The Australian people will not cop Bill Shorten as their Prime Minister, as:
Shorten brought British agent George Soros to Australia to conduct a coloured revolution for the ruling class to get their hands on our vast natural resources.1
Shorten ripped off the poorest workers to establish GetUp! with Soros. To bring in UN tyranny using Aboriginal people as scapegoats. As seen in the Wikileak email disclosure. Shorten's international ruling class network intends to shut down the economy. Leading to our collapse so they can pick up the spoils.
We will not forget how Shorten abused Aboriginal people for calling out fake claimer Bruce Pascoe. For trying to stop Pascoe from erasing Australian history. As a device for ruling class control. To divide and conquer.
Shorten destroyed and subverted Australian workers' unions and the Australian Labour Party (ALP) for this ruling class neo-feudalism agenda.
The Australian people will learn about Shorten's 18-month grooming of his child victim, Kathy Sherriff. At a Young Labour camp, she organised for Shorten. He raped the victim there to demoralise and destroy her.
Kathy Sherriff in her early teens had the fastest-growing Labour branch in the country. The ruling class could not have it.
They sent in Bill Shorten. This was a malicious, calculated crime designed to steal the victims' Labour membership numbers on the left.
To infiltrate, subvert and control the ALP to bring in UN model tyrannical laws. The motive is obvious and the evidence is compelling. Shorten was arrested on 1700 pages of police evidence.
Yet the charges just disappeared. The rape of minor charges were dropped by Shorten's former boss and friend, John Cain Jr. (now the Victorian Coroner refusing to deal with Covid cases). 2
We will never forget Shorten called workers "baby Nazis" when they protested the medical experiment that resulted in fatal heart conditions in healthy Australians.
It is hard not to be amazed by the fact that the Australian Labor Party continue to focus all their attention on Higgins. As if she were the only one worthy of their attention. This is an attempt to conceal their crimes.
They operate in a dark world rooted in depraved politics. They have failed to take action to address this extreme abuse of power. The obvious corruption and foreign influence of Bill Shorten. They are entirely connected to a worldwide network of child abusers and blackmailers.
Action to address it is urgent. It puts us all at risk. Much criminality and corruption within the party can be attributed to the abuse of children.
This is not an issue of left or right. This is about right and wrong.
The UNi-party of the Canberra swamp is compromised and working together. It is disturbing to see the UNi-party act as if victims do not exist.
The Australian people care about victims. We know they deserve better. At the very least to be treated with honesty and sincerity. Yet no one in parliament is concerned about victims. Nor are they acting in the best interests of the Australian people. In fact, many of our compromised leaders do not deserve to hold positions of power. Some of them should be behind bars.
It's Time. Get Shorty. Lock him up.
Expose the traitors.
Read the Victimโs statement here:
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