What a *very very* outstanding post. We WILL write the history of the downfall of these death cult demons

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Thank you

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Good to see you J. Been wondering where you are.

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I've been researching to expose the plot for you. Thanks for your ongoing support. I appreciate it.

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cross posted at https://freedomaustralia.freeforums.net/thread/5179/time-support

Thank you for your work Josephine.

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The key is the vaccinators...the doctors, nurses, and pharmacists who have administered the vaccine products.

According to the latest Covid-19 vaccination statistics, published by the Australian Government, 70.5 million doses have been administered, that's across a population of 27 million: https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/2024-03/covid-19-vaccine-rollout-update-8-march-2024.pdf

In my opinion, valid consent has not been obtained for ANY of these Covid-19 vaccine doses.

Vaccinators - doctors, nurses, pharmacists - are simply soldiers carrying out orders, they are not experts in the disease or the vaccine products, they are not 'experts' in vaccination, they are not qualified to perform this medical intervention. I suspect it's very unlikely any of these vaccinators carry out their own research on this topic, they simply follow the ever-increasing vaccination schedule, most recently with Covid-19 vaccine products being added under purported 'emergency' conditions.

This is a very big problem. Because I suggest there has never been valid voluntary informed consent for vaccination, and now here we are with the Covid debacle, with mass populations of people coerced, intimidated and even MANDATED to submit to these medical interventions repeatedly.

What should have happened, is that vaccinators should have refused to collaborate with coercion, intimidation and mandates...but they didn't. In the main, the vaccinating practitioners have gone along with the process, and never secured authentic voluntary informed consent.

These vaccinators have violated voluntary informed consent for vaccination, with apparently not a peep out of the leadership of the medical 'profession' against this travesty. I've forwarded many emails about informed consent, see for example this webpage: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/vax-australia/

This has been going on for years. No-one has given valid consent where they have been coerced, intimidated and mandated to submit to these medical interventions.

What is this going to mean when the penny drops?

Also see: Coercion, intimidation and mandates preclude voluntary informed consent for vaccination

There has been no valid consent for COVID-19 vaccination: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/coercion-intimidation-and-mandates

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How can anyone be responsible without intent? Those who want to get the crooks do not engage in collective guilt. This is what happened after WW2. That is why murderers got away with killing innocent people. To be given positions in the west through Operation Gladio. There is a direct link to the mess we face today and that. We know we are over the target when people come in on a tangent to distract from the main points. We have opened our eyes to the lies.

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Are you suggesting the doctors, nurses and pharmacists injecting the vaccine products are not responsible? They have an obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for vaccination, as confirmed to me personally by:

- The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care, 17 November 2022: "Informed consent should be obtained for every COVID-19 vaccination, as per usual consent procedures for other vaccinations." https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2022/11/mc22-018819-signed-highlighted-1.pdf

- AHPRA, 20 September 2021: "Practitioners have an obligation to obtain informed consent for treatment, including vaccination. Informed consent is a person’s voluntary decision about health care that is made with knowledge and understanding of the benefits and risks involved." https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2021/10/response-from-ahpra-re-informed-consent.pdf

Thanks to the capitulation of Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly and the AHPPC to Scott Morrison's and National Cabinet's demand in June 2021 that aged care workers be compulsorily vaccinated, under threat of losing their livelihood, the principle of voluntary informed consent for vaccination was trashed, and the floodgates to mandatory vaccination were opened around the country, see for example:

- The destruction of voluntary informed consent via mandatory COVID-19 vaccination. "A political decision, not a health decision": https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed

- Notification to AHPRA re medical practitioner Paul Kelly, Chief Medical Officer of

Australia and Chair of the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee

(AHPPC), 16 June 2023: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/06/notification-to-ahpra-re-medical-practitioner-paul-kelly.pdf

Now, according to Australian Government statistics, 70.5 million Covid-19 doses have been administered in Australia, in my opinion without valid consent. The medical 'profession'...and National Cabinet...must be brought to account for this travesty.

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Brilliant work and video. Warren is a true Australian and used his own money to take on the highly funded Nine Network corporation... Due to the news interest he managed to get, much information got out to the wider public due to each court story, such as the injuries of this "tech" and the fact it can't stop transmission etc.... He may have woken up those who would never have found this information, or had never thought about what happened. He may have lost in the courts, but he won on the moral ground, and showed he is a true Australian willing to make a stand, no matter the financial cost to himself, to make this takeover of our rights as costly and publicly painful as possible.

Your video is fantastic too... I've forwarded your information on native title and UNDRIP many times, I think so many are unaware their property rights are under threat, and they will scapegoat native people in Australia, US, Canada etc as a diversion while the crown/UN steal our land from under us all.

Dr John Coleman wrote of the hidden Nobility behind the Bank of International Settlements and City of London, and the City of London/Crown itself may be a front for older money from the Roman Empire... I'm so very new to much of this, and am still learning all I can... Frances Leader has put out a simple explanation that may well explain how this network of old nobility money came to be... https://open.substack.com/pub/francesleader/p/black-nobility-101?r=tymb5&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Thanks for all you do Josephine, your work has been truly eye opening, and thank you for being on the side of all Australians and humanity, so many have been woken up worldwide from your efforts and unique insight.

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Thank you. However I do not believe John Coleman. I can't. Could Coleman have been a whistleblower, a defector, or some other type of agent of disinformation (witting or unwitting)? He appears to be a disinformation agent. There is no way of verifying his work. John Coleman claims there is a committee of 300 running the world. However there is no evidence of the existence of the Committee of 300.

Then the White Russian General Cherep-Spiridovich wrote about the Committee of 300 and this was promoted in the British press for some reason! How convenient. This was not an accident.

When the British Royal Family oversees British intelligence and runs the New Atlantis/New Order plot against the world. We cannot trust 'former' or current MI6 agents, when the Royal family oversees British intelligence.

One of their major tactics is using culture and books to spread disinformation. This type of warfare dates back to Elizabethan England with Francis Bacon (the author of the book The New Atlantis) and this is where 007 comes from.

Anglo-American relations make it a highly valuable target for disinformation agents. John Coleman did some good work on Tavistock. In saying this disinformation agents always give some real information.

As above mentioned former MI6 officer John Coleman claims he obtained the facts described in his book from classified sources, which is why the consistency of the information cannot be verified. So we have no way of determining whether the information is true or false, or a combination of the two. So unless primary sources are cited, I cannot trust John Coleman's work.

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Thanks Josephine, it's very hard to wade the waters between real information and distraction...

One thing is for sure, something is up, to the point it's in our face right now... The UN WHO WEF, announce their plans, totalitarianism wrapped in a compassionate cushion of words, an iron fist with a fluffy toy on the front... these groups work for the bank money suppliers who in turn work for their elite owners... As I've learnt from your articles and multiple similar sources... The propaganda narratives do make many of the misdirections hard to spot (deliberately so of course) I feel like it's a version of the Matrix, or maybe even more complex like Inception (a dream, within a dream, within a dream, to the point we may miss reality when we stumble upon it). Either way we're are in an active operation against us all, the goal is the loss of freedom, income and property for control, plus slavery for those left alive... and by "those left alive" I mean because it looks like depopulation is part of this whole thing... Starting with the gene therapy forced upon western populations... The problem is the trickery, subterfuge and distraction it's been a silent attack on the general public, many still unaware of the intentions of these elites.

I feel it's basically relied upon the Milgram authority experiments and Asch conformity experiments to dictate how most citizens will react to unprecedented human rights violations, with a generous helping of censorship and propaganda to keep people inline with their false narrative.

At 43 seconds into this clip, WEF android Yuval Noah Harari talks about human nature, and if you can control the story, humans will all cooperate (even if it includes lining up for poison, not even getting suspicious about forcing this onto everyone)


I'm not sure if the archivist at the ABC is aware of what's going on or if this is coincidence, but the 1973 Club of Rome news story is certainly very interesting viewing featuring Aurelio Peccei, and especially Dr Alexander King of the World Bank, talking about the loss of nation sovereignty at 4:42 ... Very interesting... Also the date for action mentioned in the story, 2020... The graph this computer spits out is of course rubbish, it was basically a prop to sell their story... Maybe the ABC archivist has dropped a hint for us all? (given the ABC is the propaganda front for this whole op)

Edit: here's the link !


Keep up the great work Josephine I look forward to your next article!

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