Excellent article Josephine but do you genuinely think Putin is in any way the good guy in this story?

The enemy controls ALL sides in EVERY conflict.


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But for Putin we would be on digital passports by now. This is why they hate him so much.

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Putin, as are all the BRICS nations as they made clear with their unaminous declaration in South Africa in 2023 is onboard with the entire list of totalitarian goals as detailed by the United Nations SDGs their master plan for this war on humanity. Putin is doing it all.

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Michael is correct, both about this being an excellent article, and about Putin being in on the game. The new global order requires the United States to be taken down a peg or two.


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Yep, the same 'people behind the curtain' who rule the west also control Russia.

There are no good guys in this story...only different shades of bad.

It's a good video. I've seen it.

Putin's actions during the 'Pandemic' demonstrate unequivocally that he is following the same agenda.


"You don't have to take it if you don't want to":


"But you'll lose your job if you don't":


Meanwhile, a Russian CBDC is in the works:


To be expanded across the entire BRICS:


Judge them by their DEEDS and never ever by their words.

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I am sure you have seen Stephen Reason's piece where he outlines China's/Russia's steps to stop the New Order. While it is true these operatives are in most countries. Some like China have done a good job of flushing them out. There are differences between countries, some want to make money while the West wants to reduce the population. This is why our ruling class rulers attacked Australia after our PM went to China and made up, For Scott Morrison falsely accusing them for being behind the Covid Con. As they are determined to manage our decline https://stephenreason.substack.com/p/a-timeline-of-disease-x-and-related

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Both Xi and Putin are closely affiliated with the WEF and Schwab is even on the record saying Putin is a graduate of the previous incarnation of the Young Global Leaders program.

Neither Russia nor China are on a mission to "stop the New World Order".

Only WE can do it. It is up to US to build a new society for the post-war era.

This society will not look like anything even remotely resembling what we have now.


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Another who shares your views on the actors


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Thank you she is great.

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A stunning expose of Tucker Carlson and his links to the global cabal, and more importantly his purpose. Two questions for you.

1. How do you manage to dig up so much dirt and connect the dots so incredibly well as you do? I am in awe of you in this regards.

2. Have you ever considered that Putin is on the global team and his job is to play the good cop to the west's bad cops while together they smash up the world? My biggest red flag on Putin is that he did not have to start the war in Ukraine. But he prepared for it for years. The reason I say he didn't have to start it is simple. He controls Russia the biggest nation on earth with endless farmlands, villages, and resources. If he wanted to save Ukrainian Russian speakers all he had to do was open the border and say "come on in" and give them a Russian passport and resettle them. Just like Israel does with Jews. But nope, he went to war. Because they wanted the war for the steps to the Great Resest. Putin is on the Roman Empire Alliance team.

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If what you say was true Putin would have escalated the war, He has done everything he can to avoid it. Ruling class British Boris Johnson blocked the deal which would have seen an end to the war. Almost Russia had a family member killed by the Nazis in WW2, The Russians won the war for us. They didn't do it for Stalin, They knew they face an existential threat. Nazi/masonic philosophy is underpinned by the fact that they have to get rid of particular groups to bring in their aryan mythological super race and the new Atlantis. Nazis were slaughtering their Slav prisoners of war. Nazis tortured many to death in the most sadistic way using them as specimens to experiment on. Likewise Japanese did the same to the Chinese calling Chinese people blocks of wood. After 27 million Slavs were killed in WW2, You can understand why they do not want NATO on their doorstep. When it is in fact a Nazi establishment. NATO Nazi examples include:

–From 1939 Nazi Dr Eberhard Taubert headed the Institute for the Study of the Jewish Question. The yellow badge for Jews was designed by Dr Taubert for the Nazi Ministry of Propaganda, where he worked with Goebbels. In 1956 he was assigned to NATO's Psychological Warfare Department

– Following Nazi General Hans Speidel's participation in the invasions of Poland, France, and the Soviet Union. Speidel became Commander-in-Chief of Nato Central Europe in 1957.

– Nazi Admiral Friedrich Guggenberger was credited with sinking 17 Allied ships. From 1968 to 1972, he served as NATO's Deputy Chief of Staff

– Nazi General Johannes Steinhoff was Chairman of the NATO Military Committee from 1971-1974

– Nazi General Johann von Kielmansegg led NATO's Central Europe Command from 1967-68

– Nazi Lieutenant Colonel Ernst Ferber commanded NATO's armed forces in central Europe from 1973 to 1975

– Nazi Major Karl Schnell led NATO's Commander in Chief of the Allied Forces Central Europe from 1975-77

– Nazi General Franz Joseph Schulze from 1977-79 was NATO's Commander in Chief of Central Europe

– Nazi General Ferdinand von Senger und Etterline, was NATO’s Commander in Chief of Allied Forces Central Europe from 1979-83.

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When Neuland and Obama Soros puppets destroyed and robbed what was left of Ukrain during “maidan” revolution - a stepping stone to bring about war in Europe

During preselected puppet Trump- 4 years were spent building up of military power in Ukrain so the minute the orange pup stepped down it was war as planned under Biden puppet , as was the Plandemic .

Putin didn’t lift a finger to help the eastern Ukranian Russian territories as they were being bombed into oblivion .

Anyone with a functioning brain should have noticed this blatant disregard for Donbas and other historically Russian only territories

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There is zero doubt that Putin is a globalist plant - anyone living in Russia under the iron fist will tell you this

Only western ignorants and intelligence propagandists will push the narrative of Putin and trump as saviors - truly a deranged notion

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Exactly. I've got lots of Russians living in my building who fled the country when the war started for fear of being conscripted and they all confirm what you said.

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I have known for many years now that any person who makes it to the top of any endeavour is supported/indoctrinated by those who seek to have total control.

All to soon be torn asunder.

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I am not sure about this. I do believe they are losing. To avoid a civil war they might just be pulled out of public view.

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Exactly only the tentacles of the beast make it into media and past local elections

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This is really impressive. Finally someone who SEES through the smoke and mirror show. It isn't that hard to research these people's backgrounds and associations, what IS hard is developing the critical faculties that enable you to know where to look. Actors like Tucker and "Alex Jones" (formerly known as "Bill Hicks"), Elon Musk, "Vladimir Putin" are all creations straight out of the Mossad/ CIA Tavistock/ Stanford central casting department.

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MI6 is at the heart of all of this. They always use a scapegoat my next piece will attempt to explain it.

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I appreciate your perspective re Mi6. There was a time in my own research of this topic that I was convinced it was the work of the Crown and the Freemasonic/ Jesuit / black nobility. Now I am increasingly convinced these are all proxy fronts/ faces the real cabal hides behind. Going back deeper into historical precedent, searching for similar patterns of infiltration, subversion, collusion and treachery I realized there was a much older group playing up the very same shenanigans. I realized this older cabal predates British empire by thousands of years. I found ample evidence the monarchy were subsumed and replaced by methodical treachery and infiltration by this ancient syndicate hundreds of years ago, As a consequence of this insidious cultural subterfuge, the City of London is owned by them, Mi6 Mi5 are all proxy actors. The US is totally controlled, as nearly all nation-states are. Basicallly at this point Mi6 is just another tentacle of the octopus, no more or less in charge than is the CIA; they are both completely owned compromised and degraded- little more than stepnfetchit goyim for their paymasters/ controllers. "Deep State" "Black Nobility" etc : terms used to obsfucate the real perpetrators, who hide in plain sight. The trans-national cabal is driven by ancient ethnocentric delusions of racial supremacy, extreme hatred and fear of all other races, they actively practice Satanic Kabbalah based sigil sorcery, gematria and child sacrifice. They absolutely despise us and fully intend to murder the majority of us and enslave the rest, as their god has declared. They reveal themselves as of late, conducting an open livestream genocide of innocents in front of the entire world in Palestine. Evidence to support and confirm this abounds throughout history, from a multitude of sources. And if anyone needed further proof of the validity of this "conspiracy", note what group is not allowed to be even be discussed in public discourse without risk of reprisal, personal attacks, and in some countries (Germany for example) arrest and imprisonment.

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Roman Imperial Cult and all their agents.

Especially the bankers.

For easy reference - the Roman Empire Alliance.

The doctrine of King of Kings - absolute totalitarianism.

It's as old as history. Predates Babylon.

It became the Universal Monarchies under the transformation of the Roman Empire, which became the Roman Catholic Church. The Vatican archives is likely the keeper of the secrets, and the bloodlines.

Pope Boniface 1302 Papal Bull - "all living creatures" and all the earth belong to Rome.

Everything we are experiencing is based on the totalitarian doctrine of absolute monarchies.

The Vatican by the way is a monarchy, the oldest absolute monarchy in the world.

The Pope is the king of Rome - or perhaps emperor would be more correct as the title Pontifex Maximus devolved to the Pope.

Another interesting thought.

The communist party structure matches that of the monarchy of the Roman Catholic Church with god stripped out for the convenience of squeezing out the psychopaths to rule with an iron fist.

The leader of the CCP is appointed. By a Congress and rules with a politburo and a General Secretariat.

Sound familiar?

Same structure at the United Nations

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So the Roman Empire never really fell??!!

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Well the Roman Empire that was made up of the polytheists that fell - because the monotheists flipped the empire to the Roman Catholic Church, and then they stripped the wealth out so much so that by 486AD the western part of the empire fell as it was invaded by the barbarians, but the Roman Catholic Church stayed in place and from the ashes it kept rising everywhere - this is where the German empire came from - the Holy Roman Empire, and other factions, like France, and Spain, and Britain. And it spread worldwide, and changed shape and transformed but kept expanding.

The Roman Catholic Church is the Roman Empire 2.0.

And the inner cabal of surviving monarchies, bankers and billionaires, who've been waging war on all the other contenders for hundreds of years, they're the head of the beast.

And don't forget that the eastern side of the Roman Empire lasted until the 1400s, another 1,000 years - called the Byzantine Empire, but it was the Roman Empire - and an interesting point that I only learned recently the city of Constantine was flying a Roman Empire symbol the crescent and the star, and the Muslims liked it so much they kept it!!!

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Thank you for answering.

I guess the post-Cold War Communists took a page out of the RCC book when their regimes ‘fell,’ when they, too, “stripped the wealth out . . . .”

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This Nazi NWO puppet is only here to bring up age old canard and it’s filth into conversation ..

Join the Ukranian forces why don’t you ? Buckfuck

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Putin is a globalist actor puppet no better or worse than other “leader” global puppets used to move geopolitics in direction of the 300+ vermin that rule the planet

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Ginsburg is very black pilled.Of course his theory depends on the State or NWO being all powerful, controlling both sides. It's far more complicated than that. But hey, I'm an optimist.

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Tucker is a fool that is riding on the coattails of Patriotism. I found him immensely frustrating before he became “controlled opposition” as you put it and now that he”s a Patriot he just irritates me. But despite all the dots you want to connect, he is exposing a lot of important information to the public and for that I am grateful. If you want to create an evil camp out of those who oppose today’s Cabal, it’s still a bit of a free country. If you want to continue having some freedom in this Country I suggest you stop attacking EVERYONE! What you’re doing is leaving zero hope for improvement and for that you are being foolish.

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This is the best conspiracy theory I’ve ever heard 😂

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Ms Josephine, you are the bees knees. Simply the bees knees.

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Ms Josephine, Have you read Vol 1 of Fritz Springmeier's "Bloodlines of the Illuminati"? It's not woo-woo. It reads like Burke's Peerage. Frankly, it's a scream that we look up to these people who can think of nothing more interesting than destruction.

Please contact me about an Australian matter. My website is www.ConstitutionAndTruth.com

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His legal defense for lying on his show a few years back was that his viewers watch him fir entertainment, not news, so he doesn't have yo be accurate.

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Tucker now openly (rhetorically) questions what brought down building 7. And questions why Germany invading Poland kicked off ww2 but we let the Soviets take it after. And JFK, Watergate etc. His awakening parallels my own. The biggest red flag is his CIA father. For now I still support Tucker (except his crazy UFO talk).

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So… if all of this is true, what do we do?

It seems hopeless. But, when I take a minute, somehow, deep down I know, The truth will set us free.

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