Corrupted Politician Rewarded
By his globalist handlers raping the 3rd world and we are next...
Ben Wyatt is totally corrupt.
Ben Wyatt is the previous Treasurer and Minister for aboriginal affairs in the Western Australian Government. Ben is the nephew of the former Liberal aboriginal affairs Minister Ken Wyatt.
Ben is one of the few who has greatly benefited from the Juukan hoax. Yet he is now lecturing the world on Corporate governance and this month he will be all over the AICD (Australian Institute of Company Directors).
Ben knew the Juukan artifacts were fossilised dung, as mentioned in a 2009 expert report1 and the basis upon which the WA government in 2013 approved the destruction of the Juukan site.2
Ben Wyatt is rewarded for framing a whistleblower trying to stop impoverished African countries from being raped of their natural resources which does not benefit the people rather the profits go offshore to secret jurisdictions where they pay no tax leaving these countries broke despite them producing so much in valuable raw materials. Then taxpayers in western countries like Australia, the United States, New Zealand and Canada pay for humanitarian aid to these countries that are deprived of their right to independence. It is a rort!3
Silencing a whistleblowers Voice
In 2016 RIO CEO Jean-Sébastien Jacques uncovered a corruption scandal in Guinea involving the former Rio CEO, Sam Walsh, Tony Blair & George Soros; they're still being investigated (in the Simandou affair).4
African Guinea had made a deal with the richest man in Israel that would have seen their gross domestic profit double. Globalist oligarchy did not want Africa independent so they sent in Walsh, Blair and Soros to destroy the deal, with election interference, personal attacks and bribes - their standard color revolution tactics.5
The Juukan Hoax was a media storm of fake outrage for a site that was not sacred. The Juukan false flag was designed to publicly disgrace and shame the whistleblower Jean-Sébastien Jacques blaming him for destroying a sacred site, Juukan blast was prearranged to silence him in relation to the allegations against the imperial handlers of Tony Blair and George Soros ripping off impoverished Africa.6
Ben’s corruption windfall
How dare he? Ben Wyatt's lack of integrity is simply staggering. Because a cave has been legally blasted, he is now a member of the Board of Woodside and Rio Tinto. Seriously?
Maybe he should explain to the rest of us why the Juukan caves became sacred just before being blasted? Or maybe Mr Wyatt should explain what he did to prevent the blast? Anything? Nope, nothing at all. Of course not. Because, you see, it's not his fault.
Wyatt distorts the facts

Here is the evidence: Mr Wyatt mentions in the AICD article that:
'The destruction of the caves had been approved in a deal between Rio Tinto and the land’s traditional owners (the Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura peoples) seven years earlier, before Wyatt became a minister. (A federal inquiry heard that Rio Tinto had not told the traditional owners there were other options aside from the destruction of the site).'
If that's the case, then why was the former CEO Jean-Sebastian Jacques, who wasn't in charge when the authorization to blast was given in 2013, held accountable for something he didn't do and wasn't aware of? Where is your integrity Mr Wyatt? So why is it Mr Jacques' fault and not yours -he was even less involved than you in 2013?
As for the other options to mine the sites, why didn't Sam Walsh, who was in charge of the iron ore operations and Kellie Parker, who was in charge of the permitting, called to account? Could Mr Wyatt please answer this? Because facts matter...
Mr Wyatt continues with even more virtue-signaling: 'Rio Tinto had also been severely criticised in a WA parliamentary inquiry for its workplace culture. Last year, the company commissioned an independent review by former Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick AO, which found a systemic organisational culture of bullying, harassment and racism in the organisation.'
Seriously? If anything, the WA inquiry on FIFO workers has shown that Rio Tinto was far better than the other mining companies...Or at least, if Mr Wyatt had an ounce of integrity, he should have said that there is a problem in the mining industry. But of course, he didn't. And what did Mr Wyatt do when there was a rape on one of Rio Tinto's sites:
It was on your watch, Mr Wyatt, wasn't it? It hadn't happened before, when according to you the culture was so bad...You can't blame the previous management team for once. So what did you do to address the problem exactly? Because I will tell you this: I talked to various Rio Tinto employees and was told that Jean-Sebastian Jacques did terminate dozens of employees for sexual harassment, bullying, or simply for fiddling with their expenses. And unlike Mr Sam Walsh, he didn't need two parking spaces to park his expensive Bentley and didn't have an affair with his PA. On which side are you Mr Wyatt? Don't you think it's time to address the facts instead of playing politics? What did YOU do exactly to address the issues? I can't see anything in your article. Your silence speaks volumes. You are out of your depth. You just talk the talk, and nothing more. Shame on you!
Wyatt is not the sort of Voice Australia needs
This is exactly why we don't need a Voice: we need doers and people who actually care about the community. We don't need people like Mr Ben Wyatt who's in it to line his pockets Mr Wyatt, I can see through you: you're a disgrace to your People.
Expose the Traitors

See"The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire”
See Richard Poe:

See Richard Poe’s analysis here: