"Whether you are a descendant of hunter-gatherers, convict/political prisoners of the old world, pioneers, or a mixture like me. I am, you are, we are Australians. Together we can surpass anything."

Wise words, we all need to heed, and 100% agree...

Thank you (a million times over) for all you do Josephine, I've learnt a lot from your substack...

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We try, and you try beyond the theatre. The cloth of that stage is thick velvet, but you keep slashing away at the red herrings, and diversions. Thanks

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Some interesting names pop up in this piece. Following the Ekhamit lead ended up in England and looking at the dealings of a woman who is also involved in that cult. Her name is Wheatley, sound familiar, for many probably not. Dennis Yeats Wheatley was a British writer occult novels, surprise, surprise. One common theme tends to be in play round all the machinations for "world government" as Jo noted, the "intelligence services". Six (6) is the offshore service of HM Government. Wheatley was a member of the London Controlling Section, which secretly coordinated strategic military deception and cover plans. Maurice Strong, an interesting individual, good riddance to him he is dead now but he set up the UN Environment scam, ooops I mean Program. He was one of the leaders who set up the oil sands mining in the Alberta Oil Patch. He was also a Socialiust in ideology and Capitalist in methodology, hmmm that fits in with what we are seeing with all this I reckon. But he headed numerous companies over the years that were involved in energy resources. Those same resources the UN wants to stamp out. The headquarters of UNEP was....... wait for it.......Nairobi in Africa. Strong was the guy who led the "famine relief" program in Africa, a lot of people died during that period. Strong was the instigator of the Rio Earth Summit. where delegates participated in rituals to appease "Gaea". Along with discussing how they were going to implement their climate scam and "Agenda". Every climate group that was founded all those years ago, Strong has links, including being a founding director of the WEF. He is also linked to the China Carbon Corporation. It is no surprise that after being caught in the "Oil for food" scam and having received a cheque for close to a million dollars to "Look the other way". He left the UN and ended up living in Communist China where he owned an apartment. His past is a very dark and hypocritical one if you look at him as an "Oilman" working for the UN Environment Program. He looks very different if you considered him a Communist, using the capitalist system to further the agenda of the Communist International. of which the UN is but one arm of its many tentacles. Operating under a thin veneer of "Peace, security, equality and sustainability". While on the other hand, undermining the laws and sovereignty of nations via treaties which have no legal standing in our country because the people never agreed to them. The only reason the government's yes all of them get away with it is because the population have been "nudged" into disengaging with the political process for the expediency of a ticking a box "above the line" so they can vote faster and get to the footy or pub quicker. We have a long way to go to fix this and quite frankly, I believe Australians are going to have to lose a lot more before they realise what has happened to them.

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There's a ton of info in your email.

May I suggest representing the elements visually, in a flow chart or "family tree" with reference notes below.

You bring up so many issues over many decades.

It's a struggle for me to comprehend the depth of betrayal. A visual explanation would help.

Just a thought, love your work.

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I appreciate your kind words. I thank you again. My suggestion is to start with this chronological piece: https://josephinecashman.substack.com/p/at-war-with-the-people. Then search within my Substack to explore areas further. It can take some time to come to terms with this betrayal. This work has taken me more than 20 years to complete. My SubStack is a repository of factual evidence from interviews with elders and personal-eye witness accounts

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