A well-oiled propaganda machine
Date Rape, Devils Breath, Compromised Government, and a Media Storm
Australia is one of the biggest producers of a drug described as the most dangerous in the world.
A drug used in child trafficking. Not only is this dangerous to children everywhere, but it also poses a huge threat to Australia.
This drug can be administered without the victims knowledge.
A victim who has been drugged has no free will. It is possible to make them do anything.
Collective guilt
Despite not knowing why the offender committed the crime which saw 5 women and 1 man killed. The immediate aftermath of the Bondi attack saw a scurry of pre-emptive calls for a Royal Commission on male attitudes toward women. Opposition leader Peter Dutton pledged to hold one.
Surely ex-Detective Senior Constable Peter Dutton from the Drug Squad understands 95% of violence/homicides is linked to mind-altering substances. Illegal drugs flood our community. Dutton refuses to identify this key factor in offending. One must ask was it too lucrative to let the drugs in. Does this explain why ex-drug cop Dutton has $300 million in the bank. Australians smell a rat.
The Bondi mass-murderer used amphetamines (i.e. ice) and hallucinogens (i.e. LSD). If there was any possible piece of public information to explain the crimes committed, it would be this.
However, the UNi-party and the big lie media ignore this because it does not suit their agenda.
Despite intoxication being the major factor in 95% of murders.
No one mentions the Bondi mass murderer being on illicit drugs as a significant contributing factor to the offending. To offences Australia wide.
Is this because it exposes the complicity of the UNi-party in failing to fund the police to stop the importation of illicit drugs.
So instead of admitting they are at fault, they use collective guilt, which is the most evil of ideologies.
They blame everyday people. They blame male attitudes. To divide us.
So we fight each other instead of the cause of our discontentment.
This is part of a global pre-planned United Nations strategy of tension operation. Using male and female relations as a device to polarise and distract everyday people from the implementation of their global control agenda.
The Agenda
All of the Rampant Women's Cell troupe members supported fake claimer Bruce Pascoe and the Uluru Voice Con, and they are in charge of the next phoney performance.
They tried to stoke division with Aboriginal Australians and this is the next episode...
I saw the lies as an insider whistleblower. I conducted my own research. Interviewing people and mapping it out.
Someone has to stand up to the most privileged in our society.
Those with access to billions. Those who really do not care about anyone but themselves.
This includes those on the board of the central bank of Australia.
They are all part of a Rampant Women's Cell. They have created a cesspit of foundations to dominate our public square. With pre-planned conflict centred on male and female relations. To divide us.
They have no morals or principles. For them the ends justify the means.
They don’t care that this whole exercise in controlling everyday people will cause death and extreme human suffering.
They only care about the women they can use for their pre-planned division agenda as part of a global strategy.
Developed by big international think tanks and organisations like the UN.
Fake celebrities parrot out propaganda.
This time about our UN-safe homes.
The need for them to wage war against men to save us.
It is not about the victims of violence. Not when they ignore the inconvenient victims. We have had years of being assaulted by the machinations of the privileged, with drunken allegations of rape, weak cases of sexual assault inundating and taking over our public square.
To keep the show running. Billionaire insider traitors fund both sides.
A phoney performance to divide, polarise and distract us from issues that risk human lives.
The Convenient Victims
I wouldn't blame you if you are almost getting the feeling that there is another agenda here with the next announcement of another privileged women raped.
A few days ago. the Queensland assistant health minister announced she had been raped and drugged. Just hours away from one of the world's biggest crops of the world's most dangerous drug.
Are we expected to believe the UNi-party is unaware that Australia is one of the leading producers of date rape/child trafficking/blackmail drugs?

There are so many Australians going through hardship.
Who deserve to be heard. Including the rape victims silenced by the UNi-party and big lie media.
What is the significance at this time of making an announcement to the Australian people about Brittany Lauga MP being drugged and raped?
It is on trend. It is timely.
For the narrative they are weaving.
She's publicly announced it and now she wants privacy. How ridiculous. They are treating us like fools. You can tell the supremacist cults behind it. By how it spreads like a well-oiled Nazi propaganda machine.
By the big lie media, at lightening speed. Working in lockstep with their bombarding bots. A hive of AI designed to manipulate public opinion.
Innocent until proven guilty.
Are we going to be subjected to another trial by media circus? What about the fundamental right of all Australians for a fair trial.
This does not include the UNi-party and big lie media being the judge, jury and executioner. Whose life are they going to ruin next?
They take over the public square, as if they are the only ones who matter.
The Inconvenient Victims
Assaulting us with their agendas is what they are doing to us. This is insulting to people like Bill Shorten's child rape victim.
The UNi-party circus ignores 1700 pages of police evidence and the abuse of power which saw Shorten's rape charges disappear.
The big lie media ignores Bill Shorten's child rape victim. What a contrast with this MP getting immediate front page news despite the allegations not yet having been investigated.
What else can explain such a big lie media breaking news splash other than a political agenda?
We are all the victims of this circus.
Look at the UN documents outlining a plan to use men and women's relations as a device to foment division. As a stepping stone to UN management of our lives.
The Rampant Women's Cell
We found machinations and widespread political manipulation with the Rampant Women's Cell, including involving Louise Milligan, Annabel Crabb, Jo Dyer and many others.
In their WAR against men manifesto, they call all penetration rape. As if these privileged rape announcements are part of their pre-planned show.
As above-mentioned, they have established a propaganda Spinnennetz of foundations. As another apparatus to spread propaganda on male and female relations.
Including the UN 50/50 by 2030 foundation. A not for profit featuring Bill Shorten's mother in law.
This would be a sick joke if it was not real. The one who ignore the abuse of power of her own son in law and them talks about female equity.
What a hypocrite these Rampant Women (RW's) are.
Another RW Samatha Madden harassed Bill Shorten’s child rape victim Kathy Sherriff. Before writing a book on Shorten. As an exercise to blame Shorten’s victim for him losing the election. Dismissing her as a Liberal party hack.
Ignoring the vital ‘inconvenient truth’ that Kathy Sherriff was a member of the left of the Australian Labour Party and Shorten is on the right. Shorten is the one who does everything throughout his career to the benefit of the big end of town.
The Most Dangerous Drug in the World
As a result of this manipulation, we are subjected to a grave risk, since it subverts the information getting out to the public for their own safety.
The UNi-party was warned about the Devil's Breath Nazi drug.
I find it hard to believe the Queensland government/health department does not know about 70% of the date rape/child trafficking/blackmail drug produced worldwide comes from a town hours away from Yeppoon.
After WW2, a Nazi war criminal was taken from Nuremberg Prison and let off a life sentence to work for big pharma to establish a drug crop in Kingaroy Queensland.
A drug used as a device for serious criminal offending including date rape, blackmail, child trafficking/abuse.
I was told, whoever controls this drug, controls child trafficking worldwide.
Is this what Australia wants to be known for?
The global child abuse/date rape capital of the world?
We are the targets of a globalist coup.
Politicians are supposed to protect the people, but they fail to do so.
The UNi-party's complicity can be explained by the fact that they were compromised by this Devil Breath/blackmail drug.
Why they have not addressed this UN-acceptable risk to human life.
There is nothing unique about this drug to justify the extreme danger to the community it poses.
This industry must be shutdown.
We will fight together not each other to stop it
It is most evil of ideologies to collectively convict.
I standby all Australians.
This pre-planned hypocritical conflict attacking men must be fought together.
They create the problems for their pre-planned solutions.
Considering the industry is under so much secrecy and the chemical compound number for cocaine and scopolamine are the same, makes this a real problem in QLD where we are producing it. Allowing it so, is a danger to those unsuspecting users. Scopolamine cooks you from the inside. Scopolamine can also cause Gillians Barrs, cancer or a heart attack. So far, grower and producer Alkaliods Australia has had 33 criminal cartel charges already laid against them. Seems the industry really needs a good look in. Many things are showing up being adulterated by scopolamine such as Fluranzapine. It's a cheap alternative easy to obtain and could be feeding the pharmaceutical industry through the injuries they are causing by adulterating other therapeutic or recreational drug supply's? I believe the above worthy of serious consideration.
Acute scopolamine poisoning after sniffing adulterated cocaine https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/037687169190028W
On Diversity's: Perspectivas en Psicologia Print version ISSN 1794-9998
It reads:
The use of this toxic in criminal attacks represents a social and health problem of immeasurable proportions.