Blessing to you on Easter Sunday: God, may we feel the warm embrace of your love on this sacred day. May the power of the resurrection remind us that with You, nothing is impossible or without hope. We pray this in Your name. Amen.
Pontius meaning God of the sea Pilate meaning armed with a dart,one of Titus's many Pen names, Titus was Amen Ra Sol the creator author of All biblical scripture,why Jesus Lucifer was screaming out My God my God why have you forsaken me,Titus says after Sodom and Egypt where THEIR Lord was crucified KJV Satanic translation says where OUR lord was crucified, Read Matthew 26 53 where Titus Asks Vespasian (God, Archangel Micheal, Osiris) for 12 Legions of Angels (Romans) to crucify Jesus Lucifer along with 2 million House of David Satan, Titus was born on the 30th December and baptised 6th January,aka John the Baptist,Saints HOLY Roman Empire render to Caesar what is Caesars because he who creates owns, Septuagint LXX 70 the year Titus promised to return to slaughter all House of David Satan, Sabine Sancus Saints from the start of civilization, Mesopotamia,Meso means between Patamos means rivers,all that land was Ancient Greece , Titus aka Jesus says I'll make you fisherman of men (Pontius Pilate) another classic pen name was Arrius Piso Arrius means immortal Pistis means faith, Alpha and Omega, Josephus Ben Matthias,Ben means Son Matthias means Gift of God,aka Titus Flavius Josephus.
I don't normally include his phone or postal but I'm sure he wont mind.
The original email as fowarded to me is,
Re: 15 towns named on land grab list
The Editor
The Cairns Post
Like so many other divisive and illogical things in the current era, land grabs in the name of indigenous populations are taking place in every developed country, (15 towns named on land grab list, 17/08).
They don’t actually help the indigenous as the majority of them generally get locked out of those areas, too, while some tiny subset gets obscenely rich.
This globally-coordinated insanity is driven by the globalists that the Labor-Liberal UNiparty pretend don’t exist but to whom they’re loyal enough that they unquestioningly implement all the globalist policies against the will of the people they’re meant to be representing.
Nothing will improve until we elect only candidates who openly call out the inherent dangers to all humanity that the wealthy unelected foreign globalists represent.
Fascinating and highly plausible account. Your work on the referendum was outstanding and was instrumental in moving myself from a position of suspicion to outright hostility. Many others as well because I shared your work with our local community group on the South Coast of NSW, just north of you at Ulladulla.
It brings a number of disparate threads together that have occupied my time. You will see why this article provided some glue.
I had learned about Operation Gladio from Sibel Edmonds about 10 years ago. I have learned much about the nature of conflict from Daniele Ganser in various speeches and presentations he has given.
I am very familiar with theories surrounding Atlantis through the work of Daniel Liszt (aka The Dark Journalist) who extensively covers the occult, mystery schools, secret societies, the work of Rudolf Steiner, Edgar Cayce, Ouspensky and Blavatsky.
In a previous life I was a senior trade union official, a federal preselection candidate for the ALP and knew Shorten (amongst other ALP luminaries) from conferences, decades of shoulder rubbing etc. I now believe he was the beginning of the end of the trade union movement and that was indeed his allotted task. It worked. I no longer recognise anyone in the ALP or the trade union movement where I hold Life Membership. It is a hot mess that does not represent working people and is at least as sinister as you suggest.
I hope you can see why all these seemingly unrelated topics have come together with this article.
I missed this article at Easter and I am really glad I just read it. I am upgrading to paid subscription with many thanks.
Keep going. Ethical people like you are diamonds
Thank you
thank you for the well laid out info, more dots are joining.
John Cain jr should say John Cain III
Kathy Sherriff refers to him John Cain Jnr. Although John Cain III is fitting for a ruling class actor.
🙏 very interesting
Thank you for all that you are doing to expose the evil that seeks to destroy us all.
cross posted at
Appreciation and blessings to you and yours Josephine.
Blessing to you on Easter Sunday: God, may we feel the warm embrace of your love on this sacred day. May the power of the resurrection remind us that with You, nothing is impossible or without hope. We pray this in Your name. Amen.
Amen !
Pontius meaning God of the sea Pilate meaning armed with a dart,one of Titus's many Pen names, Titus was Amen Ra Sol the creator author of All biblical scripture,why Jesus Lucifer was screaming out My God my God why have you forsaken me,Titus says after Sodom and Egypt where THEIR Lord was crucified KJV Satanic translation says where OUR lord was crucified, Read Matthew 26 53 where Titus Asks Vespasian (God, Archangel Micheal, Osiris) for 12 Legions of Angels (Romans) to crucify Jesus Lucifer along with 2 million House of David Satan, Titus was born on the 30th December and baptised 6th January,aka John the Baptist,Saints HOLY Roman Empire render to Caesar what is Caesars because he who creates owns, Septuagint LXX 70 the year Titus promised to return to slaughter all House of David Satan, Sabine Sancus Saints from the start of civilization, Mesopotamia,Meso means between Patamos means rivers,all that land was Ancient Greece , Titus aka Jesus says I'll make you fisherman of men (Pontius Pilate) another classic pen name was Arrius Piso Arrius means immortal Pistis means faith, Alpha and Omega, Josephus Ben Matthias,Ben means Son Matthias means Gift of God,aka Titus Flavius Josephus.
I try to help Peter Campion who is standing for the Qld seat of Cook in FNQ and he sent a letter to the Editor of The Cairns Post that I reproduced at
I don't normally include his phone or postal but I'm sure he wont mind.
The original email as fowarded to me is,
Re: 15 towns named on land grab list
The Editor
The Cairns Post
Like so many other divisive and illogical things in the current era, land grabs in the name of indigenous populations are taking place in every developed country, (15 towns named on land grab list, 17/08).
They don’t actually help the indigenous as the majority of them generally get locked out of those areas, too, while some tiny subset gets obscenely rich.
This globally-coordinated insanity is driven by the globalists that the Labor-Liberal UNiparty pretend don’t exist but to whom they’re loyal enough that they unquestioningly implement all the globalist policies against the will of the people they’re meant to be representing.
Nothing will improve until we elect only candidates who openly call out the inherent dangers to all humanity that the wealthy unelected foreign globalists represent.
(126 words)
Peter Campion
0418 749 594
PO Box 47 Tolga Qld 4882
Thank you.
Fascinating and highly plausible account. Your work on the referendum was outstanding and was instrumental in moving myself from a position of suspicion to outright hostility. Many others as well because I shared your work with our local community group on the South Coast of NSW, just north of you at Ulladulla.
It brings a number of disparate threads together that have occupied my time. You will see why this article provided some glue.
I had learned about Operation Gladio from Sibel Edmonds about 10 years ago. I have learned much about the nature of conflict from Daniele Ganser in various speeches and presentations he has given.
I am very familiar with theories surrounding Atlantis through the work of Daniel Liszt (aka The Dark Journalist) who extensively covers the occult, mystery schools, secret societies, the work of Rudolf Steiner, Edgar Cayce, Ouspensky and Blavatsky.
In a previous life I was a senior trade union official, a federal preselection candidate for the ALP and knew Shorten (amongst other ALP luminaries) from conferences, decades of shoulder rubbing etc. I now believe he was the beginning of the end of the trade union movement and that was indeed his allotted task. It worked. I no longer recognise anyone in the ALP or the trade union movement where I hold Life Membership. It is a hot mess that does not represent working people and is at least as sinister as you suggest.
I hope you can see why all these seemingly unrelated topics have come together with this article.
I missed this article at Easter and I am really glad I just read it. I am upgrading to paid subscription with many thanks.
Many thanks for the work you do.
Unfortunately I cannot read some of the information because the print is too small.