Bosi is a phoney liberationist. I had a go at him and he disappeared. Cause he is guilty. Read the other articles on him. He is a weak little man from a ruling class family.
Pardon my ignorance, but what is ADL/Bnai Birith ? I’ve heard of the latter, but not the former; A casual search for ADL brings up a slew of institutions ( mostly medical) doing ADL or: ‘Activities for daily living.’ Replies appreciated.
Another fake Jewish front. The Rothschilds dominated French banking during most of the 19th century; however, in the 20th century, a number of Catholic and Protestant banks eclipsed their power.
Those who claim Jewish bankers control the world to justify their claims point to the Rothschilds, Kuhn, Loeb and Co., the Lazard Bank, Lehman Brothers, the Warburgs, and Goldman Sachs.
However the "inconvenient truth" is:
▪️ Until recently several of the world's largest banks were Japanese.
▪️ The 3 largest banks in the US were owned by the Rockefellers, the Morgans and the Mellons.
▪️ The fourth largest bank was Kuhn, Loeb Company.
▪️The 5th largest bank in the US is the Bank of America founded by an Italian immigrant.
Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time, The Macmillan Company, New York,
Look at the Bankers Trust. Whose founders established the ADL. And the Central Bank of America. Why doesn't anyone talk about them? They are on one of the maps. Everything is a stage to divide and conquer. A phoney performance put on my the ruling class. We are the pawns on their chess board. They want us to blame Jews/Aboriginal people as they decided they use this scapegoating to silence us. At the end of the day collective guilt is evil. Everyone deserves to be judged as an individual. If we stick to this. They will not win. They need to divide us to bring in their agenda.
On land titles/deeds, I watched this earlier today on the Live In Private Telegram page who recommend putting everything into a trust... everything! Literally own nothing as the very rich do. Can't be taken from us if we don't own it :
thank you Josephine your information and research is so valuable to all in community's across Australia
were I live is pushing back against some of the things the W.A gruberment are trying to do at the moment also we are trying to get people to understand that what is happening is bigger than just their community and trying to encourage people to come together as one group instead of lots of small groups. So many driven by money and the carrot of power held in front of them they dont see they are being used for nefarious purposes
thank you again for being the strong upstanding person you are with people like you in this world we have hope as we are able to wake more people up to this
May I use your graphics on the Freemasons for a blog post on them?
I would consider it an honour if you used it in your work. The more people who see it, the better it will be for humanity.
Been wondering how n where you are Josephine. 🙏
Always so good to hear from you.
Blessings to you n those you love. 🙏
Omg this is scary stuff going on
Excellent work. Makes sense.
I'm not convinced read it all. There is so much dubious info around. Bosi seems to be a straight shooter, but I'll keep an open mind.
Bosi is a phoney liberationist. I had a go at him and he disappeared. Cause he is guilty. Read the other articles on him. He is a weak little man from a ruling class family.
Could you please explain what Riccardo Bosi’s role is in the diagram? Thanks
Start by reading this:
Pardon my ignorance, but what is ADL/Bnai Birith ? I’ve heard of the latter, but not the former; A casual search for ADL brings up a slew of institutions ( mostly medical) doing ADL or: ‘Activities for daily living.’ Replies appreciated.
Yes, please
As mentioned above, I suggest reading this:
Then this:
How do you see the Rothschild dynasty working in with this .
Another fake Jewish front. The Rothschilds dominated French banking during most of the 19th century; however, in the 20th century, a number of Catholic and Protestant banks eclipsed their power.
Those who claim Jewish bankers control the world to justify their claims point to the Rothschilds, Kuhn, Loeb and Co., the Lazard Bank, Lehman Brothers, the Warburgs, and Goldman Sachs.
However the "inconvenient truth" is:
▪️ Until recently several of the world's largest banks were Japanese.
▪️ The 3 largest banks in the US were owned by the Rockefellers, the Morgans and the Mellons.
▪️ The fourth largest bank was Kuhn, Loeb Company.
▪️The 5th largest bank in the US is the Bank of America founded by an Italian immigrant.
Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time, The Macmillan Company, New York,
1966, pages 50, 62, 77, 519-35
Thanks for your answers Josephine .Carroll Quigley is a true source of info then ? Thank you so much
Look at the Bankers Trust. Whose founders established the ADL. And the Central Bank of America. Why doesn't anyone talk about them? They are on one of the maps. Everything is a stage to divide and conquer. A phoney performance put on my the ruling class. We are the pawns on their chess board. They want us to blame Jews/Aboriginal people as they decided they use this scapegoating to silence us. At the end of the day collective guilt is evil. Everyone deserves to be judged as an individual. If we stick to this. They will not win. They need to divide us to bring in their agenda.
Yes he is. You are welcome.
Wow, what a lot to think about?
What are your thoughts on this. Do you know of them?:
On land titles/deeds, I watched this earlier today on the Live In Private Telegram page who recommend putting everything into a trust... everything! Literally own nothing as the very rich do. Can't be taken from us if we don't own it :
thank you Josephine your information and research is so valuable to all in community's across Australia
were I live is pushing back against some of the things the W.A gruberment are trying to do at the moment also we are trying to get people to understand that what is happening is bigger than just their community and trying to encourage people to come together as one group instead of lots of small groups. So many driven by money and the carrot of power held in front of them they dont see they are being used for nefarious purposes
thank you again for being the strong upstanding person you are with people like you in this world we have hope as we are able to wake more people up to this
You're right ... And you're wrong! ... Please refer to the following ... ...
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