May 7·edited May 9Liked by Josephine Cashman

Considering the industry is under so much secrecy and the chemical compound number for cocaine and scopolamine are the same, makes this a real problem in QLD where we are producing it. Allowing it so, is a danger to those unsuspecting users. Scopolamine cooks you from the inside. Scopolamine can also cause Gillians Barrs, cancer or a heart attack. So far, grower and producer Alkaliods Australia has had 33 criminal cartel charges already laid against them. Seems the industry really needs a good look in. Many things are showing up being adulterated by scopolamine such as Fluranzapine. It's a cheap alternative easy to obtain and could be feeding the pharmaceutical industry through the injuries they are causing by adulterating other therapeutic or recreational drug supply's? I believe the above worthy of serious consideration.

Acute scopolamine poisoning after sniffing adulterated cocaine https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/037687169190028W

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Yes it’s all we can do and yes I agree/understand. Thanks for the encouragement I appreciate a lot. It’s been an Incredibly difficult road however Knowledge is power and Education Key! Bless

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May 7Liked by Josephine Cashman

On Diversity's: Perspectivas en Psicologia Print version ISSN 1794-9998

It reads:

The use of this toxic in criminal attacks represents a social and health problem of immeasurable proportions.

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May 7Liked by Josephine Cashman

The role of psychopharmacology in the medical abuses of the Third Reich: From euthanasia programmes to human experimentation


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May 7·edited May 7Liked by Josephine Cashman

Just dropping a link to these two videos about "Devil's Breath" which I believe you shared in some of your previous work (and which I saved):


I believe they make a good 'companion' to this post.

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I used cuts of this documentary in a video posted here. It is an excellent resource for our readers. Thank you so much.

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May 7Liked by Josephine Cashman

Hey Kayleen, Unbelievably it's sold over the counter in a Kwell's Motion Sickness Tablet in an adults dose and the adults pack says don't give to children, yet they have a pack developed for children too. All the medical papers telling you about its high toxicity report it should not be administered to children? Most countries don't even allow it over the counter let alone have secret growers growing stronger strains... 1 gram can kill 10-15 people reported on Viceland documentary [look it up]. It was used by Bayer in Nazi Germany to commit "wild euthanasia" spiking the food supply to cause terminal pneumonia!!! It is also used in interrogations by the Nazi's and the police and CIA some years ago; like happened to me. There are calls out now to bring it back in and put in police use. I SAY NO.

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I have misunderstood in the past Josephine , when you used the street name I thought you were referring to a ( new ) drug. I understand now .

Are you aware that it’s been available and widely used and abused by psychiatrists within the psychiatric system for decades ? See Chelmsford Hospital and / or Deep Sleep Therapy. ….so much for the value , of Royal Commissions.

Clearly our jails are simply an extension of this system and now there are those who actually want to give such demonic power to the police ?

Thank you for your work and may God have mercy on us all.

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Thanks for the info... there's a lot going on here and its all very disturbing...

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See also the Australian 60 minutes show with I think it was Steve Martin , called The Chelmsford Scream . From a few decades ago now.... but well hidden .

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No that is not the video I was referring to. However apart from no, mention of sexual abuse, sexual assault etc the documentary in your link gives a solid account of events at Chelmsford.

The Australian 60 minute programme produced a documentary called The Chelmsford Scream .

Thank you again for your work Josephine.

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Thanks Kaylene I will ...I appreciate.

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Do not allow the " disturbance " to dominate . That is what they want. Blessings to you all .

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May 7·edited May 7

There you go indeed it was used. No wonder there were people dying in their clinic... or leaving with huge addictions. Scopolamine is highly addictive and highly toxic. Perhaps those tests were really meant for something other than what they had pertained to be? That paper work should all be dug up and those doctors should be removed. Having just watched the documentary, I can't believe they are still practicing, it's outrageous.


Klaesi induced sleep using morphine, scopolamine, and the administration of somnifen over a ten-day period (De Young, 2015). This method proved to be mostly effective and was thus employed in asylums, including Chelmsford Private Hospital under the administration of Harry Bailey.


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Warning!!!! They leave out a lot of important facts about the drug. This kind of reporting is very misleading and dangerous. Leaving Australians without the entire truth of the matter.

Calls to use 'truth serum' on Aussie killers | A Current Affair


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Thank you for the link . It is helpful to know the correct name of the drug rather than just the street name - not sure why this drug name is not being used as it has been around for a very long time ?

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See my previous extensive exposure for more information on it: https://josephinecashman.substack.com/p/exposed-the-political-class-are-compromised

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May 7Liked by Josephine Cashman

Hey Josephine,

Really appreciate you giving the "realities" of this drug some exposure.

Bless Michelle

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"Today, Australia is the world leader in scopolamine production, owning 70% of the world supply. Since 1992, Australia has produced 994,678 kg of Duboisia leaf decennially, with a gross value of AUD 6,604,439, which is exported internationally for alkaloid extraction. Due to the economic value of this species, other regions such as India, South America, Brazil, and Ecuador have also initiated its cultivation." Reference: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4395/13/3/797 Micropropagation of Duboisia Species: A Review on Current Status

by Yuxin Xue,Jayeni Chathurika Amarathunga Hiti-Bandaralage and Neena Mitter, Centre for Horticultural Science, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4068, Australia

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May 7·edited May 7Liked by Josephine Cashman

Thanks for the update. Considering we have jurisdictions that allow growing stronger strains in QLD and that the people living in those regions around these "secret growers" have barely been warned of its nefarious background [not a single sign anywhere] or the medical staff notified and trained in such instances that it be misused, should be a priority, I would think; also making the following criminal in itself. Did you know that the Australian Institute of Criminology does not have even one publication listed for its readers to get informed?

Search Scopolamine> See here: https://www.aic.gov.au/publications?keys=scopolamine&sort_by=year&sort_order=DESC

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Here's a survey I did. However, I'm so censored the survey has barely had a chance to be seen.

Have you been involuntarily drugged in the Burnett Region!


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Thank you Josephine.

Do you know if there is a therapeutic use/purpose for Devils Breath ? Are the crops you refer to grown in the way of opium poppies ?

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May 6·edited May 7Author

Nothing which can't be made out of something else. According to the experts as mentioned.

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While I agree that scopolamine is a very dangerous drug, it is used extensively and benevolently in medicine for a variety of reasons. The large scale production of scopolamine is not the problem as it is used in hospitals around the world every day. The problem is not the drug but the people who miss-use it.

For the illegal usage that you refer to, it is very easy for anyone with basic organic chemistry training to extract from a number of common plants. It's also very easy for anyone to make a tea out of the raw plants that is a very effective intoxicant. If we were to eradicate the legitimate medicinal usage of scopolamine the problem of criminal usage will not go away.

I have to reiterate that when miss-used it is one of the worst drugs on the planet. Everything you say about it's nefarious usage, historical and current is true, but the massive multi ton production of scopolamine has almost nothing to do with crime. Even if small amounts of medicinal scopolamine are siphoned off into criminal hands, it's so easy to make/obtain that they don't need this supply.

I greatly admire your writings but think your perspective on this subject is slightly misguided.

Here's a list of common uses for the drug:

"Scopolamine has a number of formal uses in modern medicine where it is used in its isolated form and in low doses to treat:

Postoperative nausea and vomiting.

Motion sickness, including sea sickness, leading to its use by scuba divers (where it is often applied as a transdermal patch behind the ear)

Gastrointestinal spasms

Renal or biliary spasms

Aid in gastrointestinal radiology and endoscopy

Irritable bowel syndrome

Clozapine-induced drooling

Bowel colic

Eye inflammation

It is sometimes used as a premedication, (especially to reduce respiratory tract secretions) in surgery, most commonly by injection."

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Why is Riccardo Bosi's photo in the group of people supposidly connected with the production of Devil Breath, I would like MORE FACTS to prove his guilt or innocence other wise this is slander Especially when this drug is legally grown by farmers for Big Pharma?

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There is information on this thread. Also I have a number of articles on Bosi. I'll post them below. He's a phoney liberationist.

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Thank I have made some recent changes/corrections.

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May 7Liked by Josephine Cashman

Updated for the desription/definition of the drug and there are many pointers back to your site.

Thank you.

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Thank you for your support. The more people who know the better for all Australians and the world.

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Some was upset I inadvertently used the wrong map. Wouldn't you think they would be 'disturbed' by Australia being the child trafficking capital of the world.

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Whatever, thanks to my enemies, they have helped me become a weapon.

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