The information you are supplying here is both disturbing and very sad. This is just so wrong. Like so many other problems in Australia at the moment. Well Athos, I hope you find some other musketeers to help you in this battle. Bring on the criminal investigations.

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Land Councils were supposed to be 'the voice' to state governments, representing traditional owners in each area. Looks obvious in hindsight, set up by politicians with maximum fanfare and minimal thought and effort.

No doubt Albanese's National Voice would have been constructed over the top of Land Councils, the easiest way to do it, and a proven system that works for politicians.

Land rights legislation and Land Councils are a continuing vehicle of enrichment for a chosen few, and whoever else then benefits from their patronage.

There is no progress until people who care, are prepared to do what it takes. Can only be done at a local level because it is impossible to address the needs of hundreds, if not 000s, of communities with a 'one size fits all' solution.

It only needs one nation or clan to start the ball rolling, negotiating with the non Aboriginal people living on their land for the best outcomes for all, including the use of land that might be subject to land rights claims, or otherwise owned by governments or private individuals.

Does not include peoples claiming sovereignty and attempting to enter treaties and agreements with foreign countries and corporations. They obviously need to be stopped, either foolish or corrupt, but definitely arrogant.

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