White brotherhood billionaires are using Indigenous peoples worldwide as the device to gain control over the world
They will only be happy when they own everything
Most have not noticed that there has been a rise in the global supremacy cult. It is hard to comprehend. None of us could possibly understand the depravity to which these insider billionaire traitors has sunk.
Even so, those who oppose them must understand that any behaviour is acceptable in the war against everyday people because for them the means always justify the ends. This includes using those who they view as inferior as the scapegoat device.
If we look closely at the Australia-based philanthro-path Andrew Forrest, it becomes clear that he is part of a global white brotherhood plot of scapegoating Indigenous peoples worldwide as the device to own everything.
Forrest’s supremacist cult credentials are intergenerational
Andrew Forrest's great-great uncle, Sir John Forrest, said Aboriginal Australians are to be treated like marsupials because of their inferior intelligence. Nothing has changed Aboriginal people are still at the very bottom of their phoney human worth scale. This is why they use us as the scapegoat device despite his crimes..

Forrest is a product of the murder and slavery on Forrest owned Mindaroo station.
Sir John Forrest was one of the most cruel and epic slave owners in Western Australia. Chaining Aboriginal child slaves by the neck. He was part of the British ruling class. He became the first premier for this crimes.
Instead of rebuking this sins of his ancestors, Andrew Forrest is proud of it.
Forrest credits Sir John as the inspiration for his fortune.
I like to know how Andrew Forrest became the face of the global anti-slavery movement? Without mentioning the fact that he inherited his wealth from Aboriginal slaves who were forced to work for the slaveholding Forrest family.
It is astonishing he has the nerve to credit one of his biggest slave holder forbears, Sir John Forrest, the cruelest of slave owners who again, chained 11-year-old Aboriginal children by the neck, for his success.
While prancing around the world as the face of the anti-slavery movement. I could think of nothing more repulsive.

Insider Billionaire traitor Forrest is so proud of the massacre of Aboriginal people that his forbears committed he named his foundation after it.
It is hard to understand what kind of despicable psychopath is so inspired by these horrendous crimes that they name their charity after them.
The Ruling class Forrest clan blocked freshwater springs, which meant traditional vegetation and native animals in the hunting ground vanished within three years of settlement.
As a consequence of their inhuman cruelty. Australians were put to death by the Forrest's for the crime of killing cattle on the land that the Forrest family stole from them. They gave them nothing in return except the death by execution. A bullet in the head.
A mass-murder of aboriginal people is documented as part of the establishment of Mindaroo station, in order to "clear the land".
Andrew Forrest continues the family's supremacy legacy today with blue blood Bill Gates and Green King Charles III.
This White Brotherhood supremacist cult are all related. They would not dare to mix with the everyday Australian. We are all on the end of their phoney tiers of worth.
In addition to his incredible privilege and wealth, Forrest's new generation sees little change. They still murder Australians.
Andrew Forrest uses his foundation to kill more Australians with his Covid Con Bioweapon. In collaboration with Bill Gates.

15 minute digital prisons for the peasants
The coordinator of a global insider traitor Billionaire Club network for the supremacist cult. Gates role is to bring in the WEF/UN Smart card for digital 15 minute prisons.
Tony Abbott's government allocated Aboriginal taxpayer funds to Andrew Forrest to create the WEF Smart card.
The UNi-party government paid Andrew Forrest while he was taken to the High Court for refusing to pay Aboriginal people what he owes.

To avoid paying his bills, Forrest has divided the Aboriginal community through a strategy of tension.
Now Andrew Forrest employs Disgraced Dictator Dan to finish the job
Indigenous spruiker, 15 min city, Disgraced Dictator Dan, chooses to work with Andrew Forrest a philanthro-path to further the agenda.
Is Dan Andrews' new role with Andrew Forrest accomplish the WEF/UN smart card rollout throughout Australia?
Not on our watch.
We are a staunch nation.
Australians are built tough.
Our ancestors worked to build this modern nation together against the odds. Within a few hundred years.
Whilst being sabotaged by Forrest’s ruling class supremacist cult.
All everyday Australians fought against their slavery conditions. Implemented from the inception. My great grandfather was liberated from it. Providing him with the ability to feed his family.
Now that we have built this beautiful country and a good life for our families, the ruling class, who brought us here in chains, wants to take it away from us.
To asset strip our vast natural resources.
Before the chained Australians arrived, our hunter-gatherer ancestors
survived. In the harshest conditions. Without hoofed animals to plough the land.
They walked this land in family clans of less than 100. Looking for food.
We must respect the memory of all our Australian forbears. Remembering their tenacity to survive. So we can be here today.
We will not allow Dan Andrews, Andrew Forrest, Bill Gates, King Charles III, and all all these supremacist cult criminals to force us back to pre-1800 conditions. Those were the days when people were not expected to live past their 30th birthday.
This would be disrespectful to the memory of our ancestors fighting to survive. They held hope in their hearts for a better life for future generations.
This is the fight they are going to lose.
Like many Australians, I grew up knowing how to hunt. We are the hunters, not the prey.
A wise elder once told me they can't destroy the Australian spirit. I have come to realise this is true. It is reflected in the hearts of Australians.
Wherever they come from, whether it be recent or 6 generations of Aussie, or longer. It does not matter.
We are equally Australian. What matters is what is in your heart. If Australia feels like home, then it belongs to you.
No one has the right to question that. Elders repeatedly told me this nationwide. They say this is the rule of the land. Which binds us together.
We will fight together, not each other. To come together with One Voice. To protect our country. Cause this is our home.
Well done Josephine. Thanks for doing this, it needed doing. What a disgusting heritage, much worse than I thought. Unreal.
Very interesting article. Informative, I now am enlightened as to who this Twiggy billionaire is. Thank you for the information I did not know he was a globalist so it explains alot about this fellow. Horrible family history nothing to be proud of there. He shoulda feel some sense of the need to make good by charitable donations especially to the first nation people who his family has so obviously abused, I am told Gina Rhinehart gives a lot to various charities.