The ones who are elevated as heroes are the worst.

Knowledge is the key to winning any battle. We are in an information war. It's no different from previous ages. Deception and war work together.
"Never will those who wage war tire of deception" Sun Tzu, The Art of War.
They use trickery. They pretend to be what they are not. They claim to be our saviours. They use propaganda. They lie. They use fake stories, sensationalism. Fake fights. We are surrounded by phoney liberationists.
We must identify the enemy so we fight together and not each other. They create the problems for their pre-planned solutions.
Distracting us from liberating ourselves is their goal. We risk losing everything if we don't know our enemy.
Open your eyes to the lies.

Have always said Musk is an agent provocateur. If he was'nt, he would never have appointed a WEF useful idiot to run that dog and pony show called X.
I don't agree. Our side constantly resorts to ideological purity tests. These are stupid and counter-productive. When you are in a war, *anyone* pointing their weapon downrange even in the general vicinity of the enemy is an ally. Where would the world be right now without the limited free speech we have on Twitter. Musk's fight with Australia is world news. The left knows how to unite and win, the right just complains, navel gazes, and slags the guy next to them in the trenches