Pat Dodson went to see the Queen in the 1990s funded by the Rio Tinto foundation to discuss Aboriginal recognition in the constitution.1
Reconciliation Australia was established by the Howard government with Pat Dodson and Mark Leibler in 2001. There are more than 1,100 organisations with reconciliation action plans (RAP). Working against the best interest of reconciliation of this country.
RAP’s use gradual organisational techniques taught at the London School of Economics and adopted by their graduate and British actor George Soros in his Open Society Foundation.2
He has conspired with the UN to use this to surrender Australia for the international socialist Agenda 21 known as the Great Reset.
Keating drafted the Native title act at the UN & then consulted 5 UN hand-selected corrupted failed leaders leading to Aboriginal people in communities being denied the right to own their own homes.
The country will be 80% native communal title by 2030, and everything will be classified as sacred like Ayers Rock has been & more.
Pat & his band of thieves were outed in their role with Astic which had to be dismantled because of their gross misuse of public funds. They also claimed Australia has no right to exist at the UN.
Why are traitors promoted?
The question is why would we give more power to those outed as being corrupt?
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