It all makes sense when you understand the global organised crime network behind 5th column enemy combatant Bill Shorten.
Shorten's supremacy cult handlers use globalisation and crime to control the peasants. They will only be happy when they own everything.
They use voiceless minorities as a device. They terrorise them. They scapegoat them. They crime wash their wrongful acts away by scapegoating those they torment.

To hide their crimes they also use a worldwide web of crooked corporations and trusts.
Ruling class controlled corporate cartels almost dominate our entire supply chain. We are in danger. At any moment they could stop the supply of our basic human needs.
This criminal cartel destroys farmers and national/local supply chains and everyday people. They would like us to be dependent on them. This is the device they plan to use to starve to death the peasants they want to reduce.
As they have done to resource rich Africa. While asset stripping their country. This is what globalism is about.
This is not about race.
The supremacy cult wants to reduce all everyday people. To do this they need to divide us.
It is impossible to compete with Bill Shorten's special deals for the global corporate mafia, including paying less employment penalty rates than Australian owned businesses.
Vice-versa, Bill Shorten's lawyer, Mark Leibler has ensured ruling class corporations don't pay their fair share of tax. Australian business cannot compete against such dirty deals.
Blackmail explains how this is possible.
The very act of blackmail explains why 1700 pages of evidence provided by the police to support Shorten's charges of child abuse were destroyed. Along with his charges disappearing. In the absence of a jury trial.
I'm sorry to say that it has all been swept under the rug and expelled from the public square.
In Bill Shorten's mind he sits above the law. Just like royalty, he is sitting up there in his tax-payer-funded ivory tower in the Canberra swamp. From where he looks down on us like a king of the muck.
Blackmail is the device to control all levels of our useless idiot compromised UNi-party political class.
A drug is being used in order to obtain blackmail material on those who have power in this country.
This drug was established in Australia after World War II, when a convicted Nazi war criminal was released from prison to establish this industry. As of today, we are one of the world's largest producers of a drug used by Nazi cults across the globe for child trafficking, blackmail and date rape.
What an appalling situation for Australia.
Let’s rip off the mask.
Bill Shorten's accomplice lawyer Mark Leibler is the head of the Australian ADL/B'nai B'rth. A British Freemason front.
To hide their criminal acts the billionaire supremacy cults use the ADL as a front to "crime wash" by scapegoating Jews to control our speech.
This Jewish front is a device to ruin the reputation of anyone exposing the ruling class organised crime network as an antisemite.
By using the Jewish ADL/B'nai B'rth as the front for their crimes. Used by the ruling class for crime washing activities.
They wash their dirty deeds at the British Freemason created fake Jewish, ADL/B'nai B'rth front. To keep their hands clean. By scapegoating the Jews.
The ADL/B'nai B'rth thugs are for hire. They abuse everyday Jews the most. They cop it. They need to silence their voice. To keep them quiet. To hide the disgusting truth. Of who is behind this.
It is the English Anglican ruling class in concert with western criminal corporate cartel families who are the masterminds.
This is the UN-deniable truth ADL/B'nai B'rth was established by ruling class British Freemasons. The truth is Jews don't control the ADL/B'nai B'rth.
For example, in America ADL is run by the Anglican English/American Moore family. The family who created IBM and many other companies who funded the Nazis to kill. Again they hate everyday people. We are the peasants they want to reduce.
Anglican English corporate cartels fund the ADL/B'nai B'rth mobster Judas Goats, who abuse, trash, and even kill those exposing the lies.
I have seen the same pattern in Aboriginal Australia.
Elders are abused for telling the truth. Our lives are threatened. They've destroyed our cars. All for the crime of exposing the agenda to use Aboriginal Australia as the device. They don't want this exposed as it is part of a global plot to scapegoat all indigenous peoples.
To end homeownership worldwide.
Our forebears left the Old World to call Australia home. Now we have built such a beautiful nation together. They want to steal it. This is the Empire 2.0.
We won't be silenced by criminal thugs from the ruling class. We won't be shackled by those who brought our ancestors here in chains.
We are standing together with One Voice for all everyday people to expose the traitors.
Australia: they want to divide us to conquer us.
Aboriginal people are a device for the ruling class to crime wash their offences away.
By scapegoating us. They blame us. In the same way ADL/B'nai B'rth scapegoats Jews.
We are sabotaged. Taxpayers' funds for Aboriginal people are given to 'indigenous' corporations.
To Judas Goats and to 300,000 5th column fake claimer subversives hiding within Aboriginal Affairs.
All created by British agent Nugget Coombs. 'Indigenous' corporations have the lowest governance standards in Australia.
This was specifically designed by insider traitor/British agent Coombs. Who also brought in Central Banking. In his book, he says he is a member of a banker secret society. Created by the head of the Bank of England. Who funded the Nazis.
The ruling class used Nugget Coombs as a conduit to implement its agenda. Coombs' role was crucial in the scapegoating of Aboriginal Australia. For the ruling class plot. This has been achieved by using a fake native title system created by the ruling class to own everything.
This is why Coombs was the first Aboriginal affairs director in Canberra.
Again, Coombs established the Central Bank of Australia before his appointment as the supreme ruler of Aboriginal Australians.
Coombs central banking system removed our ability to fund national infrastructure, including affordable power, a national water system, hospitals and roads. The billionaire insider traitors and 5th column enemy combatants did this.
Coombs was the head of a treasonist criminal troupe in Australia.
No Australian can own Native Title land. Coombs created this title as head of Aboriginal affairs.
Native title 'indigenous' land is modelled from a post-colonial con in Kenya Africa. Where the British Ruling class 'gave' the locals naming rights to the land only. I repeat, the supremacy cult created a phoney 'indigenous' communal title no everyday person can own.
But it allows them to rape and pillage the country and the people of their natural resources. This explains why Africa is asset rich, yet starving to death.
This phoney indigenous land title con will cover 80% of Australia by 2030. Again, no everyday Australian can own this land (including Aboriginal Australians).
This is a ruling class plot scapegoating indigenous people globally. To destroy all everyday people.
In the 1990's Leibler brought in race hate laws to stop Australians from speaking against their malign agenda to use Aboriginal Australia as the scapegoat device. This includes the Uluru Con Voice and the Juukan Hoax.
Yet it is OK for Leibler to speak for Aboriginal Australia without our permission. He has become the spokesperson for Aboriginal Australia. He controls all the Judas Goats and fake claimers.
They silence the voice of Elders. The ruling class appoints fake claimers and Judas Goats.
For example, Bill Shorten's crooked lawyer Mark Leibler of the Australian ADL/B'nai B'rith speaks for Aboriginal Australia without our permission.
He has become the spokesperson for Aboriginal Australia. He controls all the Judas Goats and fake claimers. He selects compromised 'leaders' who Aboriginal people have no respect for. Leibler controls those making decisions on behalf of Aboriginal Australia.
Leibler undermines us. He sets us up to be the patsies for an angry mob blaming Aboriginal Australia: when Australians lose their homes, when farmers are evicted from the land. When we have no food.
This is what would have happened if we didn't expose the Juukan sacred shite hoax. As well as the Uluru Con voice. Which Leibler leads.
Despite having zero experience, expertise, or relationships with Aboriginal people. Since the 1990s, crooked Leibler has been constantly reappointed by the UNi-party (on both the right and left of government) as the Chair of Aboriginal Australia.
Insider traitors John Howard and Leibler brought in the Welcome to Country psychological operation.
Exposing Aboriginal Australia to ridicule. A phoney land acknowledgement performance also seen in the US, Canada and NZ. This is a global plot to scapegoat indigenous people everywhere.
Leibler's expertise is in subverting the voice of everyday people for the ruling class. And how to use British tax havens to facilitate money laundering and tax fraud. These billionaire crooks are the richest insider traitor cons in the world.
Overseeing and deciding everything. For all Australians. Including who gets to speak. Leibler is the supreme ruler of Australia. A proxy for the ruling class supremacy cult.
They need to divide us to conquer us. We will fight together not each other. We will come together with One Voice to expose the traitors.
Once the mask is ripped off they are finished.
They face a tsunami of contempt and disgust.
May I use your graphics on the Freemasons for a blog post on them?
Been wondering how n where you are Josephine. 🙏
Always so good to hear from you.
Blessings to you n those you love. 🙏