Sobering truths. Thank you for your courage to face this evil and uncover the perpetrators of this truly wicked world plot.

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Yes it's a huge betrayal of the Aboriginal people and the everyday Australians that live here

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Excellent ✅

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It means a great deal to me to have your support and encouragement, thank you

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Brilliant! Your research is outstanding. I was an exchange student in Australia and saw many Aboriginal people. My heart goes out to them and to all of us in our fight and eventual destruction of this evil, hopefully, once and for all as we take down all the remnants of Nazism and eugenics.

I was listening quite a bit to Icke and a little to Igan and entertained some ideas for a short while. I don’t recall exactly how Icke came about his ideas, but possibly through visions or entities speaking to him or something like that. It’s an easy one to claim that and have all this “information” to disseminate. I’m open to a lot of ideas, after realizing the world is not what I thought. For such out there ideas, they are pretty well crafted to have just one person behind them, I would think. They don’t seem to be censored either, like our Robert Malone. It was pointed out that Igan’s social media symbol was some art work with the one eye. Thank you for confirming my suspicions on him. I’m still not sure about Icke but it makes sense that he could be wrapped up in all of this.

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I was extremely concerned when I first heard David Icke's theories, they sounded Nazi Vril Society esque. I had observed it in the Original Tribal Sovereign Federation cult group.

David Icke references the Ayran race, 7 divine lights disturbed me. I thought it was sinister & unfortunately, all these groups are connected.

English Icke, a one-time goalkeeper, BBC presenter & self-proclaimed Son of God, & traveling guru, claims to have received his material from his spirit guides, however, it is undeniably rooted in Alice Bailey's work. (see more https://christianobserver.net/david-icke-debunked/)

It wasn't a shock to find out that Alice Bailey is a student of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Blavatsky from the area now known as Ukraine, an author, co-founded the Theosophical Society in 1875.

Blavatsky sorted the races of the world by their relation to the "Fifth Race" (the Atlanteans) putting the Aryans on the top and describing Aborigines (i.e., Native Australians) as semi-animal creatures.

Blavatsky's work was a key influencer of Nazi ideology, seeing the genocide of millions of innocent human beings who fell on the bottom of Blavatsky's fifth race scale as semi-animal creatures. It wasn't a shock to find out that Alice Bailey is a student of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Blavatsky from the area now known as Ukraine, an author, co-founded the Theosophical Society in 1875.

Blavatsky sorted the races of the world by their relation to the "Fifth Race" (the Atlanteans) putting the Aryans on the top and describing Aborigines (i.e., Native Australians) as semi-animal creatures.

Nazi eugenic pseudo-science has brought hoots of derision from those who hold to the Cartesian model.

All the hard-core New Age books are published by Lucis Trust, established in 1922 as Lucifer Trust by Alice Bailey, publishing books by Bailey, Blavatsky & the Theosophical Society.

The Lucis Trust is the Publishing House that prints and disseminates United Nations material. Luci's Trust sponsors include the UN, Greenpeace, Amnesty International & UNICEF. A global network is listed on their website: https://www.lucistrust.org/worldwide_network/list_groups

I hope this helps.

It is a fact that the truth shall set us free.

Stay away from the fakes.

Stay safe.

Expose the traitors.

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Oct 30, 2023
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I realised I had to do my own research. The big lie media attacked Aboriginal elders, who asked me to speak about their concerns in Canberra. In the face of being attacked, I had jumped to conclusions based on what the general public zeitgeist was. I realised I was being groomed into thinking a certain way and this was dividing us. I was concerned that Aboriginal Australians were abused. I knew there were good people on both sides being divided by those who don't care about any Australians. Used by those who did not care about Aboriginal communities and were part of creating the problem. I have given my life to serve others. I have lived on the ground in the remotest parts of Australia and in the city. This is also isolated in many ways when you are in the confines of an Aboriginal reserve whether La Perouse, Alice, Wallaga Lake, Wilcannia, or Nhulunbuy. Yet they tried to divide us by city vs country. I knew what they were saying about Aboriginal Australia was a false and simplistic discourse that obscured the truth and would not solve anything. Due to this, I decided to conduct my own original research without being influenced by ideologies or preconceived notions. In my early 20s, I had enough. I had enough in my life from seeing Aboriginal Australians suffer. I was motivated by my own experience living in an Aboriginal community described as a war zone and seeing the pain they experienced. As a result of my dedication to UN-covering Aboriginal Australia's sabotage and exposing the traitors betraying all my people the Australian people. I remember as a child elders were puzzled about why the government supported fake claimers. why crooks got away with their crimes. In mapping out their networks, I have identified those who attacked me for telling the truth. These individuals displayed Nazi/Vril Society symbols all over their profiles. We have found a SS Nazi descendant who is a fake claimer. As a leading voice for Aboriginal people. This is very sick. Worse still, I was harassed for exposing this fake claimer. A Nazi tried to groom me after the compromised political class went after me for trying to protect Aboriginal children from being trafficked after elders asked me to take their concerns to Canberra. This person is leading the Dark Emu Exposed front. Then I realised they are all part of a network who have compromised our political class. How it happened and why we are here is key to solving the problem we face as Australians and this is worldwide. Under a covert project called Operation Matchbox, German scientists, including SS and Nazi members, were sent to Australia. In 1999, the leading Nazi-hunting organisation demanded an investigation into the British recruitment of Nazis. They will not silence the Voice of Australia. They claim Australia provided refuge to Holocaust perpetrators and mass murderers. Now their descendants or those who subscribe to this sick ideology are fake claimers and the biggest supporters of Aboriginal rights in Australia and worldwide. Something is very wrong here. A very significant amount of time has been spent trying to prevent people from discussing this. The only way to solve a problem is to diagnose it.

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That’s a stretch - “mainstream media” brainwashed her ?

Nazis are the NWO troops . It’s evident just about anywhere .

Hitlers legacy has never been defeated it’s present inside every government agency . Especially everything stretching out from the “British” royals

City of London ...

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