Ruling Class Tucker Carlson is an actor working for billionaires who will not be happy until they own everything.
The phoney freedom fighter Tucker revealed who he was before he started wearing a mask. He is a fraud masquerading as a champion of everyday people.1
His true self emerged when he joked about growing up in a castle. Emphasising that he avoided stoking envy with the starving peasants. Upon being asked if it made them envious that an African-American shone the wheels of his Bentley, smug Carlson replied, I only have white American servants.2
It runs in the family
Released emails reveal Hunter Biden got Tucker's son into the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) school in DC. In time for January 6th.
When Tucker Carlson asked Hunter Biden for assistance in trying to get his son admitted to an elite Washington university, known as the CIA school, in 2014, Tucker's wife, Susie, wrote as part of an email to Hunter Biden: Tucker and I have the utmost respect and admiration for you. Always!
Washington Post revealed these emails and said analysis by security experts confirmed their authenticity. According to the Post, Carlson's emails reveal how willing he was to turn on his friend Hunter Biden to thrive in a hyper-partisan media world.
I disagree. I call it out as a counterintelligence operation. It shows us how the Western media is controlled, having pre-planned fights to groom us towards their pre-planned solutions. It is a phoney performance, a show and it is a spectacle. To entertain us. To manage the resistance by grooming us to pick a side. In this phoney performance of our own managed decline. There is no left and right. Only right and wrong.
According to Tucker, he has tried every illicit drug available. Did Tucker and Biden take drugs together? The mind boggles, as their mask slips.
Tucker is a CIA asset like his father and his son.
The War on Drugs
Tucker’s father, Richard “Dick” Carlson was the CIA's top man.
During the Reagan era, Dick was even named as an associate director of the United States Information Agency (USIA) a 4 billion dollar-a-year government-funded organisation. Established to create propaganda for regime change operations/coloured revolutions. The New York Times describes USIA as a worldwide propaganda network built and funded by the CIA.3
In his role heading USIA Dick played a crucial part in the toppling of the anti-drug government in Nicaragua.
Now we know why there is little mention of Tucker Carlson as a college student travelling to Nicaragua. To work with the CIA-backed crack trafficking Contra rebels.
In the 1980s Tucker travelled there amid a bloody civil war ‘fighting for freedom’. With CIA-Contras supplying the world with illicit drugs. Starting with the black areas in the West. To destroy them so they can be scapegoated later.
What a position of privilege Tucker had to be in as a foreign student, standing next to the CIA-backed opposition leader Violeta Chamorro, when she won for the intelligence drug dealers. As Tucker celebrated the CIA’s win.
While the West is inundated with illicit drug crimes. We all lost as a direct consequence of government criminals. As well as a ruling class who compromised them. We were groomed into believing that there was an actual war on drugs by our compromised political class of useful idiots, thanks to the big lie media.
While the 3rd world is assets stripped. Forced into UN compliance to manage their decline. Prevented from industrialisation. Kept poor, and hungry, even starving to death. They are forced to stay in this UN program towards global governance. Through the fear of a CIA/MI6 colour revolution operation toppling and killing whoever is in power. The type Tucker got his feet wet in, training in the largest country in Central America as a freshman. To supply the world with drug crime.
After a second visit to Nicaragua, Tucker applied for a CIA position. Tucker's phoney story is that the CIA rejected him. He says his father, Dick, advised him to become a journalist because they would take anyone.
After graduating in 1996, Tucker began writing ruling class puff pieces, spreading big lies claiming that the CIA had not been involved in the War on Drugs and that the contras were removing drug dealers by force.
Tucker hung out with his CIA friends and contras in Nicaragua, then wrote a feature article excoriating Gary Webb, claiming his CIA-cocaine reporting was false and a giant hoax.
This explains Tucker’s hit piece on Gary Webb who exposed the governments’ involvement with drug trafficking in Nicaragua.4

Counter-intelligence cons are grooming us
Following on from Tucker's protection of ruling-class criminals, he dismisses anyone who attempts to discuss the 9/11 attacks. He calls them parasites. He denies it was a plot by the ruling class to gain power over the people. Nevertheless, it is suspicious and legitimate questions remain UN-answered. Tucker is not a journalist. He is a propagandist.
As a vocal advocate for the War on Terror, Tucker slips off his mask once more as he calls Iraqis primitive monkeys. Tucker's superior attitude insists that only the ruling class can decide who deserves to live. In the end, 1 million died in a failed war based on big lies.
In contrast, Tucker is ready willing and able to assist counter-intelligence agents like Alex Jones and Russell Brand. Whose social media bans were lifted after their Tucker interviews. These counterintelligence agents are designed to steer public perception and minimise the seriousness of the situation everyday people face.
The antics of these people, and the outlandish behaviour they exhibit, are intended to discourage everyday people from questioning the official government propaganda. Those acting against their interests, with a UNi-party of compromised useful idiots.
Alex Jones has admitted to being a CIA agent. He says both sides of his family are British ruling-class Rosicrucians. Jones claims to be the real Illuminati. At least at this point, he's telling the truth.
In Western intelligence operations, one side topples governments, using assassination and the other censorship, cultural and political tools.
Although defenders of ‘cultural’ espionage argue that it should be lauded for boosting interest in the arts and freedom of thought. However, the two sides of these operations have the same undercover goals and methods: deception, subterfuge and intimidation.
Now their warfare operations are directed at people in the West, whom they falsely claimed to defend to justify their terror campaigns, endless wars, and big lies.
All the major actors in the Western public square are the ruling class. Just like Tucker is. They control the news media, arts, music, and culture to control us.5
Brave Putin continues to oppose the malign West
After Western intelligence conspired with terrorist groups to overthrow Syria in 2015, Putin declared no more. Syria controlled only about 15% of its country. Thanks to Russia, Syria has retained almost 90% control and Western-trained terrorists are no longer beheading civilians.
To avoid WW3, Putin took the risk of being interviewed by CIA operative Tucker. This was Putin's way of opening Western audiences' eyes to the lies. To the fact that we have been betrayed. We are subjected to warfare tactics. Criminals in government-controlled media outlets groom us.
The Western ruling class has rolled out Tucker as the big lie media dies off. Their audience numbers have plummeted since the bioweapon and as the war in Ukraine fails. Their star is Tucker, and they need him to gain legitimacy as a freedom fighter. This is the reason behind Tucker interviewing Putin. For him to expose the Ukraine lies as the war is sealed for the West to lose.
The ruling class must mould the zeitgeist without the big lie media as it is in its death throws as mentioned. They need to control the information to control the people, as when we open our eyes to the lies, they are finished and they know it. There are too many of us.
Who controls counterintelligence cons?
When Tucker praises the British for almost destroying the Indian population, you know for sure who he works for.
India had 27% of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) when the British arrived in India in the 1700s. It was the ruling class Brits who stole, to manage the decline of India, which resulted in millions of Indians starving to death. India's global GDP in 1947 was 3%. With 90% of its population living below the poverty line. Thanks to the British. The British also used divide-and-conquer tactics to split India
Yet, ruling class Tucker demands they be grateful.
This is the reason Tucker's father Dick, addressed the House of Commons after he completed his propaganda job for them. In the British-created Central Intelligence Agency.
It is evident that the Old Empire is trying to put us back in chains, and a way for them to do that is to control our culture. This is what the old Empire hopes to accomplish.
By opening our eyes to the lies, we are UN-chaining ourselves and our countrymen from this plot to enslave the world by exposing the traitors.
Fight together not each other come together with one voice.
His family was wealthy in California when he was born in 1969 when he was named Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson. At St. George's School in Rhode Island, a private preparatory school that costs between $46,000 and $67,000 a year, he attended several private preparatory schools in California and New England. In Connecticut, he studied history at Trinity College, an institution that charges the same fees as Trinity College. Tucker Carlson “I’m extraordinarily loaded just from the money I inherited from a number of trust funds,” he said in 2008.,
See the New York Times article here:
For a detailed analysis of this see:
For example, see See How the CIA Tricked the World's Best Writers a book by Joel Whitney. He writes how the idea of a good-versus-bad CIA is false, since the cultural Cold Warriors, repeatedly, used anti-communism as a lever to spy relentlessly on leftists, as well as writers of all political hues. By doing so, U.S. democracy was pushed closer to Soviet surveillance state models.
Many Hollywood filmmakers participated in the OSS during the Second World War under director John Ford's command, producing training, reconnaissance, and propaganda films as part of the OSS. Several studios developed films following the war that advocated establishing a permanent peacetime successor to the OSS: what is now known as the Central Intelligence Agency. This bond continued through the post-war period. Throughout the 1960s, however, Hollywood's increasingly irreverent attitude toward the CIA reflected the growing public anxiety about the excessive secrecy of the US government as a result of the Cold War.
It is the first comprehensive history of how Hollywood's relationship with American intelligence has been presented in Secrecy's Shadow. In addition to providing new perspectives on many significant filmmakers, including Darryl F. Zanuck, Alfred Hitchcock and John Ford, this book takes an interdisciplinary approach by synthesising literature and methodologies from diplomatic history, film studies, and cultural theory.
In Secrecy's Shadow, a book based on research conducted in over twenty archival repositories in the United States and the United Kingdom, examines the revolution in Hollywood's relationship with the secret state, from unwavering trust and cooperation to extreme scepticism and paranoia. The authors demonstrate that secrecy has a debilitating effect on public trust and national memory, demonstrating the debilitating effects of secrecy.
Excellent article Josephine but do you genuinely think Putin is in any way the good guy in this story?
The enemy controls ALL sides in EVERY conflict.
Another who shares your views on the actors