Insider traitor Peter Dutton is not working for you
The ruling class globalists have overthrown our parliament. They control both sides.
There is no left or right. There is only one UNi-party in the Canberra swamp. Think again if you think opposition leader Peter Dutton is on your side. He is a major player in the Covid Con bioweapon, which killed and injured Australians. Dutton’s department set up the infrastructure for a lockstep UN approach nationwide.1 Including the false flag Ruby Princess phoney super spreader event. Peter Dutton is an insider traitor.
Those who defend the indefensible say the Liberal-National party is anti-United Nations. However, the 'inconvenient truth' demonstrates that this is not the case.
The Liberal National Party signed us up for Agenda 2030, the UN ghetto archipelago Smart Cities, the Build Back Better UN emergency framework (for the lockstep Covid Con response) and put all of that into Australian law. Furthermore, they are responsible for the Juukan Sacred Shite hoax. To bring in UN tyrannical laws to destroy Australia.2 The list goes on.
Peter Dutton was determined to legislate the Uluru Corporate Con voice. 3
This is yet another example of how the left and right work together. The Aboriginal voices independently stopped the UNi-party preplanned script to get the Uluru Corporate Con Voice over the line.
Don't forget the Liberal National government-funded fake claimer insurgent Bruce Pascoe for millions.
Elders begged me to write to Peter Dutton to deal with these fake claimer insurgents and end racial funding. Instead of doing this, Dutton worked with the big lie media to silence our voice. Also, they did this to protect a government-funded child trafficking con. Aboriginal community members asked me to raise their concerns in Canberra. After children died. 4
Peter Dutton served as Minister for Home Affairs from 20.12.2017 to 30.3.2021. Sendai (Build Back Better) is the UN disaster framework that was implemented by his department. Incorporated into Australian law by the UNi-party, this device suspended representative government, bringing in tyranny. This was the device to force Australians to take a bioweapon, designed to kill and injure.5
To repeat the covid con medical experiment is a bioweapon designed to kill and injure us. This is UN-deniable. See the factual evidence compiled in the extensive legal research conducted by Katherine Watt.6
In 2015 the compromised Liberal National government signed us up for Bill Clinton's UN Disaster Risk Reduction, Build Back Better (Sendai Framework) to exploit fear and take our freedoms, this was a UN disaster waiting to happen.
Then came Covid. When the Liberal National Government signed up for this UN Disaster Risk Reduction framework, they exposed Australians to a bioweapon designed to kill and injure. It was the result of exploitation of fear and abuse of the position of trust to promote a UN pre-planned disaster.
Since the 1990s, the federal UNi-party of the Canberra swamp has signed Australia up for over 1000 international treaties. This gives big international parasitic organisations like the UN and the WHO the right to decide what happens in Australia. The left and right work together to put UN/WHO/WEF policy into our law to dictate how Australians live.
They are managing our decline. So, the ruling class handlers of our compromised politicians can asset strip Australia. And we are the peasants they want to reduce.
The UNi-party are compromised useful idiot actors playing the Australian people for mugs. They use a phoney culture war to hide the fact that the ruling class globalists have overthrown our parliament. They don't work for us.
Australians demand a referendum to eliminate crooks who are selling our country out. Again, the political class is compromised and not working in the interests of the Australian people. It is time for increased transparency.
There is a growing movement in Australia to hold a referendum so NO politician ever again can sell out Australian citizens. The loophole in Section 51(xxix) of the Australian Constitution must be closed by a referendum to prevent them from selling us out for their UN global governance utopian fantasy.
Both sides of the political spectrum have proven that the Australian people do not have any choice when it comes to UN tyranny, despite being offered the option of voting for either side. To repeat, regardless of whether it is the Liberal National Party or the Australian Labour Party, the UNi-party approach has resulted in more than 1000 treaties being ratified into law since the 1990s. Without the Australian people being consulted once.
As a result of their betrayal, the Australian people now know that Agenda 2030, the dystopic vision of the future, is being rolled out without our approval. In an attempt to create a dystopian future under the control of the United Nations.
Open your eyes to the lies. There is no left and right. Only right and wrong. Fight together, not each other. Come together with one voice to expose the traitors.
See The National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework is a multi-sector collaboration led by the National Resilience Taskforce within the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs.
Is this what Big Brother looks like?
I uncovered a child trafficking & drug supply network
See the Dutton’s Home Affairs Department UN disaster risk framework implementation plan:
See here:
...and We, the people, allowed this to happen by taking our eyes of the task...directly as a result of not being educated in the public indroctination system,
🙏 upcoming elections are definitely voting in reverse starting with who you want the least back to 1