The word is getting out.
Our Prime Minister knows that no Australian stands to gain from The Voice, especially Aboriginal people; and much will be stolen from all.
They are selling the big lie Voice/Treaty/Truth.
The shocking realisation is that Albo’s globalist controllers want the Australian people to own nothing and be happy.
Canadian, US and New Zealand territory is similarly being targeted by the Globalists.
Australians can fight this when they know the tactics; divide and conquer; using black and white; creating confusion; distraction; so we don't know who the real enemy is.
Globalists use infiltration; subversion; gradualism; lies; traitors; demoralisation agents; fake freedom leaders; compromised political parties; the Big Lie Media to destroy our valued institutions; industry bodies; clubs and organisations.
The key to winning is rebuilding the networks they've trashed.
You, your friends, your family, your neighbours have superior knowledge and networks to the enemies. They are very weak.
Our strength is our human connection.
We have the numbers. It starts with you; on your street; be bold; be brave.
We have a country to save.
Don't listen to their lies. Focus on the enemy.
They want us to turn on our countrymen for being betrayed. Help them, help you, help yourself to save Australia. Our job is to assist Australians to come to terms with the betrayal.
Australia is the only Western country not to suffer from black lives matter destruction. We can do it again.
Lest We Forget.
We fought together in WW2 so all Australians would have a VOICE.
Our heroes honored us with liberty. Lest we take this for granted.
My son Joseph is extremely proud to be related to Reg Saunders. The first Aboriginal Soldier to be made a Captain in the Australian Army.
His father fought in WW1 and Reg Saunders military career started in WW2.
This Anzac Day we will remember:
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
Standby, as One Voice Australia, will provide the tools to make Australia for Australians again.
Stephen Reason’s brilliant piece THE VOICE TO PARLIAMENT: The United Nations' Agenda 2030, and how 'The Voice' will be Used to Steal Australian Land & Assets must be read by everyone.
To save our country share Stephen Reason's article:
Wow, two very well researched and written pieces. Labor is pushing to lower the voting age to 16 to get things like this across the line, because the YES numbers are with the young & brainwashed. As most parents of young teens are home owners or wannabee home owners, this is who must hear this - let them know they won't own anything if the UN has its way - and let their kids know they'll inherit NOTHING. Appealing to greed is sadly, a means of getting messages across. Josephine Cashman, THANK YOU!!!!!
I don’t need a special voice to Canberra but I would appreciate an eye on the politicians …
More transparency: Our Army is to re~equip at a cost of $19 Billion. Do I wait for the budget?