Dear Josephine,

i heard your interview on tntradio.live Thankyou for your patience with the dumnd down. May your knowledge be known to all. Question:

How does the voice tie in with what happened in the uK to crown land as explained by wikopedia here"In Britain, the hereditary revenues of Crown lands provided income for the monarch until the start of the reign of George III, when the profits from the Crown Estate were surrendered to the Parliament of Great Britain in return for a fixed civil list payment. The monarch retains the income from the Duchy of Lancaster."

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There is information about Communist Party of Australia members who were involved in the 1967 referendum on telegram which might help piece things together - https://t.me/jewsdotcomau/227

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The question of Original Ownership (or Native Title) can be addressed in two different ways:

1. The idea that people of a particular race own the land just because other people of the same race once lived there is absurd and immoral; it devalues humanity for tribal advantage.

2. Even if the idea of Original Ownership were valid it would still have no practical effect, because all humans share the same ancient ancestors. Ancestors of the alleged original owners of Australia were descendants of every human’s ancestors, our common ancestors, who belonged to the Earth. We are all related. We are ALL the original owners of the Earth.

Those aboriginal people who do not believe that ‘their land’ was stolen, who do not believe they are owed anything on account of their race, who do not want to be either celebrated or pitied because of their race, who do not want to be generalised as a race or tribe but as morally responsible individuals with full human rights, I am with them. They are my hope and they should become more politically active against misrepresentation by their media-appointed leaders. If they do nothing, if they say nothing, they are tacitly acquiescing to the cultivation of resentment.

Alarmingly, the government at all levels is systematically inciting tribal separatism and nativist supremacism, knowing well that this is a core feature of Nazi ideology. This strategy ensures that after the indigenous sovereignty movement is used and no longer needed, or if it would become inconvenient to the corporate interests, they can easily suppress it as right wing extremism or even as indigenous Nazism. All the symbols are already there, awaiting to be weaponised: blood&soil under the guise of people&place; the idea of race/tribe ‘belonging’ to the land (and everyone else not belonging therefore being a trespasser); and the cherry on top is the idea that indigenous Australians have a genetic marker of racial superiority - “seven strand DNA” - and possess the holy mandate of “royal rule” over “terra Australis”, allegedly bestowed on them by God, as stated in the manifesto of the ‘Original Sovereign Tribal Federation’.

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Great article Josephine - keep up the fight. Quick question - are there any alliance or foundation groups that link all Australian aboriginal groups across the country into one cohesive group?

We are fighting institutionalized power. And individuals and small groups fighting back are extremely ineffective especially in this age of censorship and corrupted MSM, which are owned and controlled by the global fascists in big capitalism.

Australian aboriginals need a united voice and organization that represents them all. And it could also have a sub-membership of other Australians who support their voices and causes.

What do you think?

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Please read this article about the fact that aboriginal affairs is run by organised crime: https://josephinecashman.substack.com/p/state-sanctioned-failure-corruption-and-criminality

I do not agree with you in regards to organisational power, my aboriginal committee representing every state and territory, stopped BLM destruction in Australia, we were the only western country to do so.

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Josephine - if you created a committee that stopped BLM - that is is organized power.

And proves my point. Think about it before you deny it.

Let's get a plan to make it into a real source of resistance.

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