It is not widely known that Aboriginal Australia despises Judas Goat Lidia Thorpe and her crime family, funded by UN tax haven billionaires.1
The Thorpe family believed treaties would be lucrative, so they mass-evicted families from Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust, making them homeless. To get their hands on all the treaty spoils. The Thorpe's are stupid enough to believe they will become mega-rich by signing a UN treaty. This will never happen, as history shows that once useful idiots have served their purpose, they are disposed of.
The Thorpe family exploits Aboriginal Australians while enriching themselves at the same time. When will they pay the rent of those they evicted?
This is my niece Margaret Johnson.
Her husband managed the work crews on Lake Tyres. They evicted them. Then, they funded their own family with $10,000 taxpayer lump sums to pick up the drug ice from Coburg and bring it back to Lake Tyres to sell. To destroy the youth.
I care about all Australians. This is why I'm warning you. They have tried to destroy Aboriginal Australia. They are coming for all Australians next. They hide the truth to divide us. Australians have to open their eyes to the lies. We have to fight together with One Voice.
You are doing excellent work Josephine, I have learnt so much... Thank you 🙏... This is a battle for all Australians... I have forwarded quite a few of your articles.
Which wars?
I thought that lie based wars such as those initiated by the US in response to the 9-11 false flag were funded by taking on more debt.