...and We, the people, allowed this to happen by taking our eyes of the task...directly as a result of not being educated in the public indroctination system,

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🙏 upcoming elections are definitely voting in reverse starting with who you want the least back to 1

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Seems there is no one to trust but ourselves Good article

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Thank you. This is exactly right. We need a new parliament.

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What we know about the corrupt and inhumane mechanics behind local, state, federal and global politics and business is but the very tip of an enormous iceberg...

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Josephine, you are national living treasure.

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In 2020 I stumbled across the link to the American stock exchange which shows how the two political parties are “owned” by the same company. Was surprised to see local councils were also there. Could kick myself for not down loading the documents as they are no longer available on the web.

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It is not true. It is pseudo law lies. This is a counterintelligence strategy intended to cancel the truth. Open your eyes to the lies: https://josephinecashman.substack.com/p/we-will-open-their-eyes-to-the-lies. A child abusing blackmail insurgent cult brought these lies to Australia. They also admit holding child abuse blackmail material on our compromised political class: https://josephinecashman.substack.com/p/exposed-the-political-class-are-compromised

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