For a number of decades, British agent Soros has been rolled out as the frontman for coloured revolutions everywhere. To hide the British ruling-class masterminds/tax haven puppetmasters.1
Investigative journalist Richard Poe exposed British Agent George Soros's Coloured Revolution tactics for more than 30 years.2
He says royal purple is the team colour for this international globalist insurgency.
Richard Poe is the worldwide expert on Coloured Revolutions. I feel immensely grateful Poe responded to my plea for help. Richard believed me as an insider whistle-blower. I could see, that they are using Aboriginal people worldwide as the scapegoat to take our homes, country and our land for asset stripping.3
The Royal Purple Coloured Revolution today is international. For the rollout of Agenda 2030/The Great Reset. To see everyone own nothing. To be put into a ghetto archipelago of UN Smart City correctional facilities.
OSTF insurgent pseudo-law cult, of Fake Claimers and Judas Goats: spokesperson David Cole admits their goal is a "revolution" to bring in a "collective" Australia ...
When OSTF Bruce-Shill Snr wears purple feathers, does he think he is a prince? With his purple headdress, he insults Aboriginal people. Bruce Shillingworth is demanding the British Soros Purple Colour Revolution. He wants a new flag, an anthem, and a new constitution. Australians think he's a joke. He's a grifter and a Judas Goat with no followers. Bruce Shillingsworth Snr has been identified by Aboriginal people as a child abuser. Yet this OSTF cult leader insurgent was given centre stage at the phoney No protests.
OSTF have for more than 2 decades, claimed to hold blackmail child abuse material on our 'leaders' in positions of public trust. Is this why our compromised politicians joined OSTF at the No protests to legitimise insurgent cult 'leaders' and the Purple Coloured Revolution?
Someone paid and arranged for the Shillingsworth family to dance in Royal purple. We are seeing the worldwide Purple Coloured Revolution insurgency. Beware, they are paid by the corporate mafia to destroy the No campaign. They need to divide to destroy Australia using Aboriginal people as the scapegoat. So billionaire ruling class families like Simon Holmes à Court can pick up the spoils of our collapse.
Andrew Bolt who positions himself as the brave champion of free speech, stammers on camera, when confronted with the evidence of corruption and abuse. Knowing there is evidence including an Australian Crime Commission's 7-year investigation. Finding that Aboriginal Affairs is run by organised crime.4 It became clear that Bolt was part of an operation to silence the elders' voices. I was representing to bring to justice a government-funded paedophile 'leader' of the Uluru Corporate Voice Con.
Andrew Bolt is legitimising the OSTF purple-coloured revolutionists.
I grew up in Aboriginal Australia, both in remote and rural communities nationwide. I've never, ever seen a black fella wear Royal Purple. OSTF Judas Goat Bruce Shillingsworth Jr. wore Royal Purple earlier this month on the day a jury found him guilty of being a mastermind of the Old Parliament House $5.3M arson.
Bolt is endangering Australia elevating Bruce Shillingsworth Jnr a convicted arsonist. He is also a con convicted of impersonating a police officer.

He is part of OSFT calling a coup for foreign forces to invade Australia cause we commit genocide against the "original people."
Ironically, OSTF British ruling class handlers are responsible for all genocides around the world as the most evil empire ever. Yet they blame everyday Australians for acts their ancestors were not responsible for. In fact, everyday Australians tried to protect their countrymen regardless of skin colour, as in the past and today. Now, they are shaming the Australian people into giving up their country and liberty for what the British Ruling Class did to their countrymen.
Bolt is a traitor. He needs to be sacked.
They are so desperate for you not to know the truth
They've got a serious violent sex offender I helped put away for more than 26 years. To get a message to me delivered by multiple people. He wants to know where I live. Desperate people do desperate things. Don't fear. I don't.
Threatening me and not the victim proves I'm the target. The message is clear shut up or else. I say give it your best shot. No one can silence my voice. Warning my countrymen. To protect all Australians. I fear no one.
As the whistle-blower of this massive plot against the people of the world, I have been attacked, undercut, threatened with imprisonment, swiped and knocked countless times. I have always fought back stronger than ever before. I am just as determined as ever. I am not afraid.
The Aussie Rats of Tobruk won the first campaign to stop the undefeated Blitzkrieg attack. To turn WW2 around in our favour. Seeing the defeat of the fascist Axis powers. We also stopped the backstabbing Ruling Class Brits’ Victorian Globalism. "New Order" agenda for the Empire 2.0. That we face together today.
Upon reading a British Propaganda article about the defence of Tobruk. LT GEN Leslie Morshead addressed our Brave Diggers with: “We're not here to Take it, we're here to Give it.”
Australians are the same. I can feel and smell the win. Like you can before it rains. I'm good. When the Australian people are winning I'm grinning.
Another brilliantly stated observation. You are not the first former Prosecutor to be targeted by the criminals that we have put behind bars. The breakdown of genuine law and order throughout the Australian legal system in recent decades has been due to infiltration and corruption by transnational criminals in every aspect of our Australian government from Federal down to local council level. There is no protection for former criminal investigators or prosecutors. The worst part is finding out that those at the highest levels of policing and law and throughout the entire Executive and Parliamentary and at the highest levels of the Judiciary the same transnational criminals who protect their lower level criminal assets right down to the convicted child rapists serving time in jail who have nothing to fear by even targeting former criminal investigators and prosecutors. We are beyond a National Security Emergency at this stage. God Bless you Josie and all you do to try to save your Country by your intelligence, brilliance and fearless truth telling.
Wish I shared your resolute confidence that the NO vote will prevail on October 14....hope you're right.