Jun 13, 2023Liked by Josephine Cashman

A few years ago, without being totally aware of the absolute putrid depth of corruption that we now clearly see, I turned up and filmed the launch of the Green New Deal in Sydney. What a Marxist debarcle.

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Spot on Dear Josie Cashman, as always! The climate has been changing since antiquity. We now know that once a mighty river ran at the feet of the pyramids in Egypt. The idea that we can somehow pay a "tax" to foreign private corporations is idiocy and a con of the United Nations. Carbon is essential for plant growth. They want to shut down industry in Australia because we use World's best practice in environmental practices, so they can ship off our industries to China where people live in dense thick pollution from heavy industry that have no care at all about the "environment". China is currently building 2 coal fired power stations per week to keep up with the demand for cheap labour and heavy industry.

China does not use any sort of "best practice" nor clean coal technology which Australia could implement in short order and significantly reduce any remaining pollution. Why do they believe the "environment" being rapidly trashed in China, is better than Worlds best environmental practice in Australia? Because all they really care about is corrupt kickbacks to dirty United Nations linked government officials in Australia, and exploitative Chinese labour to make their products cheap, so the entire Western World becomes reliant on China, and our industries and trades are entirely sent off shore.

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"China is currently building 2 coal fired power stations per week" I reckon your a bit off the mark, if that was the case this data would look significantly different.


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How many Australian engineers do you know who are ON THE GROUND IN CHINA involved with their construction?

Yes, you know none at all. That is because you rely on paperwork produced by those who have a transparent and easily identified vested interest. WHO PAID FOR THE PRODUCTION OF THAT PROPAGANDA PIECE YOU BELIEVE REFLECTS THE ACTUAL REALITY?

Oh, Pleeeeasse be a little more. . . .discerning in your reliance on people you do not even know who print things. They do not always reflect the TRUE state of affairs.

Go talk to some Australian, American or engineers involved in construction projects in China, eh?

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Feel free to prove me wrong, all you did was smash your caps key like a petulant little baby claiming they are building 2 per week and offer zero evidence. Prove me wrong. Maybe you could phone an engineer friend in China.

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A few things; We will never be free while someone else controls our money supply.

What is a corporation? If something doesn't drink water, eat food, sleep or die of old age then it is not real, it is fiction. How can a thing that isn't real decide to buy property. What I want is for the C.E.O. of the corporation to supply me with documentation signed by the corporation that grants the C.E.O. the authority to act in the capacity that he/she claims to have. If they can't supply the documentation then they are imposters, acting without authority.

Klaus Schawb is pushing a great reset and build back better, well there is one written for Australia for Aussies you can get a copy of it at this address cadman08@protonmail.com subject, build back better. I fear for our future if we don't stand up and say NO


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Australia's great reset has been written for a free electronic copy send an email to cadman08@protonmail.com with the reset in the subject line


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Life is a gamble but I would not want to bet against climate change.

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Average out all the projections and we as a species have about 55,000 days left, barring accidents.

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Mining is confined to specific small areas and has zero impact on climate in situ, the impact from mining is the damage it does to the ground water and the denuding of trees to make room for the mine. However, if you think you can just shut down mines and live like you do, your living in lala land.

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So you just proved my original point. Like most who don't like to hear the difficult things that we have to face, you claim I am from Pine Gap. Yer right. So permit me to put this from a position that you have not considered. I worked in the resource industry for fifteen years so I am very intimate with the entire process from extraction to final product. You want to shut down all mining and give the land back to nature. So by that logic we should just disenfranchise 27.5m people including yourself and deprive them of a comfortable life. Force everyone including yourself to give up the phone, computer, knives, forks, plates, hospitals, houses, refrigeration, glass windows, transport, roads, bridges, farming, export and import trade, large scale food production to feed the 27.5M Australians including yourself and anything else you can lay your hands on within ten feet of where you are sitting right now.. That is just a fraction of the impact your supposed fix will have.

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