Sep 24, 2023Liked by Josephine Cashman

Holmes a'Court is also behind Climate 200 and the Teals phenomenon.


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I too feel the "Voice" is not what it pretends to be and the non stop propaganda on TV and signs on the street, reeks of a larger agenda, that has nothing to do with Aboriginal people or enhancing their lives in their own nation.

I think the only reason for the "Voice" isn't a big warm hug, it's a Trojan horse.

It seems to be motivated by a desperate NEED to get elite hands on the constitution, which guarantees the few legal rights Australians have, both Aboriginal and non Aboriginal.

What is so deeply suspicious is the push to alter our constitution with NO DETAILS given

To me this is a dangerous threat to having our personal rights (what little we have) further taken away, this includes Aboriginal personal rights as well, and I fear they'll be the scapegoats for radical WEF ideals that will be slipped in with the voice (I repeat, NO DETAILS are given as to what constitutional amendments will be... they just desperately want you to agree to it, so they can enact what they want to enact)...

What could they do one might ask?

How about a national mRNA vaccine mandate, to keep first nations "safe" (already proven dangerous medication, with an endless push to still get this inside every human being).

Or a gigantic land tax or grab for "reparations" (of which true Aboriginal people will see NONE of the cash or benefit).

A further climate tax to keep our nation pristine for future first nations people

Your constitutional guarantee of freedom of movement restricted under the climate narrative to protect the first nations lands etc. etc.?

I think this will be a gateway to any WEF interest.

So far as a voice to parliament, none of this needs a constitutional change, a voice to parliament has almost similar written aspirations as ATSIC...

ATSIC: "to ensure maximum participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in government policy formulation and implementation; to promote Indigenous self-management and self-sufficiency; to further Indigenous economic, social and cultural development"

ATSIC, despite its corruption and failure, did not require a constitutional change to enact the same ideals, so WHY modify our constitution this time?

A smokescreen for WEF/UN/WHO agendas...

This is exactly where the voice will be used to overstep its charter, and because it's enshrined in the constitution, we'll all have no legal basis to fight.

Like being given a blank legally binding contract, told to sign it, and they'll "fill in the details later"... But whatever those details are you'll have to abide by ... Ummm... No thanks We have many Aboriginal parliament and senate representatives already, there is a "voice" equal to other Australian voices.

Much in the way our constitution was usurped to use work mandates re forcing experimental (known to be deadly) tech on employees, was looking at a loophole to do something immoral...

I get the same sense re the voice... It's not about Aboriginals at all...

I'll be voting no...

YES, I do believe Aboriginal people deserve MUCH better, YES I agree Australia was invaded, and horrific things were done, by British Govt, Soldiers and Govt representatives... Absolutely, it makes me angry and emotional when I think what happened.

I note not every white person did such deeds and many came out here themselves as prisoners and slaves, abused and treated terribly, such is the complexity of history... further settlers arrived over time with little to no knowledge of the horrors and displacement of native people. Aboriginals were pushed to the fringes... Not only the land fringes, but societal fringes too.

This referendum is presented as an emotion laden trick question, almost all Australian people love and respect our Aboriginal first nations people... We all want to show that so desperately. Despite some racism, yes it does exist I totally acknowledge that, the vast majority of us love and are proud of the Aboriginal heritage of this nation. The referendum is presented as a question we all want to say yes to... But it's a trick question to modify our constitution, create a new branch of parliament and constitutional override almost certainly, which will hurt all Australians including Aboriginals as we sign away our personal legal rights.

Aboriginals do deserve recognition, and yes, some sort of compensation, but the Voice is not about trying to fix any of this, it will not give an actual "voice" to Aboriginal people... It will give a voice to WEF interests almost certainly, and give them legal grounds to usurp your constitutional rights in my opinion.

To further this suspicion : if Pfizer and Rio Tinto are pushing hard for this, you just KNOW there's something in it for them (ortherwise they'd push "no" or not get involved at all)




Mandatory mRNA vaccinations, overriding the previous clause saying this can't be done, as "The Voice" needs to override your bodily autonomy rights to protect "first nations people"...

No new mines allowed except for Rio Tinto as they are approved by "The Voice"...

The "Voice" will be loaded with brainwashed corporate WEF types for sure...

Even has a 1984 "Big Brother" sounding name "The Voice"...

The Voice has spoken, no more questions allowed.

It will also surely be seen as a treaty, Australia no longer sits on stolen land due to the "Voice" , and the government will be officially given the RIGHT to act on behalf of the ORIGINAL OWNERS, making signing us up the UN one world government easy...

I wonder if this is why they allowed an extra half a million people to emmigrate here this year (who have no idea about our issues or constitution, and may be easily swayed by the multi million dollar propaganda campaign) to maybe sway the vote to yes?

Thank you for all the hard work you are doing Josephine

Source re ATSIC:


And criticisms of ATSIC


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