It is my lived experience in Aboriginal Australian communities that caused me to investigate the insidious disconnect between what is reported, what they say, and what they do. Seeing Aboriginal Australians being infiltrated instilled a sense of dread within me.
Aboriginal Australia is infiltrated
Government allocates funds to criminals for the management of Aboriginal communities. Aboriginal Australia is infiltrated by 300,000 individuals making false claims. Among them is 100% pure Englishman (Pommy) Bruce Pascoe. A grifter who receives millions in government funding, while pretending to be an Aboriginal person. The government pays him millions to maliciously distort Australian history.
Similarly, after World War II, the British facilitated the relocation of Nazi scientists to Australia through Operation MatchBox, allowing Nazis to infiltrate esteemed Australian institutions. We suspect that another individual in a high-ranking government funded position ancestor was a senior SS German official in Nazi-occupied Poland.
Operation Matchbox
Under a covert project called Operation Matchbox, German scientists were sent to Australia, including members of the SS and the Nazi party. In 1999, the leading Nazi-hunting organisation demanded an investigation into the recruitment of these scientists, orchestrated by Britain. They claimed that Australia provided refuge for "holocaust perpetrators and mass murderers."
Despite a ban on Germans entering the country at the time, they were still sent to Australia. As Herbert Schneider, an investigating Nazi-hunting magistrate stated, "There's never a ban for the privileged."
Herbert Schneider's calls for an inquiry into the activities of the Nazi scientists in Australia went unanswered. According to press reports, at least 127 German scientists were sent to Australia, including 31 members of the Nazi party and 6 members of the elite SS. Among them were experts from IG Farben, the infamous chemical company that exploited thousands of slave labourers. Their poison gas was used to commit genocide against innocent human beings. Prince Bernard was associated with this company.
Bernard also aided in the escape of the Nazis by waiving the requirement for identification as the head of Royal Dutch Airlines. This made it impossible to track the movements, preventing mass murderer criminals from being held accountable for crimes against humanity.
We own nothing and they will own everything
Julian Huxley, Prince Philip, and ex-nazi Prince Bernard were the driving force behind bringing in communal “indigenous” land title in both Australia and Brazil. Which is provided to indigenous "owners" in name only. Experts estimate that within ten years by 2030, up to 80% of the Australian land mass will be under Native Title for their neo-feudal agenda. Where we own nothing, they will own everything and be happy.
The individuals whom we have been led to believe are respected British figures, such as Prince Philip, Prince Bernard, Julian Huxley,1 Bernard Shore, H. G. Wells, and others, were the ones orchestrating this deception. By using Indigenous issues to shame us into accepting a neo-feudal agenda. There is a belief that they consider themselves superior to all of humanity.
It is deeply unsettling to realise that the United Nations Indigenous movement is grounded in the ideological belief that Aboriginal Australians are at the lowest rung of a fictional scale of human adequacy. Given our convict roots, I am convinced that everyday Australians would also be deemed unfit according to this pseudo-science. Yet, the United Nations presents itself as righteous in the fight for Indigenous rights, using it as a cover for a hidden agenda.
A tool to separate us from our connection to our country
Although the global implementation of Indigenous Land Acknowledgment/Welcome to Country by the United Nations is presented as a respectful gesture towards Indigenous peoples and the land, its true intentions are malicious. This implementation acts as a means to divide and conquer, subtly conditioning everyday people to accept the notion of separate "First Nations". Using it to exploit the natural resources and wealth of the developed world. It aims to groom us into becoming "global citizens" devoid of loyalty towards our fellow countrymen, without any sense of national identity, and completely disconnected from any sense of belonging. By severing our ties to our ancestors and our history, they aim to dismantle our bonds with one another and our nation.
Evil phoney UN Indigenous movement
It was truly shocking to discover the extent to which they have promoted their demoralising and divisive "Welcome to Country" campaign in Australia, utilising a predetermined government inquiry and United Nations pressure as a mechanism. In 1987, British agent Julian Burger exerted United Nations pressure to instigate the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. In response to the recommendations made, John Howard's Reconciliation Program was utilised to propagate the demoralising "Welcome to Country" initiative.
This phoney Indigenous movement began to reveal its true evil to me when I found out that Maurice Strong wrote the forward to Julian Burger's book "Gaia Atlas of First Peoples A Future for the Indigenous World". 2
The roots of Gaia and Atlas are sinister. Plato's "Island of Atlas" is fictional. By using Atlantean myths to measure human worth, Helena Blavatsky reached an unprecedented level of derangement. Using her phoney racial system to measure human worth. Aryans (Atlantean mythological white people) are at the top. Aboriginal Australians rank at the bottom of her race scale. Blavatsky describes Aboriginal Australians as semi-animals.3
Murderous Atlas roots
Helena Blavatsky's work is the ideological foundation of the New Age movement, eugenics, the United Nations and Nazi ideology. Due to Blavatsky's racial scale, millions of innocent human beings were genocided.
Atlas Island was the key to Nazi thinking about the "Aryan race”. They were obsessed with finding it. Nazi-led expeditions to prove Aryan superiority to reinforce the Atlantis myth. Hitler and Heinrich Himmler believed the Third Reich was a modern incarnation of an ancient Atlantean mythical super race. It was his justification for the Nazi party’s authoritarian rule, its ambitions for a New Order — and its persecution of the disabled, Jews, Slavs and Gypsies or anyone who fell under their Blavatsky worthiness scale.
In 1931, House Atlantis was built as a temple to this myth in the German City of Bremen. It was to be the headquarters for Himmler’s Institute for the Study of Atlantis, as well as a centre of study into the Aryan “super race”.
In 1935, the Nazis passed the totalitarian Reich Nature Protection Act for ecological confiscation of private property. Nazi leadership also championed renewable energies, as well as other aspects of radical environmentalism and sustainable development. Even the 4 year Nazi war plan was guided by sustainable development concerns. Today sustainable development is everywhere.
Gaia, the UN & the New Age movement
Gaia and United Nations policy are intertwined with the New Age movement. Samantha Smith's book, Goddess Earth: Exposing the Pagan Agenda in the Environmental Movement says “Gaia worship is at the heart of today's environmental policy, the Endangered Species Act, the United Nation's Biodiversity Treaty and Sustainable Development are all offspring of the Gaia hypothesis of saving ‘Mother Earth”.
"Gaia Atlas of First Peoples A Future for the Indigenous World" is published simultaneously with Agenda 21 and both call for a national and global indigenous voice.
Chapter 26 of Agenda 21 discusses the establishment of an "indigenous" voice at the national level. This is the precursor to what we see today in Australia and across the world. Maurice Strong shepherded global governance processes from the Rio Earth Summit to Agenda 21.4
A deranged and dangerous fiction race-based ideology
'Gaia Atlas of First Peoples A Future for the Indigenous World' is the blueprint for Atlas followers (Nazis). It is a deeply antihuman twisted, deranged and dangerous agenda based on a race-based ideology and discredited pseudoscience.
The degree of depravity and derangement is difficult for everyday people to comprehend. These psychotic characters accuse us of being Nazis and crazy racists. On the one hand, they are sanctimonious about Indigenous people's treatment. Yet they knowingly use Aboriginal Australia as they truly believe we are inferior creatures. Just like they have used the Jews as a scapegoat for globalism when the Jews do not control banking or the world.5
The Elders of Zion was invented by MI6, and the British invented communism and blamed the Jews.6 This evil group of British conspirators was behind Hitler. The same people behind communism inspired and funded the Nazis. Hiding behind, an island veil of anonymity, the world's wealthiest individuals are shrouded in secrecy. Yet they have managed to manipulate world affairs while dodging exposure.
They brought some of the most dangerous Nazis here after WW2. Through Operation Match Box and Operation Paper Clip in the US. You don't hear about it because they control the media. They've been white-anting the world and now they are using "Indigenous" as a device to fulfil Hitler's pure Aryan New Order dystopia. That is straight out of Helena Blavatsky's work.
Expose the traitors
I know about this because these people have been attacking and attempting to manage me for about 3 years. I conducted a deep study. I pieced it together and I can identify them as part of this through their connections. Now all Australians must know the truth.
We are dealing with depraved psychopaths here with a hidden disgusting and duplicitous agenda. The level of manipulation will be the biggest challenge for everyday people to come to terms with.
It is only a matter of time before everyday people realise there is an evil agenda.
With their desire for control over everything. Psychopaths cannot cope with exposure.
Once the world sees and understands these psychos have no boundaries and limits, they lose their power.
They are finished.
Julian Huxley, Prince Philip, and ex-nazi Prince Bernard as the driving force behind the creation of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Australian Conservation Foundation. They have used these sister organisations as a device to bring in communal “indigenous” land title in both Australia and Brazil.
Apex globalists were also at the forefront of the “indigenous” communal native title system. The first test run of the "Indigenist Principle” we see today through communal ownership of land under Native Title, which is provided to indigenous "owners" in name only.
Native title was first trialled in Kenya with British intelligence operatives working on a fake post-war "liberation" seeing African nations given independence in name only, with the British globalists controlling their raw materials and funds.
These Apex globalists forced asset-rich African nations into debt slavery using the United Nations IMF and World Bank loans. They've allowed millions to starve to death. Just like the British did to the Irish in the 18th century and seen in dozens of other colonies, including India.
Experts estimate that within ten years by 2030, up to 80% of the Australian land mass will be under Native Title, a collective property title system designed by the United Nations, not the Australian people.
UN "Big Brother" re-colonising the world
View online here:
Helena Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, II: the synthesis of science, religion, and philosophy: pages 199, 280, 328,
United Nations, Agenda 21, Section III, STRENGTHENING THE ROLE OF MAJOR GROUPS, Chapter 26, Recognizing & Strengthening the Role of Indigenous People & Their Communities,
The Rothschilds dominated French banking during most of the 19th century; however, in the 20th century, several Catholic and Protestant banks eclipsed their power. Those who claim Jewish bankers control the world to justify their claims point to the Rothschilds, Kuhn, Loeb and Co., the Lazard Bank, Lehman Brothers, the Warburgs, and Goldman Sachs. However the "inconvenient truth" is: 1. Until recently several of the world's largest banks were Japanese. 2. The 3 largest banks in the US were owned by the Rockefellers, the Morgans and the Mellons. 3. The fourth largest bank was Kuhn, Loeb Company. 4. The 5th largest bank in the US is the Bank of America founded by an Italian immigrant. Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1966, pages 50, 62, 77, 519-35)
Thank you so much for your great work under the threat of these criminals …
Absolutely riveting , keep up the great work , love this ..❤️