The UN "Indigenous" rights agenda is a device to implement global governance everywhere
A global phenomenon observed in the US, Canada, NZ and Australia
Welcome to your own Country
The true intention behind the United Nations practice of "Welcome to Country” is part of a UN plot to bring in global governance. It is a strategic maneuver with psychological implications, aimed at undermining and fragmenting our unity.
The recognition by the United Nations of indigenous territory is a global phenomenon observed in the United States, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.
This practice serves as a divide-and-conquer device, subtly conditioning the general public to accept the notion of separate First Nations. Grooming us into becoming "global citizens" with no loyalty to our fellow countrymen; and no nationality; belonging nowhere. With no allegiance to anything or anyone. They are trying to sever the connection to our forefathers, our history. They want to dismantle our connection to each other and our country.
The origins of "Welcome to Country” are traced back to UN shaming tactics to claim that we are too racist and ignorant to manage our own affairs.
Subversive operatives
It is preposterous that operatives spread the idea that Ernie Dingo is the mastermind behind the nonsensical "Welcome to Country" spectacle. Dingo serves as their black scapegoat.
Led by the British-established UN, subversive operatives set up intelligence fronts to infiltrate developed countries. To create non-existent "racism" for a pre-planned agenda to undermine our social cohesion. To demoralise to bring about the decline of the developed world. Breaking us up into first nations for global governance, to asset strip. To collect the post-collapse spoils
This can be seen in subversive operatives founding Tranby College in Sydney as a UN front. Tranby remains etched in my memory. As a 6-year-old, I attended Ernie Dingo's first-ever stage performance. Dingo was a student of a relative working at Tranby Aboriginal College. My relative worked relentlessly to establish an educational program there before communists pressured Aboriginal students to participate in demonstrations. My relative believed Tranby was under communist control and left. Tranby associates include Pat Dodson and Marcia Langton.
The whistleblower
It was unsurprising Communist Party assets were given to Tranby Aboriginal College in the 1990s.1 It included the Secret Minto Communist Training Camp.
Geoff McDonald's whistleblower report on the Queensland Hansard in 1982 detailed the United Nations’ plan to exploit Aboriginal rights in order to overthrow Australia. McDonald learnt of this UN plot at the Communist Secret Minto school.2
McDonald says many of the Communist party members he grew up with went on to become fake claimers representing Aboriginal Australians without their permission, pushing a toxic re-colonisation ideology. To shame Australia on the international stage. Claiming Australians have no culture, belong nowhere, and have nothing to be proud of as they are ignorant racists.
Vice versa this agenda results in innocent Aboriginal people getting the blame for a supremacist divisive agenda.
The debate surrounding UN Aboriginal rights to self-determination is extensive. However, few are aware that according to international law under the United Nations, self-determination encompasses the ability to secede from Australia and establish independent first nations.
A clandestine group of psychopathic traitors
It is truly disgraceful that our world is governed by such a clandestine group of psychopathic traitors on a plot working to overthrow our nation because we are racist and need the international community to manage us.
Senator Dodson uses the sacred site Juukan hoax to shame Australia.3
The origins of "Welcome to Country" can be traced back to a pre-planned inquiry4 Pat Dodson and Marcia Langton worked on. The recommendations facilitated globalist John Howard to establish Reconciliation Australia with Pat Dodson as its co-chair. Spreading the UN “Welcome to Country” everywhere.5
On one side, the United Nations condemns our treatment of indigenous peoples. Yet, their operatives knowingly exploit Aboriginal Australia, treating elders with contempt. This is because they genuinely believe that Aboriginal Australia is the device to secure their Utopia, and nothing will stop them, not even Aboriginal people themselves.
The UN communal native title "revolution" presents a "genuine" opportunity for Australia to be split into first nations, according to Professor Jon Altman, closely associated with Pat Dodson and Tranby Aboriginal College. Can we create “genuine utopias” on Indigenous communal lands for those fortunate enough to repossess them? he asks.6
The UN is behind the re-colonisation program of re-naming more than 30,000 sites in Australia, the US, Canada and New Zealand. I speak to elders and they still call it Ayres Rock and have no problem with their countrymen climbing it. The UN claims Australians are too racist to climb the rock. Then the UN stamps its logo all over it, as a depraved means of gloating over their conquest.
With 300,000 fake claimers, the Australian people know there is something wrong. Australians deserve answers.
Now I can see the pattern and understand what was behind the feeling of dread. The United Nations considers Australians to be racist and unintelligent and believes we are stupid enough to give up our rights.
These people are treacherous psychopaths. We must stop them to save our country, our people and the world.
Queensland Hansard, Parliamentary Debates Legislative Assembly, 1 April 1982,
Facts: The Juukan cave manipulation and disinformation operation
In 1987, British agent Julian Burger exerted pressure on the United Nations to initiate the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. In response to the recommendations, John Howard's Reconciliation Program was implemented to promote the demoralising "Welcome to Country" initiative. Maurice Strong's preface to Julian Burger's publication "Gaia Atlas of First Peoples: A Future for the Indigenous World". Maurice Strong developed Agenda 21/Agenda 2030, the global governance framework. Gaia Atlas/Atlantis traces its origins back to Nazi/New Age/occult doctrine. an arranged inquiry set up by a UN agent for the Indigenous global government.
Whipping Boy Aborigines: The LNP's Welcome to Country Psyop
Jon Altman, The political ecology and political economy of the Indigenous land titling ‘revolution’ in Australia, Māori Law Review, March 2014
I propose a new Acknowledgement of Original Owners ceremony, otherwise know as 'Welcome to Reality', that should be conducted before every public event, performance, community meeting or sporting event: ‘We acknowledge the Original Owners of the Earth on which we are standing, the Human kind of which we are all representatives. We all share the same ancient ancestors. We are all related. Reason unites us.’
Excellent , and good morning Josephine - you cover the key points so well, one of the best pieces on the ‘ voice , in its later stages ....
I grew up with many young, adolescent aboriginal kids in the 60 & 70 ‘s. ... I agree with the content I have read here , although it is so extensive that I will have to return later , ( travelling today ); to confirm some very relevant items...
I am also positive of the connection with a world agenda , as you,correctly point out , the UN driven disconnect is well under way.
I’m pleased to hear the support for the voice plummeting to the 40% mark currently - it will not get passed in our country ; however Albanese will pull it ‘, prior to finalities , despite huge costs , if support languishes further.
Just my opinion -
I have to make note of the bigger picture , as I see it , Josephine .... and that is that I believe the ‘voice is a very convenient side tracking event. It’s meant to keep many occupied whilst 2 extremely dangerous measures are ushered into the country ; and they are UN anti freedom , anti democratic issues ....
1. Is the ACMA push , an insidiously prepared set of regulations designed to shut down freedom of speech , and censorship like we have never witnessed before , anywhere in the world . ( it is a world wide push however )
This is potentially due for consideration next month , August , 23 .... and there may not be much time to avoid this Orwellian grab - .... and .....
2 ; the WHO dictates , and I H R modifications designed to remove any freedoms in medicine, and other pandemic style decisions that remain in limbo ‘, as we speak ....
This also, is designed to fall into the sept- November 2023 time frame
I’m sure you are well aware of the ramifications of all 3 , above , .... I see your name about , often ...
Thank you & regards
Les Catterwell
Les Katt
Leslie Kraft