Awesome article Josephine. The UN role in the Voice must be hammered home to the voters as much as possible and you articulate it so well. We're up against it and it's no coincidence that Albanese is pushing his Misinformation Bill as we speak. He knows the public smell a rat and he wants to silence any dissenting view points. I'm willing to help if I can

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Even though in the last 3 years I have seen and come to understand the never ending tsunami of lies, fraud and corruption, it is still shocking to see the depths of it within Australia, our home.

My ancestors go back 5 generations, and I was raised mostly in Darwin, where I spent most of my childhood, and a ten year stretch in business, before relocating elsewhere. And it utterly galls me to see these southern liars gaming the system again and again, not for the benefit of Australians, which in my mind is all Australians, black, Chinese, European, Fijian, Indian, Malaysian, and white, to name a few. And what is it all for? The nefarious ambitions of the Roman Empire agents, to force the world into their 2,000+ year old quest for "world government" aka "world communism" aka global fascism.

It is sickening.

It's sad to see your mum moved to the States - that was out of the fat and into the fire. The United States is burning today on multiple fronts with the same underlying conflict.

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Thank you for your courage. You outshine all of our political class.

May God guide guide and protect you.

Australia needs you.

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There is a new term I have just coined for people like Pascoe. "Fakeoriginal". Just rolls off the tongue like melted butter.

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Brilliant. Yet again, our "own" Josie Cashman is doing MORE to save Australia and ALL Australians than every member of our Parliament, every member of our public service and every member of our Judiciary.

How about we just sack them all and elect Josie as our Prime Minister, and then we can really start sorting out Australia's financial, social and legal issues . All that is required is Good Sense, and a devotion to Country with competence in the legal mess that has been caused by those who should have never been entrusted with the "common good" of Australians nor Australia.

God Bless you and Thank you Dear Josie Cashman.

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