Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023Liked by Josephine Cashman

I have been calling out Max Igan's garbage for two years now in other platforms, needless to say the attacks came thick and fast, "Controlled opposition", "NWO shill". I find it highly amusing having been in this game as long as, if not longer than Igan. I remember watching him sitting on his computer with a twenty dollar Chinese USB microscope filming fibers in an N95 mask claiming they were "Graphene Nanobots" the fibre would twitch every time he spoke or breathed, comedy central and people were frothing over it spreading this BS to all and sundry., Yet the toy microscope he was using would never resolve to the nano level. Yea I worked in a lab for five years so I have some experience with this stuff. He was not happy when I called out his protocols and equipment choices. About a week later he turns up in Mexico. Hmmm how did he get out of the country when nobody else could on such short notice. I have a close friend who was being advised by an "accountant" who fell in with the Sovereign Citizen and law crowd. Advised my friend not to pay taxes, they could not touch her, ended up in court and she got slammed. This idiot accountant was ranting on about the Magna Carta and the Constitution (First) overruled everything. Total lack of understanding how legislation even works in this country. Needless to say the judge threw her out and advised my friend to get real lawyer. She did, cost her $35K in the end, the Tax office wanted a quarter of a million while miss Sovereign Law as in play. The law is an ass at the best of times. Jo is right on the money here, get involved with the Sovereign Citizen scam and their BS at your own peril. At the very least you will end up on a watch list, of that you can be sure.

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This article has already triggered them. Love your work, thank you.

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Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023Liked by Josephine Cashman

Anytime, always good to set them off and the reason these people get upset is because they hate hearing what they do not want to hear. There were some good people and still are among those who have been in this space for a long time. Working up front like yourself or behind the scenes to shut down the snake oil sales people. The opposition have done a good job, the Leftists were penetrating the cabinets and education system and all levels of government. They have also gotten into the online space and injected their own assets into the communications stream to discredit those who speak out by portraying everyone as a conspiracy nut. The truth tellers like the Brian Wilshire's and Jeremy Lee's are gone and have been replaced by Ike, Jones and the likes of Stew Peters and these sovereign citizens who also rely on people's fear to sell themselves and reap the rewards of likes and cash per views. Likewise on your work, a breath of fresh air in an environment saturated with Double Thinkers and Newspeakers that infest our human version of Orwell's Animal Farm.

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We love your commentary. It is brilliant.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Josephine Cashman

Thank you.

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11. Beware of people that claim to have `secret inside intel'

Again another useful article of information, thank Josie. Wasn't aware of the Icke/Igan connections, nor their histories. Both seemed like con artists and now glad I switched off.

Australia a foreign corp owned by the US... is that crap still floating around? FFS (Australia registered with the USA SEC, regarding ADI Debt Securities.)


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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Josephine Cashman

The Common Law thing never sat well with me so I never explored it even though I was surrounded by it everyday. Everyone is looking for an escape from this tyranny I guess. Question. Does the fact the Aboriginal people never ceded their sovereignty to the colonisers hold any weight at all?

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023Author

This is a trap, they are using this phoney solution to bring UNDRIP treaty tyranny. There is a path forward. Read the points at the end of this letter https://josephinecashman.substack.com/p/a-message-to-our-rulers-dispatched. Also trust your gut. You were right. They are grooming us into thinking we are stupid, sheep and to blame each other. You have everything Australia needs. We the everyday people are the solution. As our ancestors built this country we have a duty to protect it. Which we are doing now for younger generations of Australians and those to come. Thank you for your thoughtful message.

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The most thought-provoking article I have read of late. There is so much in your words that I needed to unpack, because I witnessed a lot and a little of things you speak about. I ran in the 2022 Federal election and if I had a dollar for every direction I was being pulled, I would be a very rich man. But also finding my truth in the maze of dis-, mis- and mal-information proved to provide me with my greatest growth as a person. How do I know it was growth? Because I had never been there before. What I experienced was that people always knew more than me, and they knew what was right for me. I allowed that to an extent, but soon grew a set to realise I would never carve out a path forward that I truly owned if I allowed externals forces to dictate to me. I believe the word is called 'choice.'

There are always orators and teachers who offer their 'promised land.' A place where the world is as it should be.....according to them. My experience was that their path always seemed to follow the 'same path' as others - alot of information, a lot of promises, and then a lot more investment. A weekend course was never going to be the change for me. Some of it was flashy and looked great, but to me, it never resonated.

The way forward is within all of us. The way forward is not an external authority to tell you how to live your life or what you need to change, do or follow. The way forward is within us all. Sitting with ourselves and allowing information to come through us and deciding with a whole lot of discernment and research what is truth. Even then, what is truth? Is it just a perspective of the information that is presented to us at a certain time? How many times has the 'truth' changed, especially over the past four years?

I for one am not throwing stones, as the influence I was under more than likely was projected on the people and events I spoke at. But no more. With will and effort, I do my best to stand still, take it in, reject the fear, and decide what is relevant and what I am prepared to invest my time in. In cannot be 100, 50, 20, or even 10 things. It is 3-5 at the most and doing each of them until completion. It is saying no to people from a place of love, connection and ease.

Thank you for your writings. I have been reading them for some time. I don't know you but I admire your spirit and intention in your words.

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Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023Author

For you to demonstrate your seriousness, Jason you must apologise for misleading your supporters on this pseudo-law in the Great Australian Party. You have wasted good Australians' time and you should be sorry. Many Australians have believed you and lost everything because of your scams. Your lies have led to Australians standing outside the Governor General's residence for months on end. Do you get off on lying to them? The truth will fail you. Australians will stand up to tyranny. Those responsible will be held accountable.

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I appreciate your response, Josephine. Thank you for shedding light on my past and exposing what I have since moved beyond. The sense of "truth and righteousness" I held in my hands led me to see my ignorance of telling people how they should think and respond or move forward a particular way. Your courage to speak out and tell it your way is wonderful. While I don't know you personally, I've grown fond of your writing style and the thought-provoking content you produce. As much as there were parts of your expression I didnt enjoy, I respect your right to speak freely, even more so given it's your page.

It seems you're suggesting, if I have understood correctly, that I should defend myself over my character as you see it. Never will that happen because how you see me is beyond my control, and I don’t agree with you as I have a different understanding of myself. Please, read on.

My involvement with GAP took me on a fast-paced journey into unfamiliar territory. I explored figures like Ricardo Bosi, UAP, and IMOP, among others, but the arguments presented by GAP intrigued me the most. Their support from constitutional lawyers who referenced authoritative sources like "Constitutional Reform 1988" by Jonathan Mills, Law and Bills Digest, lent credibility to their claims. Trusting the experts seemed reasonable, so I delved deeper into the subject.

I also stumbled upon a gentleman named Wayne Glew then Rob Sudy, who has a website called "Freeman Delusion." His (Rob's) compelling articles engaged me, particularly his exchanges on a Facebook page hosted by Mr Glew. Mr. Glew had challenged Rob to a face-to-face debate with no notes, in the public domain, which intrigued me further. Like most, I was keen for this to be debated as proper discourse was all but dead. But nothing presented....again.

So I went deeper. I connected and met with a former Queensland Senator as well as three former Qld MPs who explained and validated the history of Queensland's upper house, which was dissolved by then Labor Premier Theodore in 1922, despite the people's prior overwhelming rejection by way of referendum in 1917 of such a move. This raised questions about the motivations behind this decision. Why have a referendum if you are going to simply ignore the will of the people? And who does the parliament represent? What gives the faceless men and women the right to make decisions for our parliament after we have said no? Perhaps GAP and their advocates were on to something here.

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I marched on. I learned about the 1992 Reprints Act, which was meant for minor amendments to legislation but, as explained to me, was ‘misused’ (I’ll call it abuse) by politicians to make significant changes without parliamentary scrutiny. The dots were connecting.

Then there was Article 73 of the 1987 Elizabethae Secundae Reginae Act, which altered the power dynamics in Queensland, and was also a topic of concern as that Act discharged the office of the (Qld) Governor of the State amongst other things. This Act suspended the Letters Patent and reduced the Governor's role in Queensland to within the Executive Branch at the same time elevating the Premier above the Governor. At least that is how it was explained to me, and given it came from a former Senator and three Qld MPs, I thought they were in a position to speak the truth. When did the people agree to this? Where is the separation of power?

Then there are the two volumes of “Correlated Evidence of Treason and Treachery against the Crown, the People and the Commonwealth of Australia.” 526 pages in volume one and 433 in the Annexure. Very damning articles in those volumes with plenty of citations.

Perhaps it was all falsehoods. But I had spoken with people who were in the parliament who told me this happened, and then to have Constitutional Professors and experts support the views and opinions (not all but some of them) of GAP was not a bridge too far for me to cross. It was not too different to the world believing the global Covid narrative and ‘science’. I rest in knowing that at least I investigated things and did not blindly believe everything told to me.

Your words made me reflect on my decision to resign from GAP after the election. My departure wasn't due to the information itself as I truly believed that for all I have mentioned, it was as strong a footing as I had walked on. It was my pursuit of my truth and answers during a period of great uncertainty. I knew little about the constitution before joining GAP, and my past apathy towards Australian politics served as a wake-up call. My silence was no longer acceptable in the face of the 2020 events.

My journey before GAP took a significant turn when I came across a 50-year-old anti-parasitic drug in my cancer research in January 2020. A wonder drug was moved from over-the-counter to prescription only. The swift legislative action by the Queensland Government to restrict its use left me wondering about the underlying motivations for a drug that had been administered 4.6 billion times with very few negative events. I asked two questions; 1). Why? and, 2), What is coming?

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From where you sit, you may view me as wasting people’s time, but that’s not how I view the world or my efforts. I truly believed this was information worthy of being presented to the people of Queensland. You also suggest that I should apologize to those I may have misled. However, I stood up for what I believed in and continued to do so. I refuse to see my country and its people fall victim to what I consider a corrupt system. And of course I didnt believe I was misleading them. I had the best facts I could source. Were there other papers, and evidence to prove me wrong? Probably. I did my best to validate the information to the best of my ability, and I am pretty sure I led with that plenty of times at speaking engagements. I was trying to bring back common in common sense. Perhaps I was living under a grand illusion.

You refer to my actions as "lies," but, much like with the COVID-19 narrative, I saw them as informed decisions based on my best intentions, research, and discernment at the time. The coercion around COVID-19 vaccines raised questions for me way before 2021. While I was technically not forced to take the jab, the impact of not taking it on my livelihood and hundreds of thousands was, and to this day, is undeniable. The adverse events and subsequent deaths are undeniable.

To bring it to the current day, what was the truth behind the voice? Should I believe Ray Martin when he said “Australians are d..kheads if they vote No” and that he was “trusting the government to fill in the details later?” If not Ray, then who was I to believe? How about the elders of the Wakka Wakka who said no? Who was to be my single source of truth? The Yes voters? The No voters? What made them right? What made Jacinta Price and Warren Mundine right? What makes anything anyone imposes on me right? Is this any different to the coercion the government forced on the people in 2021? Is this any different to the judgement people impose on people they do not seek to understand first?

I've done many things in my life based on the truth as I understood it at a given time. I can't and don’t regret my past because it brought me to where I am today. Joining a political party was a new experience, and running for the Senate was an entirely different challenge. I intended to make a positive impact on the world, although I now realize the naivety of that ambition. Not the running, but to attempt to change an external environment of a complex situation I had little control over. Madness when I think about it. All I could do was be the best version of myself and stand in my integrity.

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I'm eager to hear your perspective on truth, Josephine, as you mentioned it could fail me. Have you ever believed anything only to change your view when new information is presented? Is truth subjective, shaped by various factors at a given moment? Is it built on lies that become evident only when we experience their impact? s it a product of our lives and our confirmation bias at a specific point in time? The complex narratives surrounding events in the Middle East, with varying reports on false flags, raise further questions about what constitutes the truth. How about the Cuban Missile Crisis? Watergate? The Pentagon Papers? It is alleged that Trump made more than 30,000 false or misleading claims during his four years. Is that true?

Truth depends on an appreciation of facts. Yet we live in a world of constant wars, climate change, lockdowns, 15-minute cities, censorship, inflation, excess deaths, etc., where little is debated and the 'truth' forced on us. Where is the genuine debate? How can we accept an agenda without first accepting the evidence? If truth is seen as unattainable, everything is off the table. Joining the dots is what we are mostly left with. Maybe that should have been my exit point in the election. Did I get it 100% right every time? Without question, no. I openly admitted at an event that I am "building the plane as I fly it" and that the information is incredibly hard to source, interpret, understand the confirmation bias, and then discern.

The term "scam", which you use, typically refers to "dishonest or illegal schemes for monetary gain." If you believe this label fits me as someone who doesn’t know me, then I cannot control that. I experienced the full toll campaigning took on my health and finances. For sure people donated, but I can itemise what $15K in donations will get you when running for the Senate. I am forever grateful to those who chose to donate as the financial cost to me and my wife would have been much higher. I towed my own pop-top caravan when I travelled Queensland campaiging to avoid the costs of hotels. I packed my own food. I showered in caravan parks. I treated people's money like it was my own.

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But it was more than that. I soon learned what I was doing had little to do with politics and more to do with being human and the crisis the people in our country were experiencing. People living in tents and cars in Queensland, mostly women over the age of 55. These are women who gave birth to the people of this nation and this is how they were treated? People relying on food stamps. Car’s were queued across the Westgate from Port Melbourne to Yarraville. I received hundreds of messages every day that compounded day after day. I spent the better part of 16 hours a day before and after the election helping people. I helped raise money for many different causes. To this day, I still do (not 16 hours but helping people).

I did my best to respond to as many of these people as I could. If not for my wife reading out my FB Messengers when I was driving one of the 65,000 km I racked up in one year on my own car, I could have missed three people who were contemplating suicide. Two men in their 40’s (one in WA with three young kids) and one lady in Nth Queelsland who was almost 60. I rang each of them and spoke with them for hours on the phone listening and holding space. I helped them where I could. I suggested resources to move beyond their dark places. To listen to a 40+ man tell me how worthless his life is with his kids playing in the background is something I will never forget. To be in such a deep and dark space and not seeing any light broke my heart. To this day, I do not know if any of the three took their lives. I pray they didn't. I mate of mine who ran a café in West Geelong (off Pakington Street) personally knew five small business owners in the Melbourne CBD that killed themselves during the 903 days of the State of Emergency. The constitutional matters were still there but far from the front of my thoughts and actions.

I know your point is me "misleading and lying to people" (I do find that hard to digest, but it's your view so I will leave it here) with my knowledge. Like I said, I soon learned this experience was not about running for parliament. It was about souls who have been crushed and deceived for a very long time. Covid was their release. It felt like Covid was their ‘awakening.’ It was about lives of quiet desperation. It was about people filling voids in their empty lives with people who they connected with people who made some sort of sense in this chaos. What an indictment on our society.

The dots were not easy to join for me because so much is hidden. So, I did my best to research and connect those dots. Sometimes I got it wrong, no question. I don’t even know if my message mattered. It was the heart behind the message that seemed to resonate, and it was the deeper meaning behind that which needed attention. I did not, and do not consider myself a saviour (not that you said that). What I did was bridge a gap between what people considered despair and voids and taking action. I devoted countless hours speaking at events and offering an ear to those who needed it. I never left an event until all who wanted to be heard were. That could be 30 minutes, or in the case of Yeppoon, Emerald, Yeppoon, Townsville, Mission Beach, Ispwich, Brisbane CBD, Esk and many other venues, up to three hours.

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