Another brilliant observation and insight. Thank you Josie. This knowledge needs to be far wider known, and may I have your kind permission to use some quotes in your submission here to draw attention to your site. This is invaluable and it needs to be known by EVERY Australian. GOD Bless ya!
I love getting your emails, I know you speak the truth as I have been aware of some things taking place now from more than 50 yrs ago when I first became interested in the New World Order and everything that goes with it, as a pensioner I really dont have the funds to support you financially but just ask and I will stand beside you anywhere anytime.
keep up the good fight for me and many others as I circulate your emails to family and friends
We live in a time when lying is the status quo and as George Orwell so percipiently stated: "in time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
There never was a 'First Nation People'.
No unifying language, no co-ordinating cohesion, no sense of 1 people in a collective way, no evidence of a constantly advancing culture accumulating a technology base that was incorporated into their place of living, but rather a constant warring between adjacent tribes, and a pedigree that might well be counted in the thousands of years as immigrants rather than the tens of thousands of years that the politically woke adhere to despite archaeological and historical evidence.
Further, like another 'race' of people claiming divine origin of provenance of 'ownership' of land, there is no proof of any form of lawful title from a Creator.
The best that can be claimed is that these relatively recent inhabitants had a use of the land and were custodians of such having a duty to live in harmony with the laws of Creation.
Given that the aboriginal people, where ever they lay on the spectrum of aboriginality, have a clear history of accepting benefits, then they have elected by their actions as identifying as being part of the Commonwealth of people that have use of this land known as Australia, and therefore have the commensurate duties to be part of the same body politic.
The irony is that those that claim to be victims of racism are the very perpetrators of racism.
And those that are less than fullbloods are in denial of that part of them that is other than of the aborigine race.
There is some ludicrous suggestions that George assumed the court/process would pick up any irregularities (in light of 23 paedophile judges under commonwealth protection orders, a Mabo decision that was flaky and should never have extended its decision outside Murray Island, and a corrupt judicial class based on being political appointees of the politicians. But here is his response - we need to pick out the holes in both Josephine Cashman's and George Christensen's accounts to find the truth of the matter.
George Christensen’s response:
I don’t like writing this particular post.
I’m not into the whole ‘friendly fire’ internecine warfare that some in the pro-freedom movement engage in.
Largely, I’ve stayed out of such spats and remains focused on the enemy: the globalist and those who would sell us out to the globalists.
However, enough is enough.
After promoting the good work of a lawyer who has researched and written about the ‘Indigenous Voice to the Parliament’ the other day, I was shocked to find that they responded with a false and unsubstantiated attack on me.
I’m not going to name this person because, again, I don’t want to engage in internecine warfare and have people attacking them.
So if you work out who I’m referring to, please, don’t attack them as they are doing good work on other issues and I don’t want to exacerbate this matter any further.
However, right now I have to set the record straight.
In what is a bizarre twist, I remember privately backing this person when I was an Australian Member of Parliament, after the press and leftists came calling for them to be sacked from a position they were well suited to.
Sadly, my support didn’t stop the axe from falling and a Liberal government minister removed them from a government job, essentially for the ‘crime’ of being a whistleblower.
That was wrong.
It was a low move, that I’m sure this person is still aggrieved about it.
I was aggrieved about it when it happened.
However, none of that excuses false accusations in the present.
Sadly, this person has engaged in many such false accusations against me, including claiming:
That I was a former Senator, which is wrong. I was a House of Representatives member.
That I was a member of a Senate Committee, again wrong. It was a Joint Standing Committee of the parliament.
That I “mob attacked” someone. Wrong. How a single person can engage in a mob attack is beyond me.
That I attacked “Australian whistleblower” Jean-Sebastien Jacques. Again, wrong. Jacques is French, not Australian, and he’s not a whistleblower. He is a millionaire (maybe billionaire) former CEO of the woke globalist corporation Rio Tinto, which is a member of the World Economic Forum. Jacques has been an attendee of the World Economic Forum’s Davos Summit. He’s a globalist.
That I supported Western Australia’s Aboriginal heritage laws. Wrong. I oppose them, and Aboriginal land rights overall. I have opposed them for a long time.
That the Australian Federal Police want to talk with me. Wrong, and just completely made up.
That the Serious Fraud Squad in London want to talk with me. Wrong, and just completely made up.
That I am siding with the globalists. Wrong, and defamatorily so.
That I am treasonous. Wrong, and defamatorily so.
That I am a traitor. Wrong, and defamatorily so.
That I have betrayed the freedom movement. Wrong, and defamatorily so.
That this person texted me and I didn’t reply to them. Wrong. This person doesn’t have and has never had my mobile phone number.
That this person emailed me a year ago as Member of Parliament and I didn’t respond. Wrong. My tenure as a MP ended at the start of April 2022, well over a year ago.
What the person behind these false accusations is so upset up about is that when I was a Member of Parliament I was recorded in the press as verbally attacking the woke globalist Rio Tinto for destroying the Juukan caves in Western Australia, which Aboriginal groups said was a ‘sacred site’.
My accuser says that the Juukan caves were never a sacred site and that the whole thing was a co-ordinated attempt to bring in Aboriginal heritage laws that ceded Australian sovereignty.
Perhaps they are right, but I do not know that for fact, but they do say nothing in politics happens by accident.
If they are right then it could be that I made a mistake by chastising Jacques and Rio Tinto.
But then again, to think Rio and Jacques weren’t part of an ‘accident that doesn’t happen in politics’ is probably naive. They’re globalists.
All I wanted from that whole Juukan saga was for Rio Tinto to front a judicidal inquiry which would have gotten to the truth of the matter. Nothing more. Nothing less.
If the truth was that the Juukan caves weren’t a sacred site and something sinister was afoot then perhaps the courts would have found this out.
I certainly didn’t want “the Commonwealth to set standards for states’ cultural heritage protection laws” (and this fact was reported in the press), and I also didn’t want the Western Australian government to bring in new laws that would weaken freehold or leasehold property rights.
In my minority report on this matter, I rejected the calls for government intervention as others (Labor, Greens and Liberals) on the Joint Standing Committee of parliament were seeking, and I said the following:
I reject the committee’s recommendations that seek to establish new, duplicate and unnecessary laws and regulations at a Federal level.
There is a great danger these proposed laws and regulations will be used as deliberate weapons against the resources sector, produce longer approval lead times, drive up project approval costs, provide further opportunity for activist activity, and ultimately undermine job opportunities and other economic benefits for Indigenous people.
To my accuser, please read the beginning of that last sentence clearly:
There is a great danger these proposed laws and regulations will be used as deliberate weapons…
I saw through the argument for special laws to deal with such incidents and called it out as the Trojan Horse which it was.
I knew such laws would harm job-creating industries like mining and farming.
I knew such laws would harm freehold and leasehold property rights.
That’s why I opposed them.
If my accuser is reading this or it’s brought to their attention, I ask them to delete the posts and tweets that contain all the unfounded attacks on me.
I ask that all internecine warfare within the pro-freedom movement cease and that we focus on the real enemy: the globalists and those who would sell us out to the globalists.
And I ask that this person continue to do the good work they’re doing on many other issues, including exposing the so-called ‘Indigenous Voice to the Australian Parliament’.
I mean no ill will here, just simply to correct the record.
George Christensen. Mr Christensen has a lot to answer for: when the report of the Juukan Inquiry, him & WA Senator Dean Smith issued a dissenting report asking for:
I wonder why Mr Christensen did this. I think that he doesn't like Rio Tinto because he thinks that they are not Australians and very clearly he didn't know that Jean-Sebastien Jacques was an Australian citizen.
UNDRIP is mentioned through the report and he did not object to this. All the information i published he had access to.
Another brilliant observation and insight. Thank you Josie. This knowledge needs to be far wider known, and may I have your kind permission to use some quotes in your submission here to draw attention to your site. This is invaluable and it needs to be known by EVERY Australian. GOD Bless ya!
Yes you can use it, regards
Hi Josephine,
I love getting your emails, I know you speak the truth as I have been aware of some things taking place now from more than 50 yrs ago when I first became interested in the New World Order and everything that goes with it, as a pensioner I really dont have the funds to support you financially but just ask and I will stand beside you anywhere anytime.
keep up the good fight for me and many others as I circulate your emails to family and friends
Paul Turner
Nth Qld
We live in a time when lying is the status quo and as George Orwell so percipiently stated: "in time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
There never was a 'First Nation People'.
No unifying language, no co-ordinating cohesion, no sense of 1 people in a collective way, no evidence of a constantly advancing culture accumulating a technology base that was incorporated into their place of living, but rather a constant warring between adjacent tribes, and a pedigree that might well be counted in the thousands of years as immigrants rather than the tens of thousands of years that the politically woke adhere to despite archaeological and historical evidence.
Further, like another 'race' of people claiming divine origin of provenance of 'ownership' of land, there is no proof of any form of lawful title from a Creator.
The best that can be claimed is that these relatively recent inhabitants had a use of the land and were custodians of such having a duty to live in harmony with the laws of Creation.
Given that the aboriginal people, where ever they lay on the spectrum of aboriginality, have a clear history of accepting benefits, then they have elected by their actions as identifying as being part of the Commonwealth of people that have use of this land known as Australia, and therefore have the commensurate duties to be part of the same body politic.
The irony is that those that claim to be victims of racism are the very perpetrators of racism.
And those that are less than fullbloods are in denial of that part of them that is other than of the aborigine race.
There is some ludicrous suggestions that George assumed the court/process would pick up any irregularities (in light of 23 paedophile judges under commonwealth protection orders, a Mabo decision that was flaky and should never have extended its decision outside Murray Island, and a corrupt judicial class based on being political appointees of the politicians. But here is his response - we need to pick out the holes in both Josephine Cashman's and George Christensen's accounts to find the truth of the matter.
George Christensen’s response:
I don’t like writing this particular post.
I’m not into the whole ‘friendly fire’ internecine warfare that some in the pro-freedom movement engage in.
Largely, I’ve stayed out of such spats and remains focused on the enemy: the globalist and those who would sell us out to the globalists.
However, enough is enough.
After promoting the good work of a lawyer who has researched and written about the ‘Indigenous Voice to the Parliament’ the other day, I was shocked to find that they responded with a false and unsubstantiated attack on me.
I’m not going to name this person because, again, I don’t want to engage in internecine warfare and have people attacking them.
So if you work out who I’m referring to, please, don’t attack them as they are doing good work on other issues and I don’t want to exacerbate this matter any further.
However, right now I have to set the record straight.
In what is a bizarre twist, I remember privately backing this person when I was an Australian Member of Parliament, after the press and leftists came calling for them to be sacked from a position they were well suited to.
Sadly, my support didn’t stop the axe from falling and a Liberal government minister removed them from a government job, essentially for the ‘crime’ of being a whistleblower.
That was wrong.
It was a low move, that I’m sure this person is still aggrieved about it.
I was aggrieved about it when it happened.
However, none of that excuses false accusations in the present.
Sadly, this person has engaged in many such false accusations against me, including claiming:
That I was a former Senator, which is wrong. I was a House of Representatives member.
That I was a member of a Senate Committee, again wrong. It was a Joint Standing Committee of the parliament.
That I “mob attacked” someone. Wrong. How a single person can engage in a mob attack is beyond me.
That I attacked “Australian whistleblower” Jean-Sebastien Jacques. Again, wrong. Jacques is French, not Australian, and he’s not a whistleblower. He is a millionaire (maybe billionaire) former CEO of the woke globalist corporation Rio Tinto, which is a member of the World Economic Forum. Jacques has been an attendee of the World Economic Forum’s Davos Summit. He’s a globalist.
That I supported Western Australia’s Aboriginal heritage laws. Wrong. I oppose them, and Aboriginal land rights overall. I have opposed them for a long time.
That the Australian Federal Police want to talk with me. Wrong, and just completely made up.
That the Serious Fraud Squad in London want to talk with me. Wrong, and just completely made up.
That I am siding with the globalists. Wrong, and defamatorily so.
That I am treasonous. Wrong, and defamatorily so.
That I am a traitor. Wrong, and defamatorily so.
That I have betrayed the freedom movement. Wrong, and defamatorily so.
That this person texted me and I didn’t reply to them. Wrong. This person doesn’t have and has never had my mobile phone number.
That this person emailed me a year ago as Member of Parliament and I didn’t respond. Wrong. My tenure as a MP ended at the start of April 2022, well over a year ago.
What the person behind these false accusations is so upset up about is that when I was a Member of Parliament I was recorded in the press as verbally attacking the woke globalist Rio Tinto for destroying the Juukan caves in Western Australia, which Aboriginal groups said was a ‘sacred site’.
My accuser says that the Juukan caves were never a sacred site and that the whole thing was a co-ordinated attempt to bring in Aboriginal heritage laws that ceded Australian sovereignty.
Perhaps they are right, but I do not know that for fact, but they do say nothing in politics happens by accident.
If they are right then it could be that I made a mistake by chastising Jacques and Rio Tinto.
But then again, to think Rio and Jacques weren’t part of an ‘accident that doesn’t happen in politics’ is probably naive. They’re globalists.
All I wanted from that whole Juukan saga was for Rio Tinto to front a judicidal inquiry which would have gotten to the truth of the matter. Nothing more. Nothing less.
If the truth was that the Juukan caves weren’t a sacred site and something sinister was afoot then perhaps the courts would have found this out.
I certainly didn’t want “the Commonwealth to set standards for states’ cultural heritage protection laws” (and this fact was reported in the press), and I also didn’t want the Western Australian government to bring in new laws that would weaken freehold or leasehold property rights.
In my minority report on this matter, I rejected the calls for government intervention as others (Labor, Greens and Liberals) on the Joint Standing Committee of parliament were seeking, and I said the following:
I reject the committee’s recommendations that seek to establish new, duplicate and unnecessary laws and regulations at a Federal level.
There is a great danger these proposed laws and regulations will be used as deliberate weapons against the resources sector, produce longer approval lead times, drive up project approval costs, provide further opportunity for activist activity, and ultimately undermine job opportunities and other economic benefits for Indigenous people.
To my accuser, please read the beginning of that last sentence clearly:
There is a great danger these proposed laws and regulations will be used as deliberate weapons…
I saw through the argument for special laws to deal with such incidents and called it out as the Trojan Horse which it was.
I knew such laws would harm job-creating industries like mining and farming.
I knew such laws would harm freehold and leasehold property rights.
That’s why I opposed them.
If my accuser is reading this or it’s brought to their attention, I ask them to delete the posts and tweets that contain all the unfounded attacks on me.
I ask that all internecine warfare within the pro-freedom movement cease and that we focus on the real enemy: the globalists and those who would sell us out to the globalists.
And I ask that this person continue to do the good work they’re doing on many other issues, including exposing the so-called ‘Indigenous Voice to the Australian Parliament’.
I mean no ill will here, just simply to correct the record.
George Christensen. Mr Christensen has a lot to answer for: when the report of the Juukan Inquiry, him & WA Senator Dean Smith issued a dissenting report asking for:
- a judicial review for Rio Tinto
- criminal charges to be considered (for a cave legally blasted. Are they mad?) Link is here:
I wonder why Mr Christensen did this. I think that he doesn't like Rio Tinto because he thinks that they are not Australians and very clearly he didn't know that Jean-Sebastien Jacques was an Australian citizen.
UNDRIP is mentioned through the report and he did not object to this. All the information i published he had access to.