Hi Josephine,

I noticed you requested someone not post 'pseudo law' here. I've come to wonder if this 'pseudo law' is just yet another intelligence ring designed to divide and control opposition. Any thoughts on that are most welcome if you've a moment.

Thanks for your hard work.

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Good question. I have only recently worked out these pseudo-law groups/cults/rings are run by MI6 intelligence fronts worldwide. They blackmail operatives and the controlled opposition. https://josephinecashman.substack.com/p/exposed-the-political-class-are-compromised; see also specifically https://josephinecashman.substack.com/p/we-will-open-their-eyes-to-the-lies

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Thanks Josephine, I'll get into this material.

I have come to wonder, with your background if you might do posts on this topic? I know there's a fellow named Robert Sudy that with his Freeman Delusion site (https://freemandelusion.com/) has done a lot of work in sorting out the various claims of these groups. I don't consider it the last word, and some of his ideas or perhaps values seem odd to me but nonetheless it is great resource. Would you consider laying out some responses to the top 10 delusions of the Common Law/Pseudo Law groups?

Many of these pseudo law groups seem determined to defy reality and are often propped up on odd narratives, but if they are intelligence controlled that would make perfect sense and getting as many of them off that delusion would be key to growing awareness of the big picture that still eludes so many of them. I've noticed how many of them become, despite all their pseudo law, passionate supports of the "lost" Empire!

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Thanks Josephine, 3/4 of the way thru this newsletter it talks about a court case in the US involving meta, Instagram and pizzagate


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Yes I saw this thank you

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The British Empire was never actually British!

Neither is the royal family....


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Thanks Frances, I'm going to look into this one. It would certainly help sort out the subversion and destruction of England that appears to have really got the kick off with Cromwell.

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Glad to be of service!

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