will give up. However, I refuse to succumb to fear, and I urge you to do the same. Together, we will decide the future. The potential of humanity is extraordinary.
They are finished, once the world becomes aware that this small group of psychopathic individuals cannot handle exposure.
That is why I present you with the evidence. I kindly request that you share my SubStack, which is freely accessible. While contributions are appreciated, they are not obligatory.
Let us fight together, not against each other.
Stay united. Expose the Traitors.
Awesome article Josephine. The UN role in the Voice must be hammered home to the voters as much as possible and you articulate it so well. We're up against it and it's no coincidence that Albanese is pushing his Misinformation Bill as we speak. He knows the public smell a rat and he wants to silence any dissenting view points. I'm willing to help if I can
Even though in the last 3 years I have seen and come to understand the never ending tsunami of lies, fraud and corruption, it is still shocking to see the depths of it within Australia, our home.
My ancestors go back 5 generations, and I was raised mostly in Darwin, where I spent most of my childhood, and a ten year stretch in business, before relocating elsewhere. And it utterly galls me to see these southern liars gaming the system again and again, not for the benefit of Australians, which in my mind is all Australians, black, Chinese, European, Fijian, Indian, Malaysian, and white, to name a few. And what is it all for? The nefarious ambitions of the Roman Empire agents, to force the world into their 2,000+ year old quest for "world government" aka "world communism" aka global fascism.
It is sickening.
It's sad to see your mum moved to the States - that was out of the fat and into the fire. The United States is burning today on multiple fronts with the same underlying conflict.