Getting all the benefits of our country without paying for it, sophisticated white-collar professionals dealing in tax avoidance are professional crooks serving international criminal cartels. It's no accident that the top expert in tax havens Mark Leibler is leading The Voice.
What a coincidence... International corporate cartels use the globalist-established indigenous industry as a device to demoralise the working people of Australia that they bludge off.1
There is a direct correlation between wokeness and funds in tax havens. Corporate Wokeness is in fact an elaborate ruse, the woke hoax is designed to disguise, divide and distract us away from their offshore criminal activity.2
Why do we allow these globalists to lecture us on ethics when they're ruthlessly exploiting the 3rd world, when their tax havens facilitate the worst crimes on earth, cleaning dirty money made from environmental vandalism, genocide, arms, drugs & human trafficking?3
Senator Matt Canavan blames aborigines for the welcome-to-country psychological operation yet he knows it was Mark Leibler, Pat Dodson and John Howard who created it. This is the same Matt who locked me & elders in a room for hours after whistle-blowing their putrid use of aborigines as whipping boys for globalism.
One of these elders died, the other month, my son's full grand aunty, I didn't get to say goodbye to her. She was over 90 years old. They have no respect for Aboriginal people. They use and abuse.
The globalist criminal attack includes race and everything woke as a device to demoralise and divide us. This is nothing new manipulative crooks do this all the time, in order to hold them to account, don’t be triggered, be emotionally disciplined and focus on exposing the traitors.
Friends in High Places
Failed Aboriginal leaders Ken Wyatt, Noel Pearson, Marcia Langton, Pat Dodson, and Lidia Thorpe with help from their lawyer Mark Leibler have done nothing to help our people but have been exceptional in stirring up trouble.
Mark Leibler AC has been an influential figure in Aboriginal affairs for some time. He is known to play a prominent if not contentious role in politics, developing tax dodging laws and the aforementioned failed Aboriginal leadership group has forged close ties with him.
His involvement in Indigenous affairs is said to have started when the late Ron Castan QC asked him to become involved in the Yorta Yorta Indigenous land claim. Prime Minister, John Howard asked him to Chair Reconciliation Australia with Pat Dodson and he later Co‑Chaired the expert panel on Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Australians with Pat Dodson.
Noel Pearson met Leibler when he completed his articled clerkship at Leibler’s law firm Arnold, Bloch and Leibler (ABL).4
In 2018, the ABL fees revenue approached $100 million. Although neither Leibler nor managing partner, Henry Lanzer would divulge the exact profit, people at ABL who should know, say it is over $45 million, which is a handsome dividend and would put average earnings of partners at roughly $1.8 million a year. ABL continues to attract wealthy individuals and families, but now many are not Jewish. An examination of its top 50 clients from 2014 to 2018 shows that the firm has moved beyond its base of high-net-wealth individuals and families. Of ABL's top 10 revenue-earning clients over this period, an average of five were public companies
When a row erupted over the decision by Mark Leibler's Jewish magazine to publish the names of the 2000 members and financial supporters of the One Nation Party it divided the Jewish community, infuriated many of those identified and it prompted One Nation leaders to complain of persecution.5
The author of Leibler’s biography, Powerbroker explained his influence: Leibler’s legal clients are among Australia’s richest businesspeople. By forging close ties with him, they were able to cultivate closer ties with wealthy and influential Australians. Leibler in turn has enjoyed private dialogues with prime ministers and foreign affairs ministers going back to the 1980s.6
It is not surprising that the globalist use Mark Leibler to push the voice and attack anyone objecting to the looting of Australia.
Grandson of Russian Jews Richard Poe New York Best-selling author and economic journalists extensive research proves that these same globalist imperialists created communism and blamed the Jews7 and use George Soros8 and others as Jewish cutout villains to hide their involvement.9
I myself have both Australian Aboriginal and Jewish ancestors, Jewish brothers left England one established the House of Worth in Paris and the other became the Worths of Coolongolook.
I can see that Jews are used as decoys, and cut-out villains as the globalist are using Indigenous issues in exactly the same way across the world as part of a global land grab.

In March 2021, Mark Leibler appeared on Sky News, pushing for a separate Advisory Parliament composed of Aboriginal people. Leibler insisted: we didn’t occupy this continent with consent. Aborigines objected and we started off by murdering them.10
Mark Leibler has obviously not read historical records accurately and no doubt supports Bruce Pascoe - just like his close friend Marcia Langton the once-described top black communist in Australia.11
Billions are siphoned out of our country into offshore tax havens.
How many billions has Mark Leibler been responsible for siphoning out of Australia?
Expose the traitors!
Josephine Cashman, at war with the people, Division in Australia from 1839 to today, 2023
For an example, see Alain Deneault, Legalizing Theft, Fernwood Publishing, 2018 at page 45, “In 2011 when it concentrated close to $10 billion in the accounts of a Bermudian subsidiary, in an operation also involving structures in Ireland. Throughout the world, that year, Google — a multibillionaire corporation — was subject to a tax rate in the area of 2.4 percent.25 Microsoft’s situation was similar: in recent years, the funds that the firm has been able to send outside the United States have been taxed at a rate of 4.5 percent. A seemingly infinite number of firms use and abuse offshore structures to artificially reduce their taxable revenue: Chiquita, Fresh Del Monte and Dole (agribusiness), BHP Billiton and ExxonMobil (extractivism), Danzer (forest products), Disney and Québecor (media), IKEA (furniture), Glaxo, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and Forest Laboratories (pharmaceuticals and care products).
Nikos Passas, Transnational Financial Crime, 2017, Taylor & Francis, 2013, page 3
Rabbi Jeffrey Cohen, ‘The Powerbroker: Mark Leibler, An Australian Jewish Life’, J-Wire, 4 August 2020 cited 25 June 2021,
Emma-Kate Symons., Leibler's List / Jews name 2000 One Nation members, The Daily Telegraph,9 July 1998
Dashiel Lawrence, Warts-and-all portrait of an Australian powerbroker, Plus 61J Media, 20 July 2020 cited 25 June 2021,
Richard Poe, How the British Invented Communism (And Blamed It on the Jews), The Untold Story of Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, MI6, and the Russian Revolution, 2023
Richard Poe, How the British Invented George Soros, Puppetmaster or Puppet? Strongman or Frontman? Inside the Soros Psyop
See Richard Poe’s recent interview for further information,
Josephine Cashman, Marcia Langton, 2021
Great article. One of the lesser discussed people propagating the incoming land and wealth grab. Thank you as it obviously isn’t easy to find out information re the raid boss crook mark zeibler.