Have always said Musk is an agent provocateur. If he was'nt, he would never have appointed a WEF useful idiot to run that dog and pony show called X.

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I don't agree. Our side constantly resorts to ideological purity tests. These are stupid and counter-productive. When you are in a war, *anyone* pointing their weapon downrange even in the general vicinity of the enemy is an ally. Where would the world be right now without the limited free speech we have on Twitter. Musk's fight with Australia is world news. The left knows how to unite and win, the right just complains, navel gazes, and slags the guy next to them in the trenches

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There is no left or right only right and wrong. Like the British Ruling class invented communism and blamed the Jews. Extremes on both sides are created by the ruling class. Whatever the case, this threat comes from the far right after WW2. When they became our 5th column. This is what is behind this agenda today. https://josephinecashman.substack.com/p/a-cowardly-betrayal

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I don't disagree, and you have documented and exposed this very well. But what I think about are the many layers of the battle space. Yes we must raise consciousness and battle at the deepest most fundamental levels you mention. But at a battle space level far higher (lower?) than that is the day-to-day level. What information can I see today on X? Does that information help or hurt the cause generally? On this score, Elon is helping IMO.

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I think it is interesting to note that Elon Musk's grandfather belonged to a political party that believed the world should be governed by technology. Newspapers at the time described it as having the tone of an incipient Fascist movement. He served in British intelligence. Elon's paternal grandfather, Walter Henry James Musk.

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The New Atlantis/New Order plot is part of the supremacist cult's agenda. Elon is showing you he is part of. Why don't you believe him? https://josephinecashman.substack.com/p/beware-of-phoneys-7af

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Apr 24Edited

They can't help themselves, the overt but subtle display of their evil symbology shows how arrogant and confident they are of their position. What many do not realise is, that symbology raises the levels of negative energy with its roots in the dark arts. Meanwhile people turn their backs on the divine ceding more power to it. Look at what happened when the dark of the Chinese Cultural Revolution broke loose under Mao. They erased 5000 years of culture embodying the divine spirit and now look at that place. Australian's are going to feel the real pain over the next decade or so, they will be forced to cede much of their freedom. I doubt the millennials or majority of them will have the stomach for the real fight.

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Left vs Right is the old paradigm. We should assume that the Controlled Opp to the Psyop is going to give some perceived victories. How do you like the "left's" victory now, as they are shoved to the ground of campuses by the boot of military force, and their progressive media becomes terrified of mentioning Israeli power. Then it will boomerang, same play on different sides.

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I agree with Jo for the most part, Communist, Fascist, Leftist, National Socialist, Globalist, Islamist. Those are just labels used to distract, divide and conquer. I don't agree this is a "far right" program, my work place is infested wit the useful idiots of that fifth column and they are not far right by any stretch of the imagination. The garbage they spew is right out of the Communist Manifesto and the Red Book of Mao. The UN that we both love to hate, has always had its roots in Communism and still does. Of all the totalitarian ideologies that have attacked humanity, Communism has survived and thrives and is growing, it gained control of China, Zimbabwe, Cambodia (lost it), Cuba, Nth Korea and the Soviet Union (lost it). Now the useful idiots have infested the highest levels of our institutions they have been emboldened and are pulling out all stops. Forty years in this game, lose the idea this is about left and right. The labelled groups are just a tool of the filth who want total control. As for the trolling and slagging, the majority who do that are part of that fifth column, they work for the filth and infiltrate all the so called freedom groups online and engage in those actions. Engage with them and you feed them. Ignore them and they have no platform do they.

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If you want to know what and who is responsible read Operation Gladio, The Unholy Alliance Between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia

By Paul L. Williams. An investigative journalist. This book provides UN-deniable evidence including 2000 footnotes. Behind this agenda are elements of the far right. They actually pretend to be communists conducting false flags all over world. Call it whatever you want. I call them them the supremacy cult.

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Remind me how that translates into resistance, on the ground, today, in the real world. Yes conceptually, yes thematically, yes strategically. But if we do not even have a channel to disseminate information (X) then where are we. Rant against Elon all you want. I still want the reach his social platform has, with all its faults. Wars are not won by strategies, wars are won by skirmishes in trenches

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We stopped the Juukan Hoax and the Uluru Con Voice. Without hardly any support. Their sandcastle of lies is crumbling. They need to control the people with fake fight. I'll pass.

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My point is that we need full spectrum resistance. Punters allowed to complain on X, even if it's fake orchestrated kabuki dichotomies, is just one of the battlefield weapons. Same as TikTok. It all amounts to a narrative war front

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These so called social media platforms where people think they are fighting the good fight. They are nothing but humint honeypots, the opposition get in there and post their stupid tweets specifically designed to elicit a proscribed response from opposition actors. All of it to trigger those who think they are resisting to go on the offensive and expose themselves and their mindset, motivations and patterns of life. One giant humint honey pot. All of it designed to disengage you from your own systems of governance so they can be changed with impunity. Everything they do is done in such a way, that you will not get involved. Wars are not won by skirmishes in the trenches of X. Who ever captures the minds and controls the information and uses it effectively wins.

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I view the Spaces on X the same way. The opposition talking it all out. All recorded, all fed into AI machines to decipher and get better at the manipulation.

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