Feb 23Liked by Josephine Cashman

Another who shares your views on the actors


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Excellent article Josephine but do you genuinely think Putin is in any way the good guy in this story?

The enemy controls ALL sides in EVERY conflict.


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I have known for many years now that any person who makes it to the top of any endeavour is supported/indoctrinated by those who seek to have total control.

All to soon be torn asunder.

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This is really impressive. Finally someone who SEES through the smoke and mirror show. It isn't that hard to research these people's backgrounds and associations, what IS hard is developing the critical faculties that enable you to know where to look. Actors like Tucker and "Alex Jones" (formerly known as "Bill Hicks"), Elon Musk, "Vladimir Putin" are all creations straight out of the Mossad/ CIA Tavistock/ Stanford central casting department.

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Putin is a globalist actor puppet no better or worse than other “leader” global puppets used to move geopolitics in direction of the 300+ vermin that rule the planet

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A stunning expose of Tucker Carlson and his links to the global cabal, and more importantly his purpose. Two questions for you.

1. How do you manage to dig up so much dirt and connect the dots so incredibly well as you do? I am in awe of you in this regards.

2. Have you ever considered that Putin is on the global team and his job is to play the good cop to the west's bad cops while together they smash up the world? My biggest red flag on Putin is that he did not have to start the war in Ukraine. But he prepared for it for years. The reason I say he didn't have to start it is simple. He controls Russia the biggest nation on earth with endless farmlands, villages, and resources. If he wanted to save Ukrainian Russian speakers all he had to do was open the border and say "come on in" and give them a Russian passport and resettle them. Just like Israel does with Jews. But nope, he went to war. Because they wanted the war for the steps to the Great Resest. Putin is on the Roman Empire Alliance team.

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Ms Josephine, you are the bees knees. Simply the bees knees.

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